ITT post movie tropes that you actually like instead of hate
>villain enters the scene
>slow claps and congratulates the protagonists on their progress so far
ITT post movie tropes that you actually like instead of hate
>villain enters the scene
>slow claps and congratulates the protagonists on their progress so far
Other urls found in this thread:
>so u be sayin' we're some kind of ™?
>villain's top henchman is actually quite honorable
>protagonist gets captured
>makes a quip
>henchman gets angry and punches him in the face
>makes another quip
>time to quip my way out of this one!
>cop one week from retirement dies
>good guy has been captured and beaten by henchmen
>boss villain comes down to his level and asks politely for information
>good guy spits blood on him and grunts "fuck you"
>villain calmly fuckin kills the dude and says something like "have it your way"
>protagonist and antagonist staring each other down
>so who talks first, do I talk first?
>sexy and stronk female protagonist strips down and sits on Ellen Page's face
>evil villain has some principles and lines he does not cross
>evil villain tries to rationalize his evil deeds with logic
I hate the 2 dimensional Evil for the sake of Evil bad guys.
I love these ones.
>protagonist and his team are down on their luck
>seem to lose the fight
>long awaited back-up is incoming
>"finally, there's the cavalry!"
>You won't kill me!
>You're right, I won't... but HE will!
>villain has a British accent
I just can't take American sounding villains seriously, this is coming from someone who speaks both accents daily.
>right-hand man of the protagonist does not 100% agree with the cause
>as the movie progresses he has more and more doubts if he's on the right side
>Thanks for saving my life
>Don't thank me yet
of the PROtagonist?
any examples where this happens? or did you just fuck up and meant "antagonist"?
>Protagonist and his girl meet up after a long while
>Girl gives him a slap before kissing him
>"I deserved that" is optional
no i meant protagonist
example would be Pyro in X-Men 2
>top henchman has hero disarmed
>throws his weapon back him
>mutual nod of respect
>protaganist has to deal with the big boss's silent and stoic bodyguard before advancing.
Makes it even better if we've seen him throughout the movie but he's never had to do anything till that moment.
oh right, I remember.
you're right. that's actually a pretty neat trope.
>from my point of view, are evil
Even better with a mute cutie as the henchwoman.
Finding strength in suffering. I guess it is best visible in Malick's films.
>movie has kurt russell delivering cheesy but somehow based quips
>semi-forced but appropriate wink-wink title drops
>antagonist is not really a bad guy and protagonist(s) are anti-heroes
>female villain/henchwoman from (eastern) europe who is an 8+/10
>getting caught was part of the plan
>no inhibition woman gets casually naked in front of a shy woman
This is my trope and fetish.
>title is dropped in the dialogue at some point in the film
>getting caught was part of the plan
my favourite trope
mfw game of thrones has both of these
Why do you speak two different accents daily?
He's a capeshit hero with a secret identity.
I appreciate that somebody took the time to make this image
Cheesy as fuck quips or one-liners.
>protagonist has some rare ability, device or ally that makes him exceptional and he uses it to get the upper hand in his adventures
>main antagonist turns out to have the same rare ability/device/kind of ally
Pity this one was eliminated from Kill Bill
>villain is so strongly principled that he kills himself over *thinking* that he broke one of them
>"alright so here's the plan"
>shows the execution of each step as the narrator describes it
>protagonist getting his ass kicked in the final fight and about to get executed by the villain
>suddenly notices a brutal way to kill him with the environment
>protagonist thinks he has the upper hand and confronts the villain directly
>they start a fight and the villain can defend himself easily
>protagonist has an "oh shit" moment
>gets BTFO by villain
are you thinking about 'in bruges'? because i am
>snivelling cowardly underling gets away before it's too late
Not enough of this in fiction.
>time for plan B
>this is plan B!
God damn I miss brutal environmental kills. Total Recall comes to mind.
I don't think Richter made it to the party
Name an example that is not batman vs superman.
>Inb4 they are not the villanz
>the bad guy and the good guy were working for the same person
>my favourite trope
of course
>The bad guy becomes one of the good guys in the sequel
No, some henchman from O-ren. In the script the Bride says something like "you know I'm gonna cut all of you to pieces. You can spare yourselves. Just leave". One them actually leaves his weapons and gets out, not before agreeing that the Bride owes him one.
