The AV Club's List of the 50 Best Comedies Since 2000

50. Four Lions (2010)
49. Songs From The Second Floor (2000)
48. Josie And The Pussycats (2001)
47. Force Majeure (2014)
46. Bad Santa (2003)
45. 12:08 East Of Bucharest (2006)
44. The Color Wheel (2011)
43. State And Main (2000)
42. Knocked Up (2007)
41. Ocean’s Eleven (2001)
40. Zoolander (2001)
39. Offside (2006)
38. I Heart Huckabees (2004)
37. School Of Rock (2003)
36. A Mighty Wind (2003)
35. Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
34. Black Dynamite (2009)
33. Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
32. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
31. The World’s End (2013)
30. Young Adult (2011)
29. The Informant! (2009)
28. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
27. Idiocracy (2006)
26. Ghost World (2001)
25. What We Do In The Shadows (2014)
24. Obvious Child (2014)
23. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
22. Burn After Reading (2008)
21. Step Brothers (2008)
20. The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)
19. The Lobster (2015)
18. Mean Girls (2004)
17. In Bruges (2008)
16. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
15. Team America: World Police (2004)
14. Bridesmaids (2011)
13. Hot Fuzz (2007)
12. Adaptation. (2002)
11. Superbad (2007)
10. Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of Kazakhstan (2006)
9. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)
8. High Fidelity (2000)
7. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)
6. Frances Ha (2012)
5. Shaun Of The Dead (2004)
4. Best In Show (2000)
3. In The Loop (2009)
2. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
1. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)


People fucking rave about Wet Hot American Summer, I should probably check it out. I'm sure it won't live up to the hype.

As for the list ... it's alright. I don't particularly give a damn, to be perfectly honest.

I think it must be some millennial hipster thing. Films further down the list like State and Main and Walk Hard are funnier.

I like how Tropic Thunder was likely too problematic to be included on this list.

>no Ghostbusters (2016)

avclub is plebeian garbage

As I was scrolling down I expected the reveal to be that it was in first place.

>6. Frances Ha (2012)


>autists come to varying agreements on the opinions of their fave flicks

What an awful list.

And only three of those movies in that list are actually good

literally Sup Forums the list

>40. Zoolander
>9. Scott Pillgrim Vs. The World
What is this? A list for turbo plebs?

>No Kung Pow: Enter The Fist

The trash is too good for this list.

Better be including four lions in that list of three bruv.

The Informant!, Walk Hard, Mean Girls, In Bruges, and Hot Fuzz should have been in the top 10

>47. Force Majeure (2014)

How is that a comedy? It's a bitter drama.

>41. Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

>8. High Fidelity (2000)
no ta comedy

>It’s really easy to say that you’d do the noble thing in a high-pressure situation. But sometimes the avalanche is roaring down the hill and all your brain tells you to do is grab your cell phone and book it. Who could blame a bourgeois young father for that? As it turns out, the wife and children he left to fend for themselves sure could. One moment’s cowardice sets off a chain reaction that destabilizes a family and dynamites its patriarch’s fragile masculinity, as merciless Swede Ruben Östlund points and laughs from behind the camera. Absurd machismo is a lethal punch line all on its own, and it gets better every time Östlund tells it. Add in a hilariously foreboding score, strong visuals, and the most pathetic rave scene of the new millennium, and we’re entering masterpiece territory.

Tropic Thunder should be top 5 easily

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Hot Fuzz or Tropic Thunder should be number one

>14. Bridesmaids (2011)
Do people really think this movie is funny? I didn't fucking get it. The only time I even chuckled was when Chris O'Dowd(the inexplicably American cop) was on screen.

This is a pretty good list. I bet most of you plebs haven't even seen half of these movies.

I'd put Zoolander much higher, though.

i laughed when i saw that Tim Heidecker is the Bride's fiance.

he has no lines and there is one part right at the end when the one chick is giving a heartwarming monologue and Tim makes one of his stupid fake face smiles and i started chuckling in the theater like a sperg.

