Help me please this has developed around my genitals and I don't have time to go to a doctor or get tested...

Help me please this has developed around my genitals and I don't have time to go to a doctor or get tested, this is in my genitalia, what is this?


>dont have time


Those are dog warts.

Have you been sexing with the dog?

The herp a derpies


>what is this
That's fucked up;.

You have herpes, go to the doctor you fucking idiot


don't have time to go to a doctor
>your dick may fall off but you dont have time go to the fucking doctor
>nigga what?

you dirty faggot, you've probably been wearing the same filthy underwear over and over again. cut that shit out stupid, be hygenic

That's actually called "hair," I learned this the other day. Crazy, right?

You got herpes lol

It's ringworm

You stuck your dick in a bad place

Disgusting animal warts

Stop shaving around your junk and make time to see the fucking Dr.

medfag here looks like a soft chancre to me, syphillis in my opinion.

Looks like herpes and Clemedia did you sleep with a nigger lover

Herps bro. Run to Wally World and get some creme. Should go away in a couple weeks.


Ingrown hairs, just keep it clean and shave better.

iits herpes
get valtrex

If you stop fucking your whore mother this wouldn't happen.

Get your ass to a herpetologist, stat.

are you on his crackrock to???? Look at his fucking dick,. He ruined it and with scarring and more outbreaks it will never look normal again.. Kill your self OP -)

Boil water and don't pour it but mix it with tap water till you get it hot enough which should feel almost unbearable. Test it on your healthy skin first which should be bearable and you'll notice it will feel hotter around the infected skin with the same temperature of water. You will have to continuously treat the skin by pouring hot water. You shouldn't scratch yourself otherwise you'll spread the infection elsewhere. You should treat your hands as well with this method.

It's herpes I got it bro now dread that shit around on some girl you as a prank bro lol


Fucking faggots. Ya like yer dick? Wanna keep it in working order? Go to a doctor. Shit for brains.

Cut it out with a knife

you got the aids bro rip


Backpage Hooker?

you need to be careful beacuse if you masturbate you can get a soft chancre in your hand or even in your mouth user

Thank you for all the responses guys

pour peroxide we wanna see it bubble

Dude now you can rub your dick on drinks and give people mouth herpes


dubz for Peroxide

HerpAtologist study reptiles...