>"So, who's with me?"
>Everybody steps forward
>They all turn back
>Cut to bully/smartass character
>"Ah, what the hell, I don't have anything better to do"
Every kung fu movie ever?
That's sensible, but not honourable
>protagonist suspects his wife is cheating
>walks in on her to make sure
>she's fucking a black guy
>Bad guy turns out to be not so bad
>Helps good guys
>Turns out he really was the bad guy along and was just playing the good guys
>the hero dies content at the end
even though maze runner was a shitty movie, i like that they broke that trope and the bully/smartass refused and BTFO'd them in the end
I guess Bud was kinda honourable. Told Bill that the Bride deserved her revenge, and they all deserved to die.
>easily annihilates all the evil politicians henchmen
>presumes hes just some pencil pusher pussy who'll surrender
>he actually grabs a gun and starts operating like a mad cunt
it's not really a trope, but people being hyper-competent at some specific thing is always cool. Think Jim and Dwight in the Traveling Salesmen episode of The Office
For a total psycho bitch, Elle Driver was weirdly honorable when she killed Bud for 'killing' Beatrix the way he did and during the fight with the Bride.
This is a thread for movie cliches, not your fantasies
Has anyone ever pointed this out in a movie?
Something like
>"We should keep him isolated from everyone else and inside a cage that doesn't open electronically just in case getting caught was part of his plan."
What's the name of that movie where the white guy walks in on his blonde wife fucking a nig and holds them hostage? It came out last year, I think?
>Training by regular beatings
>Eventually catch/dodge one blow and fire one of their own back.
>It narrowly misses the mentor who raises their eyebrows then smirks
>expecting a female character to be the one to deal with a female villain to avoid accusations of muh sexism
>it's actually a male character who gets to ruthlessly beat the shit out of her and brutally kill her
>good guy and bad guy have to join forces to combat larger issue
>male and female look at eachother
>immediately cuts to them fucking
he cucked him of his wife.... he'll cuck him of his life...
Fuck yeah
With some cool jazz beat over the montage as well.
i genuinely can't think of a movie where this happened, post 1 (one) singular movie where this happened
>protag can choose between object and safely leaving
>escapes and lives
>villian gets the same choice, stays to steal object
>antagonist and protagonist team up to fight a greater evil
>previous villain works with the good guy because the other villain is just too evil, even for him
>henchman joins the protag after being betrayed by the villain
all god tier tropes
The Last Crusade
what else?
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Every Indiana Jones movie.
thats all i got sen, one of my favourite movies.
Die Hard 4.0 and X-Men 2
thanks user
The Mummy
not Temple of Doom.
I've looked at thousands of girls and this has never happened to me
because you're ugly, user
Rush Hour 2
you have to master your time manipulation powers more bro
>everyday person is almost killed by antagonist
>they literally just call the police who are not incompetent and do their best to protect them
>the police who are not incompetent and do their best to protect them
that's some deep fucking fantasy you got there
Treasure Planet came close, but then decided not to follow through.
Double Impact
The Punisher 1989
I like that trope too.
With that frog shit I can tell you get 0 bitches
Hold this L, fuccboi
>protagonist meets person who designs their suit/costume/weapons
>"I made some changes on this one. I think you're gonna like it."
>mexican standoff with multiple people with different motivations
>they debate who will shoot who if one of them shoots
I don't know if you'd vall this a trope, but when movies have scenes that are united human emotion, like a large crowd of people running together.
I guess something more tropry would be when the main character is arrogant and gets punished severely for it.
Sacrifices honorable mention.
>character is established as the very best at something
>is never shown being beaten at it, despite lots of chances
>Followed up with the plan actually being executed and being fucked in so many ways before even getting close to the final steps of it
>You're a loose cannon, detective. And I don't like your methods. But god DAMNIT you get results.
>female tortures someone and makes it sexual
>black guy is the explosives expert
John Wick was kinda the opposite.
Everyone kept saying how great he was at his job, but he was constantly getting his ass kicked.