Yeah no, it's hilarious in a dry and absurd way.

That's the only part of Bridesmaids I've seen. I watched the clip on youtube.

i forgot to mention that other than that unintentionally funny part the movies was gross and unfunny.


They're right, its overrated shit with jokes taken straight out of every other movie that came before them in their genres.

>no Rat Race
into the trash it goes

>Four Lions only #50

They put these Coen Brothers movies in there and none of them are Inside Llewyn Davis

Also, The Guard should be on there


>No Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World (2006).

Can't say I'm surprised, not everyone likes Albert Brooks' meta-humour.

>Walk hard is funnier than WHAS

t. millennial hipster

>no goldmember

>16. Grand Budapest Hotel
Fucking nu-males and their shitty Wes Anderson flicks

>41. Ocean’s Eleven (2001)
does this even count as comedy?
>29. The Informant! (2009)
overrated, just an attempt to do a Coen's movie
>9. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)
mediocre at best, maybe if it was lower down the list but not top 10 by any means.
>6. Frances Ha (2012)
>4. Best In Show (2000)
overrated, again maybe further down the list.

>no Tropic thunder

>1. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)

This is too much american to handle, what a fucking shit list

>In Bruges below Bridesmaids
>Frances Ha at all

AV Club is awful.

Tropic Thunder has blackface, and therefore is too racist for the AV Club.

Systematic oppression is no joke.

Borat is better than Frances Ha imo

>no Dodgeball
>no Hot Rod

pleb list

>none of the Austin powers movies
>no the mask
>no Bruce Almighty
>no airplane
>no naked gun movie
>no happy Gilmore
>no rat race
>no ace Ventura
What a shit list. They should be ashamed to have the word video in their title.

>Scott pilgrim
>knocked up
Pathetic movies.

>oceans 11
What the flying fuck?

>Royal Tenenbaums
>above Grand Budapest Hotel
le trash opinion discarded man

>6. Frances Ha (2012)
kys av club

>>no the mask
>>no airplane
>>no naked gun movie
>>no happy Gilmore
>>no ace Ventura

Can you read? SINCE 2000

>best comedies since 2000

Read a little closer next time, but yes the list is objectively shit.

Did you even watch it?

>No Tropic Thunder at #1
>No Tropic Thunder at all

Shit list is shit

>3. In The Loop (2009)

The only one that matters, thank you based Ianucci and Capaldi

>No Tropic Thunder or Dodgeball

come on

these were at least better than world's end (desu not a fan of this at all)

the new ghostbusters is better than frances ha


Shit taste.

>avclub is plebeian garbage


That list clearly demonstrates that fact.

>Hot Rod not in the top 10


>no nice guys
How? Funniest movie in a few years

I hated it. Have no idea why people like it so much.

Wiig's character was the absolute worst. She was a terrible person and everything bad that happened was entirely her fault.
Yet we were supposed to feel sorry for her?

Bad Sanda deserves top 10
Step Brothers others also deserves a higher spot but I'm not sure if it's objectively funny for everyone or it's just the the humor is exactly as raunchy as it needed to be and never felt forced like say a Ben Stiller film where when a comedy scene takes place and it seems like the film is telling you "look at comedic situation, look how we follow these comedy beats by the book and.... punchline. now laugh and tell your friends on facebook you liked this film". But Step Brothers doesn't pull punches and actually delivers fun crass humor and good ol' American slapstick.

Licking white dog shit? I'd say that trumps High Fidelity, but that's a good film on its own. Jack Black's character is what made it funny. He was fantastic. I've seen it too many times to ever want to watch it again, at least for the foreseeable future.

>mfw tropic thunder isn't number 1

>Bad Sanda

>France Ha

one of the worst movies of all time. it was supposed to be a comedy???

>Wet Hot American Summer
Hipster trash. Not a laugh in sight.

shitty list, but it was a shitty decade for comedy.

