What the fuck was his problem Sup Forums?

What the fuck was his problem Sup Forums?

He wasn't alone

He posts on Sup Forums

Why does he wear the mask?


he's covered in burns.

If I take that off, will it hurt?

>he's a terrorist
>wears a cool mask
>Hides underground
>Loves a top qt
>Is educated
>Has english accent
>Enjoys blowing things up
>Could wreck your shit
>Has great fashion taste
>Autists love him
>Normies love him even more
>Is part of an overrated movie
>His comic version is miles better
>He was scarred and tortured
>Revenge fuels him
>Has abnormal strenght
>He is in control
>Appears out of nowhere

You fucked up this quote you fucking garbage normie.

It goes "If It take it off will it kill you"
and based bane says "it would be incredibly painful"

> being this new
> spending this much time on reddit
> not even full grasp of normie based god tier film
> mfw you probably like marvel
> mfw you probably like the new ghost busters
> mfw you probably think pixar makes good films.

God I hate what this board has become. Shit posts and misquotes. Just fucking garbage upon garbage upon garbage. I devleoped my entire taste in film from the former members of this board, it's the only place I can discuss true cinema.

Now you meme slut fucks can't stop talking about "kino" and Game Of Thrones I have fucking nothing left. FUCKING NOTHING

Such a lust for memes

Jesus christ dude

>I devleoped my entire taste in film from the former members of this board, it's the only place I can discuss true cinema

I hope you're enjoying your edgy garbage faggot

He was an anarchist fighting against fascism with a shot of revenge

unfortunately retards irl apply the politics of the movie/comic to real life and the character is forever ruined due to liberal faggots

he couldn't get his benis up no more

He couldn't get laid so he blames equally pathetic nu-males and Tumblr feminists for it.

Was he gay?


He was anomarilus
he was legeniond

>movies starting to use the user mask now

Fucking hell just end movies already

yes, yes but was he gay, black, jewish or gay?

He was an idea faggot