How do we explain RottenTomatoes?
How do we explain RottenTomatoes?
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It's almost like journalism is corrupt
V figured it out and people called them crazy
look at the average rating
not that half of those are any good anyway
In a world that relies on arbitrary numerical values being assigned to art, we shouldn't be shocked to see flaws in an inherently flawed concept.
Rotten Tomatoes is just an aggregate of flawed methodology.
>all those movies with average ratings around 6 and 7
Seems accurate to me
yeah but i like those movies so they should be higher
my fedoracore fav american psycho should be 100%
We must send him home.
Who fucking cares
You people are such spergs
fucking nigger
o shit
I can't wait for the RLM review where they says it's not terrible, and Sup Forums flood downvotes their video for the neckbeard rage.
They don't represent actual audiences.
who /subway/ here?
I hate you gif posters.
Well I mean she does have cancer and I'm not in the best health either...
fuck off
all of you need to listen to seriously, it isn't a giant conspiracy. Just read the full thing instead of just the number on the top
If it's a recent movie usually anything between 30-85% is watchable. Anything below is trash and anything above is a safe riskless bland focus grouped piece of trash.
thanks immunity cat
RT is shit tier, Metacritic is better
Shit nigger why
Says 75% top critics, 12 good review and only 4 bad ones, click on top critics its really has 9 bad reviews and 8 good ones,
What the fuck is going on with RottenTomatoes
not cool f.a.m
holy shit, I know I have immunity cat and all, but I'm just not taking any chances here
Compare this to modern films which all have either 80-100% or below 50%
>TFW mcushit flicks all have over 80%
I hate this meme. Are you all just superstitious idiot 12 year olds or what?
Let's say you can press a button. Pressing it, has a 1 in a billion chance your mother will die. Not pressing it does nothing.
Do you press the button or not?
>Taking RT seriously
It's a meme site obviously
>State the numbers are arbitrary bullshit
>Get told "Ignore THOSE arbitrary bullshit numbers, I disagree with those. Look at THESE arbitrary bullshit numbers, these are right, I agree with these."
You moronic cunt.
Spy Kids was actually pretty innovative for its time.
How dare you
shit nigga
Spy Kids is brilliant.
spy kids was actually good though user
>not understanding why its so high
Fucking pleb
Stick to videogames and comic books lmao
Eat shit
The original Spy Kids was groundbreaking from a CGI perspective and the original plot actually wasn't bad. The next two movies were cash grabs, but as far as family friendly fare went, it certainly wasn't bad at it's time.
93% isn't saying it's a 9.3 out of ten, it's saying that 93% of critics gave a positive review instead of a negative one.
If you want better art critics then give more money to humanities in higher education and secondary schools. That's why we have to deal with this shit. No one knows how to analyze or watch a movie, let alone interpret a review beyond MOVIE GUD or MOVIE BAD
Too bad Sup Forumstards hate socialism even more than feminist or nig nogs, so they will never fund such things.
>Sword in the Stone higher than 50%
>Gladiator higher than 70%
I ain't scared of no pics
this is a retarded paradox
It's what happens when you give Tumblr bloggers a voice and not normal audience members
stupid moron i used the word right
It's so they can derail the thread and stop people talking about how messed up the journalistic system is
Screw you.
If a choice between doing something that might hurt you or not doing that 'leads to a self-contradictory or a logically unacceptable conclusion' in your opinion, you are something else.
Replying because I'm genuinely curious what happened on June 26 that could possibly have... Validated? Violated? So could do either of those to a board on Sup Forums.
Even looking at the frame, 666x813 is a bit small.
GoofyGoober go back to le reddit please.
>It's so they can derail the thread and stop people talking about how messed up the journalistic system is
Is this satire?
it's run by manchildren and mothers
WTF I hate rotten tomatoes now. I can't believe a shitty movie like Gladiator has that high of a score. I am not even baiting. You autist only love that shitty movie because MUH ROMAN EMPURE!! I ALWAYS LE PLAY AS CAESARS LEGION IN FW NW!!! AVE CAESAR! DEMOCRUCUY IS FOR FAGGOTS!
I press it a billion times.
Then I kill myself because shes the only reason I haven't.
rfuck you
>discussion maybe
>nope, just retards spamming replies to an epic maymay
>something has 1 in a billion chance
>he thinks you have to press the button a billion times consecutively to arrive at the expected result
baka desu senpai
>dude why doesn't rt share the same pleb opinion i do
Jump back to Sup Forums pleb
The non-top bloggers are aren't even hiding the fact they're adding 2-5 points just because all the leads are unattractive females. Hell, half of them are stating it openly as if it is admirable on some level.
>he posts
>in a thread that is 99.9% Sup Forums
your gonna dream about ghostbusters 2016 for the restof your life
Why did it take Ghostbusters for you faggots to realize this?
We warned you when they tried to bury BvS.
okay, fine
He will have to press it about billion times, because pressing the button doesn't increase the chances of picking the 'killing result'
what you are thinking is drawing a ball labeled 1 000 000 000 from a bowl of balls labeled from 1 to 1 billion. Then yes, getting the billionth ball on the last try is as probable as getting it on the first. But this isn't the case here
nigga I push that shit till it works then i kill myself
I hate you.
Fuck you
Rotten Tomatoes doesn't change ratings to suit manchildren and mothers. It just aggregates them, and family movies always get more positive ratings (meaning over 50% scores) than films from other genres.
You can't trust the vast majority of professional or critic reviews, no, but between RT's top-critic/all-critics/audience scores, consensus, and the movie's metacritic and IMDb scores, you can get a pretty good idea what quality experience you will be getting from seeing a movie. You also have to consider your own personal views on the creators and your own movie pet-peeves and shit (if review summaries complain of them in the movie). Mostly you should just see movies based on how consistently you've liked the director's work in the past.
If you (or anyone) is biased against a franchise or a company or w/e, you cannot expect all reviewers to hold that same bias. That's just a personal problem.
fuck u
I'm sorry mom
fuck off
someone should make an aggregator site for aggregates so we don't have to manually browse all those sites.
Fuck you.
fuk u