I just watched this and except the CGIfest in the end, and Doomsday, there is NO reason not to like the rest 2:30 hours of it.
Why are you shitting on this one?
I just watched this and except the CGIfest in the end, and Doomsday, there is NO reason not to like the rest 2:30 hours of it.
Why are you shitting on this one?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was fun, dark, touched the Dark Knight greatness at times, Batman was goat, the masterplan was Joker-tier (I shat my pants when the judge saw the granny mug).
because the entire first 2/3rds is just filler with no conclusion.
The rest is a trailer for Justice League.
BvS is not a real movie, it's a trailer.
Music was good, Eisenberg was good although he looked annoying on the trailers, Snyder didn't go again for the safe Man of Steel style.
ITT: Movies that are better than BvS
You mean just like Civil War's only purpose was to set up the Black Panther movie, Spider-Man movie and the next Ant-man movie?
It literally ended with "Okay Tony, we're not friends anymore, but call me if you run into some problem, kay?"
post the real score dummy
The supernatural 'comic booky' moments were great, blood from the coffins, STOP invincible son dad on the mountain, bats carrying you up the hole, MAD MAX scene with batman.
>b-but marvel!!
op here. I am just saying it was fun.
it give you time to breathe and live in the world of DC. There are so many details in those filler and character moments.
This meme is really tired. Move on to Ghostbusters now.
The difference was CW was a good commercial whereas BvS was a shitty commercial.
I love the CGI, top tier.
Also webm related:
>you can see individual pebbles and particles
>ground is evaporating
>lighting is all completely on point
>He thinks this is bad CGI
>He probably thinks Cavill himself is CGI too
Holy. Get a load of this faggot
I literally just finished it. What memes did I miss?
>can't grasp a simple marvel movie
No wonder you like BvS.
you didn't like The Dark Knight too I guess.
A lot of practical effects look so good people think they're CGI
The meme that this movie is actually not shit.
>long trench coat m
What the browser of a manchild looks like right here folks.
Batman v Superman is so bad DC may have tanked their entire cinematic universe already.
You can bet your asses WB Exec's are fucking terrified that Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman might flop. Batman v Superman's gross was frontloaded as fuck and dropped HARD, only meeting the absolute bare minimum of box office expectations. It was entirely sold on hype and goodwill from fans, and the movie was complete shit, and everyone knows it. Everyone saw that Sad Affleck meme video, and the cultural consensus is, by and large, that BvS sucked. Is anyone really excited for Suicide Squad or Wonder Woman? Even fucking Justice League? Do normies know that movie is coming out? They're already a billion in the hole for this franchise, and it's not taking off like they hoped it would.
it is legitimately the best capefilm ever made.
The tech is great but seeing actors fight (bat vs clark, capt vs iron man) is always soo much more interesting than seeing a tech creature flailing and roaring.
it is just very boring.
pic related
DC heroes are meme-tier
but I liked it a lot. It is up there.
No, but up there.
I am talking about the monster. roaring and flailing. It is just very boring.
Hello there my connoisseur friend.
*Tips fedora and shakes of trench coat, casually showing off mlp sticker on coat's inside*
op here. I believe that if they have seen the extended cut for the first time like I did, they would like it more.
who was the meta human robot on the wall?
I literally don't give a shit about Lois, the Daily Planet, the fucking military, why do they keep putting the military in these movies
I want to see the fucking justice league fighting evil.
why the fuck is she in the front
>Wonder Woman
Doomsday was lousy CGI mess. They should have gone with a beefed-up General Zod. Or at least gave it some lines and personality. The rest of the movie wasn't that bad. Margot Kidder is still the best Lois Lane though.
> there is NO reason not to like the rest 2:30 hours of it
I liked the movie alot in the theater, and that's bullshit.
There's plenty of reasons not to like it. Incredibly dumb decisions were made in making this movie.
It's doesn't deserve it's 27% RT score, but it's no masterpiece either. It's a 6.5 movie, maybe 7 if you're feeling extra generous.
Dont question it!
I liked Lois' subplot in the UC.
Thanks to the military we got that great nuke sequence.
What did you think about:
Sups mom having the same name with Bats?
was it a thing in the comic books too?
and what was those green gas bombs?
kryptonite filles gas or Scarecrow's gas?
at first I thought it was Scarecrow's gas..
oh fuck you mentioned RT. Here come the faggots to tell us all how we don't understand how it works
wrong link
wish they'd done some practical effects on that ass
general zodd was too busy starring in midnight special
She's often portrayed in the middle
He IS a beefed up Zod.
Why do you think he glares with hate at Superman's statue. He retains some of Zod's memories.
I bet she enjoys being in the middle, if you know what I mean ;-)
>I would rather have men ask why I have no monument than why I have one.
Did any of you guys watch this? I thought it was GOAT and made it hard not to be disappointed by BvS. Especially since it doesn't make the same mistakes that BvS does, like introducing a boring third CG monster or include needless framing of Superman when there's already enough to pin him for etc etc.
I like both.
In the middle for double penetration
what a dark, depressing, colorless film