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the night of was great. also soe wire fags in it
good morning, sundae fags,
>tfw someone's rewatching the sopranos at the same pace as me
>tfw am a /goolposter/
>went to sleep at 4am after watching S5E2
>woke up dis mornin'
>at 8:30 am
>I will never get a new mattress to sleep on that isn't 20 years old
>wish I had a crew so I could pull jobs and make money to buy a new goddamn mattress
i havent rewatched 'pranos in over a year. i just like vito jr. posting.
Whadda you hear, whaddya say?
m'boy you are fat
Just remembered the episode with the football coach where Chrissy 'finds' the coach's family dog that isn't missing.
One of the best early episodes I think.
>it's a meadow fucks a pasta-head moolie to piss off her parents episode
its my fav episode for sure. artie was great in it to, and as we all know, artie is the most kino character from the sopranos show.
Favorite character?
Favorite episode?
Favorite season?
Also the ending death of Jackie was too much for me
I like to think The Wire and The Sopranos existed in the same universe.
I say that at work all the time now
>wake up
>go to catalog to check on wire thread from last night
>see this
ya got me
I should really watch through this again
Is there a feels Artie? There's gotta be.
Noah is your typical Malick poster.
I don't know about an Artie feels guy, but I have a Paulie Pepe
And a VERY good evening to you, Sopranofag!
Does anyone have a Webm of Artie jamming out at the Crazy Horse?
I like to think so too. There's an episode in S2 where Paulie or Silvio mentions meeting "The Greek."
I been readin dat Sun Tuh'zoo, Ton' turned me onta him
>Jumped outta da tree came at me witta chainsaw
You sayin we had relations?
God, rewatching the series really let's you see how much of a fuck up Paulie is.
Do you think Feech was in the right?
Not defending Paulie, I was gonna post this question anyways
Is this how it's spelled?
>Capicola? Bring it to me!
>tfw unironically miss eating cappicola ham but it's expensive even if I buy it at the deli by the slice
Is gorging on 'gool a sign of wealth for the Soprano crew?
He sure as hell didn't help things. Feech was an old bastard but Paulie was a fuck up. He's the one who told Johnny Sack about Ralphie's joke, and he's the one who started shit with the interior decorator.