Has anyone noticed a reoccurring theme in all the positive Top Critic reviews for this movie so far?

Has anyone noticed a reoccurring theme in all the positive Top Critic reviews for this movie so far?

Alison Willmore - BuzzFeed
"Remaking this beloved film with women as leads is an act revolutionary enough to attract the ire of legions of Ghostbros insisting that the very concept will warp time and space to retroactively ruin their childhoods."

Liz Braun - Toronto Sun
"The idea that an all-female ghost busting team might be a problem is rubbish; the idea that Leslie Jones’ casting is racist because she’s not a scientist is rubbish; the notion that remaking the movie could only be bad is rubbish.
What is true, haters, is that girls really do have sharp teeth all up in there. Sorry."

Barry Hertz - Globe and Mail
"Why so many (mostly male) fans of the original series decided to take up arms against this reboot in the first place is a mystery. Well, maybe not so much a mystery as just a dispiriting reminder that misogyny is alive and well on the Internet, where it can metastasize to gross extremes with zero justification."

Manohla Dargis - New York Times
"It’s hard to know if the movie started off being as meta as it now plays, but when these Ghostbusters are labeled frauds — or crack jokes about ugly online comments or take on a fan boy from hell — it sure feels as if Mr. Feig and his team are blowing gleeful raspberries at the project’s early sexist attackers."

Robert Abele - The Wrap
"Ignore the haters – the new gender-reversed superteam, headed by Melissa McCarthy, turn this nostalgia-heavy update into a diverting summer comedy."

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I hate this Country.

Grow up manbaby

Looks like a fun summer blockbuster. Go cry to your world of warcraft guild

Sony PR tell them what to write.

>muh men boogeyman

shame based marketing and virtue signaling mob mentality

1) Have rights to beloved franchise.
2) Remake it, not with new ideas, but with an ALL FEMALE!!! cast.
3) Internet misogynists can't resist the bait.
4) Film gets gobs of free publicity and is critic-proofed.
5) Film goes on to make more money than Titanic, but not Avatar.
6) More ALL FEMALE!!! reboots ensue.

I'd like to congratulate you all for being fucking retarded. Go celebrate with capeshit.

this is the future you chose cucks


This movie was already fucked the moment it was banned in China.
There is no way the box office return will be anything short of a disappointment.

Maybe if we make 50 more threads here and on Reddit about how much we hate this movie they'll stop using so-called "haters" to promote it!

>more money than Titanic
>without the chinese market
I don't really think this is possible.

>s-stop pointing out the bias in reviews!
>this only helps them... uh, somehow

Fieg, get the fuck out of here.

Holy shit, China is literally going to be our savior from the SJWs

why was it banned in china?

Shit what? Explain user I didn't her anything about that

animal cruelty whacking make up and clothing on a gorilla

They have a no-ghost rule in their media. It's part of a censorship ban they have on anything that promotes superstition or cults.

Why is everyone so damn shocked that this reviewed well? This is exactly the type of movie that reviews well in this day and age, regardless of the gender of the cast. The idiot general public love lazy generic low brow humor.

But it's not reviewing well. All the positive reviews drone on about not as good as the original, underwhelming ending, etc. The one positive thing they have in common is what OP said - they're great for shaming and virtue signaling.


thanks. dumb gooks

They're just bringing the bantz after we made a huge issue out of it.

i just dont understand people who are closely attached to this franchise. im like, 'ghostbuster' ok, whatever. nobody seemed to like the sequel anyway and that had all the original people in it. the first movie was good but it wasnt THAT good. there might be some decent laughs in the lady ghostbuster film, in fact, im sure of it.


Did you read any of it? It's bantz. White nerds are one of the few minorities left you can roast openly on media.

>people like movie
>review it positively

Fuck off, retard.

Damn rt is a fucking parody these days.
Thank I stopped watching new movies years ago, because everyone's pushing some retarded agenda.

you have a very low standard of banter m8

must be an amerifat thing

I'm not saying it's good bantz, but they're roasting le angry misogynist nerds partly because we wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

You don't start a war then whine when the other guys show up.

Speak for yourself cuck

Oh my gosh topkek china
No meme magic 4 u

I'm also speaking for you because you've almost certainly been participating.

>a war

lmao a little self important aren't we?

People didn't like the movie, now they are boogeymaning and desperate as fuck

Their shit-tier """""banter""""" is more sad than anything else

If this was a war they would be the aussies and we would be the emus

fukken based china

If you don't think there's a gender war going on then don't call me the fucking cuck.

>a gender war
>over a movie

kek who let this MRA faggot in here? women reviewed it almost as poorly as men did (3.9 to 5.1)

its just a shit movie


>he thinks there's no gender war
Enjoy paying child support for your wife's son that you're not the father of, but you took "fatherly responsibility" for, while paying out over 100% of your income in alimony because the judge feels you can earn more than you do.

Pretty hard to ignore such a massive elephant in the room. I have literally never been a part of a discussion about this movie wherein the gender reversal was not the primary focus. How can you possibly expect critics to ignore that facet in their reviews? It would be like writing a paper about the Holocaust and not mentioning jews.

>he believes in the holohoax

> it sure feels as if Mr. Feig and his team are blowing gleeful raspberries at the project’s early sexist attackers.

hmmm this is interesting to say i wonder if they changed bits of the film just to say fuck you to all the fan boys of the originals

>he still hasn't figured out that this shit is tailor-made to piss easily-baited "dudebros" off

And honestly the way you fucking idiots conduct yourselves, you're never GOING to figure it out. You might be on "other side" of all the feminist faggotry, but you're still playing their game.


Yeah you're a fucking tool even if they weren't there to bait you.


Sup Forums btfo

>literally casting pearls before swine


speak for yourself cuck

You guys are just plain wrong. You are the patriarchy. You're just jelly and shieeeet :^)



why are so many """""men""""" in america whiny pissbabies these days?

if this film was released in the 50s it would have been a giant hit, just because men were far manlier

wtf i hate baby men now

>feminists start going full retard
>movie isnt even out yet
>movie proceeds to bomb
>they cant backtrack

mmmm boys

That must be why this thread is almost 2 hours old and it's literally fucking nothing at all, just the same 3 clickbait interns trying to "start a conversation" and failing uphill

SJWs are stretching so fucking far here.

Jesus Christ this is embarrassing.

Odds are if it was released in the 50's it would be banned for satanic imagery, and people would complain about having a whites mixed with niggers.

Is that why it's taken so long for Marvel to make a damn Dr. Strange kino?

>people make a bad movie
>they personally attack people who don't like the look of it, in a very obnoxious way
>I will be pleased when their financial venture fails

At what point am I "falling into their trap"? I bet you're the type of person who thinks the main aim of ISIS is to make the world more 'islamophobic'.

It's not just Murka.

>Heads up, men’s-rights idiots. The film that is set to retrospectively (sic) ruin all your childhoods has finally arrived. Can the all-female Ghostbusters do more damage to the franchise’s reputation (never that high in Clarke Towers, anyway) than that wrought by the unnecessary appalling Ghostbusters 2? Maybe, this incarnation will be a feminist classic to compare with that Chilean film about the lady shepherd.

Just another "Us vs Them" moment in the culture wars; it's fucking sad.