Is this the most pathetic board ever?

Is this the most pathetic board ever?

>Triggered by Mad Max Fury Road because it had a woman in it
>Triggered by Star Wars 7 because it had a woman in
And now
>Triggered and absolutely butdevestated because Ghostbusters has women in it

Admit if it was just the same movie with some male actors you would be eating this shit up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dumb frogposter. We were triggered by the nigger in SWVII, not the cunt.

So what?

If it was an all male Ghostbusters remake I don't think anyone would even talk about it

No, it's pretty much all Sup Forums. You can tell by the fact that they feel the need to make juvenile internet movements about it every time something triggers them.

This tbqh familiar
It was about racism not sexism.

>A boy falls in love with a girl.
>Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number


This word as lost all meaning.

But it was actually the girl from a parallel universe, yeah seen that kino, its great.

Is Sup Forums the most pathetic userbase on Sup Forums? The contrarian mental gymnastics regarding Star Wars: TFA is incredible and at the same time absolutely loathsome.

The constant denial, backtracking and moving the goalposts.

>"TFA will be shit! Fucking Jew Jew Abrams, fucking nigger main character, fucking SJWs! People won't accept this! It will be worse than the prequels and a total flop!"
>Trailer drops. Record pre-sales, screenings booked out months in advance. Hype incredibly high.
>"I-i-t'll still be a flop! Guaranteed to be shit! Phantom Menace sold well too before people realised it was shit! N-nigger character!"
>TFA releases. 5 star reviews, record opening day. People love based Johnny B's performance, and he's very well received.
>"o-ok it might not be as bad as we thought, but it's still not going to beat Jurassic World! Disney are finished!"
>Beats Jurassic World, despite being released in off-season and no Chinese release.
>"J-just wait until based RLM eviscerates it for being A New Hope ripoff in a Mr Plinkett review! You'll f-fucking see then Starfags!"
>Mike loves it. RLM approve and think it has saved the Star Wars franchise from the prequels.

The mouthbreathing basement dwellers who strive to be contrarian have been backed into a corner really, they started so verbose. So confident that the film would be a flop, not break any records and would be panned by critics. Slowly as TFA has BTFO them on every conceivable level, they've been reduced to adopting some bizarre cult-like contrarian attitude to the prequels, proclaiming them as underrated gems, and trying to push some kind of narrative where if TFA doesn't beat Avatar, it's somehow failed, despite already being a record breaking movie and saving Star Wars.

Hello tumblr!

That was until the movie was released
Then Sup Forums started to say Finn was actually awesome and jumped on the Mary Sue Rey bandwagon

I like this Pepe, it's really dynamic

No one is going to read all that.

The nigger became less hated because he didn't fuck the brit chick, but I don't think anyone called him awesome.

>Triggered by Mad Max Fury Road because it had a woman in it
A lot of people on Sup Forums like Mad Max Fury Road

>Triggered by Star Wars 7 because it had a woman in
A lot of Sup Forums plebs liked it, at least when it came out. Hating it was considered to be contrarian.

>>Triggered and absolutely butdevestated because Ghostbusters has women in it
No, the trailers are just terrible. Even outside of Sup Forums this is a known fact. It looked like Pixels but with women. And we all know how Pixels turned out.

This Sup Forums hates movies with women in it is ridiculous. If you asked Sup Forums for the best action movie a lot of them would say Terminator. If you ask best horror/sci-fi, a lot of them will say Alien.

This whole "women hating" angle is propped up by feminist retards that still think we live in the 1920's where women were actually nothing more than eye-candy because the movies didn't have recorded sound yet. When will this revision of history end? Women have been leads in "masculine" movies for literally decades now.

The Ghostbusters trailers look like shit. Deal with it.

Once again it feels great to be a filthy weeaboo. No SJW shilling in grorious Nippon!