>In Bruges 17
>Bridesmaids 14
are they honestly saying Bridesmaids is a better film than In Bruges

Zoolander is highbrow faggot. Even terrwnce malick admits its GOAT

>no Tenacious D PoD
>no Tropic Thunder
>no Rat Race
>no Kung Pow

>list does not contain Taladega's night : The ballad of Ricky Boby

Some of the funniest omissions from the list:

"Cecil B. DeMented" (2000)
"Freddy Got Fingered" (2001)
"Jackass: The Movie" (2002)
"The Puffy Chair" (2004)
"Clerks II" (2006)
"Jackass Number Two" (2006)
"Hannah Takes the Stairs" (2007)
"Baghead" (2008)
"Observe and Report" (2009)
"Funny People" (2009)
"Gentlemen Broncos" (2009)
"Jackass 3D" (2010)
"The Other Guys" (2010)
"Greenberg" (2010)
"Tiny Furniture" (2010)
"I'm Still Here" (2010)
"Damsels in Distress" (2011)
"Wrong Cops" (2013)
"Bad Grandpa" (2013)
"The Interview" (2014)

Some of the most disappointing picks on AV Club's list (unrelated to their ranking):

>49. Songs From The Second Floor (2000)
>48. Josie And The Pussycats (2001)
>47. Force Majeure (2014)
>46. Bad Santa (2003)
>37. School Of Rock (2003)
>34. Black Dynamite (2009)
>32. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
>30. Young Adult (2011)
>27. Idiocracy (2006)
>24. Obvious Child (2014)
>23. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
>19. The Lobster (2015)
>18. Mean Girls (2004)
>17. In Bruges (2008)
>14. Bridesmaids (2011)
>8. High Fidelity (2000)
>1. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)

shit taste famalam

The Other Guys is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen

>AV club sucking simon peggs dick

Can we all just admit he's overrated and terrible?

7/10 list

I'm generous.

>"Damsels in Distress" (2011)

It's obvious they went for the hipster cred so it's amazing they missed this one, it was huge amongst hipsters.

Also, Tropic Thunder not being there is almost a statement.

Am I the only one who's upset that Super Troopers isn't on here?

This, Step Brothers is my #1 comedy.

>No Benchwarmers

Shit list

>no T&EB$M

Oh yeah, good pick. Laughed a lot at this one, especially Will Forte's character.

Armando fans casually browsing Sup Forums.
Our people is not yet exctinct!

Walk Hard should be number 1. WRONG KID DIED

Tim and Eric have probably changed comedy more than anyone in the past 10 years. Of course they won't be on this list compiled by fat disgusting proles.

>Scott Pilgrim and Superbad above Hot Fuzz
>two LITERAL WHATS at the top

Which absolute fucking retard looked at this list and thought that was acceptable?

>Oceans Eleven is funnier than The Hangover, Old School, Dodgeball, 21 Jumpstreet, Ricky Bobby

>mediocre at best
Scott Pilgrim was amazing, you shitstain.

Hot Fuzz should be ranked over it though.

was punch-drunk love really considered a comedy?

>29. The Informant! (2009)

oh wow, this movie was not funny at all, not surprised this list is awful

Ghost World and Black Dynamite should have both been a lot higher.

>AV Club's

Numale cucks try their hand at movie rankings.

>no 21 jump street

>Wet Hot American Summer

Hipster - The List

Wet Hot American Summer never made me laugh so I disagree with this list a lot. It has funny moments but nothing that made me laugh a lot.

> no kung pow

list is objectively shit

Borat should have been #1


>implying stepbrothers is ever the superior choice

Talladega knights is so much better than step brothers

>48. Josie And The Pussycats (2001)

stopped reading right there

>No Napoleon Dynamite
>No This Is The End

Into the trash it goes. The A.V. Club is leftist garbage anyway.

Tropic Thunder is a glaring omission.

I liked Scott Pilgrim but I wouldn't consider it a comedy. Definitely not one of the 50 best.

Glad to see Josie and the Pussycats make it, use to think of that movie as underrated but it's been getting more shine lately which is nice.

Anchorman should be hiigher.

That's all.

No the other guys

It was alright