The main character of the last game you played is replaced with Snot from American Dad. How fucked are you?

The main character of the last game you played is replaced with Snot from American Dad. How fucked are you?

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How about go fuck yourself OP

>watching shitty mcfarlene shows


I'm sure someone already made a playermodel

I'll probably have to keep him out of melee combat, but I bet the campaign resource bonuses are god-tier.

Seth has never had much to do with american dad, luckily

>american dad

American Dad is great, you fucking pleb

seasons 1-7 were gold.

The newer episodes are shit.

>season 1-2

how are they not good?

Of all the characters to choose for a thread like this, and you chose a minor side-character from American Dad?

I was bored while shooting the shit with my brother and just said "Snot from American dad is the protagonist of the last game you played, GO"

and we were laughing our asses off because he said LISA

They're ok but not as farce and too political

>Main character of Battlefield 1
Well whatever, either way Schmuely's gonna get shot by Jerry.
Either that or he wises up, becomes a mortar/field gun specialist and gets to live and only to get gassed in about 20 years.

Snot is literally Steve's best friend and has had several dedicated 'friendship' episodes, like when his dad dies or the DoJoe Biden episode. He's arguably more of a character than Klaus at this point.

Fuck that, lets raise the stakes a bit.
The last character you played as has been kidnapped and forcibly replaced by Roger Smith (his own doing). What havoc does he wreck on the game's world?

Mount & Blade. He has 6 volatile factions to fuck with, he'd have the time of his life.

fuck this is a game changer.
Under the Skin on PS2. It would be the same damn game, though.

The posters on your favourite board have been replaced by underage fags who unironically like american dad. How fucked are you?

pretty fucked because I'm not leaving anytime soon

>underage fags
if 30 years old is underaged you're fucking delusional.

neo-Sup Forums is just full of fucking buzzwords now, isn't it?

The posters on your favorite board have been replaced by retards who hate things because its cool to, how fucked are you?

This shouldve been OP.


I guess he'd rape the boys too now.

just how new are you

I'd be thankful that they're not underage fags that unironically like Family Guy. Good taste goes a long way, you plebeian.


>Monster Hunter Generations

Snot's gonna try to cosplay his fucking Satyr with the goddamn Hunting Horn and he's gonna fall on his ass too many times to count because he's a weak little shit.

Like fucking poetry.

that time has passed, this era is now nu/v/


This isn't Facebook. Why don't you Seth Mcfuckoff


He's not a very coordinated child. He'd be dead at world 1.

Just how autistic are you?

>likes american dad
>calls others a pleb

I wouldn't be able to tell the difference

Mfw there are people who think family Guy and American Dad are high quality comedy.
I bet you faggots haven't even heard of Terrence Gilliam

>lean mean rean machine

Well at least the power of friendship will help them win. Hopefully Snot doesn't hold back.

Sounds fun.

>Dissidia 012 Duodecim
Roger vs Chaos and his entire army, Jesus Christ.

since i don't like snot I would kill him over and over again

let it die

Every other comedy cartoon > American Dad >>> Family Guy >>>>>>>>>>>> The Cleveland show

i dunno. It's one of the most bland characters from the show.

And gay for Steve

The only good one of his shows left

>Yokai Watch

Roger in ANY Level 5 game is asking for touble

There are some gems, like the Simpsons, venture bros, Ren and stimpy, Rick and Morty. Otherwise American cartoons are just gossip trash furthering a degenerative culture

>bit.trip FATE
Well, on the bright side, Commander Video doesn't fucking die now.

I didn't know he had a good show to begin with. Always seemed like a hack to me.

>hates everything
>spouts off about things he knows nothing about
>ayy lmao

Is Roger /ourguy/?

There's actually quite a few gems, but the ones who just make weekly social commentary episodes rise to the top

>the last of us
I'm not sure.

I liked the first two seasons of Senpai Guy

>Metal Gear rising

I'm sure he could handle it.

>Snot as the archon from DoW: Soulstorm
oh man, he would get betrayed before the game booted up.

>any of those besides Rick and Morty

That makes sense. It's the same as the fucking YouTube algorithm

roger would toss ellie to the clickers to save his own ass, get cornered, then cry

What video game is this?

>venture brothers
You take that back right the fuck now, you shit-sucking faggot.

>All these haters on American Dad when it's literally /our show/

American Dad is fucking garbage.

Family Guy Online

Haha, holy shit, hilarious. Did you have sex with your brother?

The last one you played, user.

holy fucking shit

These threads are getting worse

I'm having a hard time figuring you out. You're either underaged, getting into the flavor of the month, very very stupid, or just a troll.
To be honest, it could very well be all of those reasons at once.

Sounds really funny actually.

Being a bitter bitch against a cartoon that actually manages to be funny here and there, and then having the gall to bring up post-ironica nonsense into it in any manner or form is something plebeian worthy, user.

I'd much rather like something out of Seth's library that isn't total trash so I can conceal my power level for when I have to sit around with acquaintances or family who figure Family Guy is in any way a good show, instead of being an idiot that just caustically hates on everything that isn't told to them exclusively on what's the best.

>Rick and Morty
>Better than Venture Brothers

C'mon now, dude.

>show that went past its prime over a decade ago
>random unfunny shit
>edgy, violent canuck shit

If you like any of the other three you are an underaged faggot. Get the fuck over it, Chump.

How old are you? Simpsons used to be god-tier

Peter Griffin just reminisced about being in the last video game you played! What did he say about it?

You forgot Aqua Teen Hunger Force bruh.

>Dragon Quest Builders
So every town and city he makes is a sex dungeon blasting Bananarama with piles of corpses?

>look mom, i posted it again

too political? examples

>>random unfunny shit
>venture brothers
I'm afraid you have terminally bad taste, user.
There is no cure.

>Roger kidnaps Noctis

>moved to Sup Forums
>Not /trash/

isn't that what that board is for?

Wait, since when could you move threads to Sup Forums?
I though /trash/ was the one you moved threads to.

I'll admit it's weird, I haven't been on Sup Forums in a decade.

Holy crap, there was actually a mod on Sup Forums.

>played Fallout 3 last night
I haven't left the vault yet

I like how you come in here just to let everybody know that you don't like what is being talked about. Good job, you did it! Pats for Patrick!

I'll just get this out of the way now.
Yes, the other boys are getting fucked.

Why Sup Forums? Fucking disgusting

I bet they have a tranny porn thread going

The mod clearly fucked up

Not me but I personally like Rick and Morty better than Venture Bros. The early seasons never really stuck with me, but the overarching plot that comes and goes with the show is pretty cool. Otherwise, hit and miss for me.

so i make a thread shitposting that has SOMETHING to do with vidya, it gets pushed to Sup Forums, but last night an MLP thread was up for 2 hours and a thread about an user's cock was up for almost a whole day.

god damn

Leak/see any snapchat users private pics/nudes with snap leak .cf! Sup Forumsros use it before it's patched and don't share it.