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spoon I do not actually intend to shove my leg up your asshole

instead we will cuddle tenderly


Marx also wasn't an idiot. Marx was a brilliant philosopher. Furthermore, I don't believe you have read Marx. He was by no means an anarchist by any stretch of the imagination.

this is why I like 40k mainly.

I am using anarcho as an opposite of statist, not in the general context that anarchism has been used for/in

I have read marx. The reason anarcho communists claim him as one of their own is that he does not propose a formal government structure. His utopia is stateless, predicated on the absolute cooperation of the proletariat. That is anarchy by the anarcho communist definition.



julian martin shkrelis cat is on the stream and he is talking to it in cat talk


yeah you're a humanist you've told me this before

I am not

when you realize a multimillionaire executive literally has less of a life than you



sleep is hard



I dont think I'd go with humanist.

alright you're not making text anymore so this conversation's over

maybe not now, but you did.

I am going to sleep instead of zaryss, get rekt.


why must you do this to me


>no human behavior is contrary to nature
>human beings developed weapons that could end all life on the planet
>human beings pump the atmosphere full of poisons and artificially increase the temperature of the planet
>human beings hunt and kill entire species to the point of extinction including apex predators
>not against nature

Anarcho-communists don't claim him as their own. I know this because I know Anarcho-communists personally. He DOES IN FACT propose a formal government and economic system. You are a fucking liar that has never even cracked the spine of any philosophical text. You are a dilettante of the worst variety.

night faggo

Well I was gonna bail anyway, l8r jules


I think he meant HUMAN nature.

gays spaking of school shootists lol,,, i know this one guy he,s a fuckin idiot and he's like th type to go to school with a gun, like



No, he didn't. He's an actual idiot that runs his mouth about bullshit he has no understanding of. He does this constantly.








Hey there, my dood


How goes it?

Whats good

Alright, I'm playing CSGO for the first time, I don't really know the big appeal of it, tbh.

I don't know what that is.

Counter Strike Global Offensive

Life in general I guess. OK job, good roommates, everything's pretty stable at the moment. You?

Is it a video game?

That's nice, I've been eating less because of life issues so that's not fun.

Yeah, cause I have no life.

Ah. I don't see the point in any of them anymore.

Oh? What's up?

get lost, you're not even directing your greeting toward a specific person.


Anyone have the full?

They're just introducing themselves to the thread in my opinion.

I deal in objections, not subjectinions.

It's a good time waster

I've just been getting sick when I eat much food in a day, I haven't eaten much my entire life so it seems normal, as it has happened before.

I don't give them the satisfaction of my reply. It's easy to ignore.

I don't generally waste time. Even now I'm doing other shit.

You're more interested in disagreement than subjecting something to control? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

why not? I'm clearly better than you.

must be some kind of warped god complex. you furries seem to have that.

it doesn't make sense because your vocabulary is limited while mine's vast.


What type of foods do you eat? Do you get sick after certain types of food?

Holy fuck what a way to start 2017....go leak your sister or ex gf today lol - snap leak .cf

I've no plans for this week so I got nothing else to do :)), but as well finding good ways to manage time is a good thing to put time into.

I usually eat like chicken and beef. Sometimes spaghetti or chilli.

Dude, I just gave you the definitions to those words. If you're just looking to troll I'm done with you.

I don't manage my time very well, I just start doing things then suddenly it's hours later and I'm late for something or was supposed to go to bed.

Some people don't have the proper enzymes to digest meat and/or gluten, some people have colitis, could also be stress.

Improper definitions made by the inexperienced and depended on by the weak minded.

You'd be done with me either way, peasant. Trolling is just a 3 syllable word made for any thought too big for tiny minds.

katia post nudes


Can't say I'm that bad, but I do sometimes manage time well and sometimes it just doesn't exist.

It's happened recently. really recently. I've been eating a lot of junk food, so thats also not helping. Im also shaking and it comes and goes.

I'm horrible at time management.

Shaking can mean high or low blood sugar. It can also mean you don't eat enough, plus a plethora of other very unlikely things. You can just lose the enzymes or contract colitis though (both don't happen that often). Both of those things did however happen to family members. Also, when you don't eat often your body may not react well to certain complex foods. Many times it's just stress though. Happens to me sometimes.

Do you look outside and wonder why colors exist? i do

Leak/see any snapchat users private pics/nudes with snap leak .cf! Sup Forumsros use it before it's patched and don't share it.




I'm a painter, I don't wonder why they exist, I am awed by them instead.

Aye I'm keeping an eye on stuff, ill need to visit a doctor sometime if it keeps up. i mean i know at some point my body will just fail me so.

i can see beautiful colors once in a great while and ill never look away, but otherwise they just seem to be there, taunting me.

Would you mind showing some of your art? I'm really curious



I see beautiful colors everyday. The colors are very different from my home in California, but this place is teeming with life. A lot of greens, I'm not used to green, being from the desert.

Not right now, no.

Why is katia still here

I think I have the same 'shaking' you're talking about, not sure though.. Is it bad or just really minimal for you? for e.g. when you make your hand flat, it shakes every time or you can't keep your head still/straight

Well, eventually every person's body fails them. What did you mean by sick? Symptoms?

Aw alright, since when did you start painting?

Since eight years ago.

Drug and/or alcohol addiction also cause tremors. Not saying you two have that problem. Just a possibility.

sup fag?

nothin just got out the shower you?

Woah, impressive! Wish I could draw stuff aswell but I know for a fact I suck and I don't even bother trying, haha
Also, who's that guy you always use? He looks funny

im pretty dull compared to you in that way then.

Eh, it's natural for the hand to be shaky, i'm more of a whole body shake. it's not here but it comes and goes.

i dont really have many symptoms, my stomach felt weird and i was shaky. but it went and im fine for now. a small burp helped.

I dont have drugs (and if any, weed, but i dont have any nor a hookup) nor drink alcohol. i dont want to drink alcohol, my father was an alcoholic and hit me, dont want to be that guy.

im also tired since i havent slept in like ~16 hours, so thats normal as well. im probably gonna lay down in a bit.


I never drank alcohol or did drugs, still thanks for the answer. Might get it checked one day

I've been drawing since I was a child. I used to get in trouble with some of my teachers for drawing all over tests and homework. I'm currently using Michael Keaton.

I don't think so. Painters are boring unless you're a painter.

Hope you sleep well.

Why are you still here?

being lazy
Didn't do my laundry today cause I decided to sleep in

Get what checked one day?

ayy lmao