Does anyone even care about the Prometheus sequel Alien Covenant?

Does anyone even care about the Prometheus sequel Alien Covenant?

Im far more excited for Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5. We get Ripley and Hicks back with a proper follow up to the first 2 films. Weyland-Yutani will be back in all of their sketchy coporate dealings glory with an intense action packed storyline...enough is said to declare a "fuck off" on Alien Covenant.

Prometheus was boring as fuck anyways and an utter flop ratings wise. Why is there even being a sequel made? Oh it made 400 million at the box office. So that makes it a good movie and sequel worthy? What a shit stain of an excuse. I could care less what Ridley has to bring to this series anymore. Hes old, out of touch with his classic film making skills and doesnt know shit about scaring audiences anymore. Its a joke its even being made but...whatever.

You're excited for a promise from a guy that hasn't made anything good since D9?

And what masterpiece has Ridley Scott made in recent years?...nothing bud.

>The Counselor
>Black Hawk Down

>Im far more excited for Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5

I've got bad news for you, OP. Ridley saw the enthusiasm for that movie and took his franchise back, it will now NEVER happen.

>16 years ago is recent


Wow such new movies

Way to out yourself as a complete pleb.

at least his career has more than one good flick

Source is the way things are playing out. Google it, Bcamp, upon the news that Ridley was back and changing the prometheus title to alien, said his is on hold indefinitely. Since then Ridley said he hopes to make more sequels. It's over, it's a shame.

Fuck. I really needed a kick in the dick today.

>Don't talk to me or my Alien's son ever again.


Reminds me of the sfm of Ripley getting fucked by the alien.

The Martian

Kek why not just list Alien as well...

I always had my suspicions...

Good, I liked Prometheus and I will be waiting to see what Scott has in mind for the Engineers and their structures/society



How is this meme still alive? Gladiator should have become the new Titanic years ago.

I really don't know why people are excited for Blomkamp's take on alien.

Well I do kind of understand it actually. On the surface Blomkamp seems to be a guy who has a passion for sci-fi and has made some good films in the past so him picking up the Alien franchise sounds like a good idea.

However if he has total creative control over it you only need to look back at his previous films to see exactly what it's going to be like. It'll be Aliens all over again, with flashier special effects and some hamfisted political message shoehorned in. Some faceless goons will be offed by xenomorphs at the beginning and then Ripley will proceed to swagger about slaughtering all the xenomorphs with like railguns, or microwave guns, or freeze guns or something. In short it won't be anything new but will be remembered as being better than 3 and Resurrection, which I honestly think is a pretty poor reason to bring the Alien franchise back again. Say what you want about Prometheus but at least Scott did something new with the franchise.