>late 40s
>nothing but bit parts as 'Chatty Woman' or 'Angry Woman'
>suddenly gets lead role in a highly anticipated franchise
what a rise to stardom. How did this miracle happen?
Late 40s
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Isn't she a regular on SNL?
And given the original cast of course they would look to snl.
Nothing weird here.
She is a featured player but often get more screen time than the main cast.
It's not a miracle, you twat. How did Miley Cyrus get so popular. Idiots like you took the bait. Stupid faggots like yourself love drama, and controversy. You may be on the opposite side, but your still playing the game.
>reviewers saying that she is just a stereotype in the movie and that's racist
>they don't know that's how she is in real life and not an act
I don't think her star will rise much from here.
Someone post an uglier human being.
>suddenly gets a ride on a career killer.
This is her first film and it'll be her last.
that was mean
It was the truth user
Cultural marxism.
I'm not Sup Forums, but how the fuck can any person be this fucking ugly? I've met literal Downies and Autists more attracgive than her. How the fuck did she get into any sort of public profession looking like that?
one time i got an asian girls phone number from k-mart
>What kind of haircut you want?
>Give me that cartoon explosive cigar look real quick
>Got your back senpai
What does that mean, Sup Forums-kun?
Why is she wearing make up? Damn this eyeshadow and lipstick might hide how ugly I am. She looks at the mirror and leaves the house pleased with the job she's done?
How much time did you spend hating on women online after that?
Because now you are uglier.
>Give me that cartoon explosive cigar look
>human being
But she's not human.
They needed a black female comedian and there aren't many to pick from
White liberals think race is skin deep and black people are just like them deep down. They literally can't believe it when they see niggers acting like niggers, so they make up all sorts of excuses for them
Impossible, I'm trying to find a gorilla that's uglier and having difficulty.
The Jews are trying to normalise blacks and trick us into believing they are human
Fucking lol
how many of you guys would have committed suicide by now without the quasi socialization of bitching about ghostbusters to live for? because I don't think even you poor slobs can keep spinning it out indefinitely
I see this rhetoric a lot here and I'm not arguing against it but I'm genuinely curious, what do Jews gain by empowering blacks and making them more prominent in the media?
honestly i feel pretty bad for the hate she and boyooga get. its not them personally, its the jews out to give them the roles. of course they're gonna take it, who the fuck wouldnt take a ghostbusters or star wars movie as a struggling entertainer
Trying to trick other people, user. The Wise Men of Zion know how marginal and irrelevant Sup Forums types are even if the Sup Forums types themselves don't.
Was it the Jews who imported them to this country by the shipload , enslaved them, and then forced them to live in Ghettos for a century and a half?
She hasn't really done anything wrong and it's not her fault she looks like that. Hopefully she's happy with her money or whatever.
Sucks for her. She gets more work and less money.
>imported them
actually yes.
Did Jews do the holocaust?
Melissa McCarthy redux
What does that even mean? Do you mean did they fabricate the entire thing? You'll have to be more specific
To further push their white genocide agenda. By normalising and desensitising minorities for the next coming generations, those generations will believe multiculturalism and multiracialism in a white man's nation as a normal thing.
Whites are down to what now, 60%? 70%? of the US's population in contrast to 90% in the early to mid 1900's. It's racial displacement to displace the white demographics in whites own countries and make them a minority in the countries they themselves built, colonised, mapped, made the laws, constitutions, republics, democracies, freedoms and cultures of. When white people are racially displaced to a minority, the country will slowly start reflecting a 3rd world nation of the niggers and parasites that start to become the majority demographic.
Why JEWS in particular are doing this? Because whites have been their greatest adversary through all of history who keep outing them for being slippery snakes. since 250AD Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries and territories for pretty much the same things: usury, controlling money, manipulating national integrity, implementing cultural marxism etc.
And if you've read the Talmud you know that Talmudic, zionist Jews believe that "goyims" sole purpose in existence was to be placed on Earth by god to serve the "chosen people" being them, the Jews. And by mixing all the races together while they stay ethnically homogeneous means they'll have an easier and more subservient race of a lower IQ to serve them that won't keep retaliating like Europe did in the 20th century after being outed for the 109th time.
Please don't compare that thing to a Gorilla. Gorillas are beautiful creatures.
She was only hired because people accused the show and Lorne Michaels of being racist.
>My review: Please do not listen to any of these politically correct shill reviewers. Im a gender egalitarian and im all for womens rights but this Ghostbusters movie is anything but equal. This ghostbusters trashes on men so much. Like holy shit. Chris hemsworth is the only main male guy and hes a dunce, useless, and he is constantly harrassed by the women. Its disgusting to see this double standard exist. Fuck this movie. Fuck paul feig. The CGI is shit. Kate Mckinnon is great. Christ hemsworth is great (in a bad role). Leslie jones is portraying a racist and stereotypical black woman. I cant vent enough about how much this movie sucked and how racist, cliche-ridden, disgusting, disrespectful, and just downright unjust to men and wonen. Sorry i had to vent. Honestly the worst movie ive ever gone to see. Im ashamed i went to an early premiere. Im ashamed at the film industry for producing this piece of shit. And im ashamed at thise SJW and politically correct reviewers who are too afraid to voice their real opinions or are being paid by sony to say something positive (which has happened before). This is disgrace. Do not support this movie. Its not helping women or men. I dont care that its an all female lead cast but dont go bashing guys the whole time and fucking creating stereotypes of men and women. FUCK. Sorry i had to vent.
What did he mean by this?
Are there any other black "funny" women to pick from? seriously i can't think of one
Hitler was actually a jew. And the Nazi party had some jews as well.
So one could argue so.
The jews did run Atlantic slave trade operations, probably a minority though. Communists were trying to sow discord between the races in the US as early rge 20s
There are, but all of them are tied up in sitcoms all the time.
> Fixing my Grandmother's iPhone
> She says "That is an ugly woman"
> Look up
> See her
> Go "I agree"
> Continue fixing her phone
And that was the most shit I gave about her in over 3 months.
>Hitler was actually a Jew
Fuck off you halfwit, knuckle dragging chimp. The Heidler family tree had no Jewish ancestry. You know full well yourself that your source is your own ass. You're the kind of fucking moron who parrots the first thing they hear because it conveniently fits your narrative. You're the kind of moron who thinks Hitler had 1 ball or Hitler had syphilis or any other of the fucking variety of bullshit stories people weave so susceptible halfwits like yourself can parrot them. You're the equivalent of that fucking kid who spread false rumors in primary school because you think they're funny or genuinely true.
>I made a thesis on this apparent phenomenon
>in each of my interviews i never mentioned this apparent phenomenon, which therefore back ups my aim that the phenomenon exists
university is a waste of space. it really fucking is. I have a degree in mechanical engineering before someone moans
> Woman
> In her late 40s
> No children
> Anything but sad
What a waste. I can understand looking at her though.
>amazing leggings
absolute fuccboi
It was other blacks in Africa that did the enslavement.
im doing what i can to avoid the university route. trying to get into engineering through the apprenticeship path. your degree wasnt worth it?
apprenticeship is the way to go. degree is useful dpending on right subject but Im just left with a huge student loan and zero experience with all these companies wanting experience.
do you know much about mechanical precision engineering?
i would probably prefer something more computer/CNC based as opposed to workshop floor type stuff, which is what comes to mind when i think of mech. eng. maybe i'm just uninformed