How's your indie flick coming along, user?
/fmg/ Filmmaking General
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Where's a good place to find actors who will work for free?
In the process of writing the script. It's a coming of age film inspired by Larry Clark's Bully.
Don't quote me on this, but I think any aspiring actors would do it just for the exposure
i just need va's for my animated epic
will your wifes son help you??
Fucking terribly. I start shooting in 3 weeks and I've got so much to organise. Finding locations and working out schedules is such a bitch
I'm going to start filming soon.
It's a mini series of 4 episodes and each episode last 13 minutes. It's going to be about a dude and his imaginary friend(puppet) that he created to have someone to talk with. And each episode is going to be about a subject. The first one about himself, the second is going to be about his few friends, the third one about family and the last one about the puppet.
What are some of the preliminary things I should do before shooting a film?
Nothing, just start shooting
No I mean as far location scouting and shit like that.
I use Starnow, I'm not sure if that's popular in your country but it works well for me.
A lot of actors will work for free purely for showreel material, though obviously unpaid actors likely won't yield amazing performances.
Just make sure to treat them well, keep them fed etc. That's the least you could do
Just make sure you know EXACTLY what you'll be doing on the days of shooting. Keep a rock solid schedule and don't leave anything til the last minute because you could stress yourself out too much and you'll be scrambling to get shit done.
Get a friend to help out with organizing and managing shooting days if you can. A problem shared is a problem halved.
I've been wanting to direct a long time now but i have awful writers block and coming up with ideas for short films is hard as fuck to me. I kinda wanna kill myself, writers block is terrible.
I'd want to start out with something you can realistically direct as well as write. Say, a indie comedy instead of a big budget action or fantasy flick.
Also watch some more movies and sometimes ideas will come to you.
i too have this problem but it is more accurate to call it "lack of imagination/talent/intelligence"
Your best bet is to watch more TV, movies, read more, and play video games if you like.
I find that many of my premises are inspired by things I watch and play. As the great Nasir Jones said, "No idea's original, there's nothing new under the sun. It's never what you do, but how it's done."
Would this script make a good film?
Is that yours? If you're serious and not one of those faggots posting a script of the Plane scene from The Dark Knight Rises, I'll give it a read later on today and email you
I'm gonna check this out and get back to you if this thread's still alive
backstage with a passcode for the listing