>Mad Max Fury Road is getting a sequel

>Star Wars 7 is the most successful movie of all time (eat a dick Cameron 3D gimmick doesn't count)

>New Ghostbusters is getting good reviews

Meme magic works in reverse on this board

>Hating Mad Max
U wat, m8?

>BvS will surely going to break 1 billion even if it's bad

I'm triggered by Star Wars because Rey is a Mary Sue. Tell me one thing she did wrong or what flaw she had. You can't.

Why is it that Sup Forums gets so triggered every time you call them out? Is it because, deep down, they realize how pathetic their "causes" are and that they're really just lonely people looking to be a part of something bigger?

Didnt read 80% of your post, but TFA was shit. Those people weren't wrong.

Nobody ever said it was going to flop. Even the prequels made a huge amount of money despite the fact they were dogshit.

The view for months prior was that it was going to make a lot of money yet be garbage like all the other big budget films JJ makes.

>what flaw she had.
Does being an uninteresting character count as a flaw?

If you think that movie was good then you're retarded, it was no better than capeshit

it was literally nothing but a coldhearted thrust to get the film back, literally nothing more than shit for normies to dig their teeth in

Kill yourself

>being this butthurt

it's sad

Gawker is dying a slow, painful death, gaming "journalism" is more irrelevant than ever, and the most talked-about games in the past few months include a true-to-the-original remake of an ultraviolent classic and what is basically Team Fortress 2 with waifus. Sup Forums's doing much better than Sup Forums ever could in holding back the social justice hordes.

not an argument, reddit

neither is your boogeyman, but keep pretending your opinion has any value when you don't even read the entire post you're trying to refute.

>Gawker is dying a slow, painful death
Due to literally nothing you did, unless you mean to tell me a billionaire funding lawsuits against them because they outed him as gay is secretly Sup Forums.
>vidya HD remake
Literally who cares, game companies have cashed in on nostalgia since the beginning of time.
>gaming journalism more irrelevant
Then why do I see retards posting IGN scores and links all the time?

i'm not butthurt you reddit faggot, i was simply fucking bored the entire movie, it was nothing better than a gimmick to sell to retards like you

just take for example that woman clone trooper with the shiny suit, you barely see the bitch, it was literally just something for retards to wait for in the next film

no soul or style, just a jew film

its called sub

>muh Jewish boogeyman

confirmation bias. You already decided it was bad before you saw it.

>triggered by image.jpg

>Literally who cares, game companies have cashed in on nostalgia since the beginning of time.

And unlike (((Hollywood))) they didn't pander to cucks and feminists.

Its literally reditors crying about neo ghostbusters

>tfw renaming all your files to image.jpg to make people waste their time

i knew it was bad as soon as i saw that ugly nigger in the first trailer, but it still doesn't make anything i say less valid nor does it change how bored i was watching it

i bet you thought the death star was cool because it had mountains

>And unlike (((Hollywood))) they didn't pander to cucks and feminists.
Have you ever played a video game before? Games like The Witcher and Dragon age are full of stuff pandering to feminism
>inb4 dats not truueeee look how manly da witchurr is!! look at scars!!! omg! manly!! not cuck!!

>companies pander to their target demographics
Who'd a thunk it? I really don't get what kind of point you're trying to make.

>gets mad when people dont read his paragraph of shitty opinions


>ugly nigger in the first trailer

not an argument

reddit can't defend their manchild movie


>Reddit boogeyman shitposting

>muh niggers

confirmation bias. You already decided it was bad before you saw it.

>hasn't made a single legitimate complaint against the movie itt except for muh jews muh niggers


well I'm sorry to hear about your shit taste

the burden of proof is on you to tell me why this wet dogshit hollywood blockbuster is good

>taking pride in being too illiterate to read a paragraph
Video games rot your brain, never let your children play them.

>"""he""" goes to see movie just to oggle in awe at jew, feminists, and niggers
What a freak

The burden of proof is on you for opposing the consensus.

nice fallacy

It's well accepted this movie is fantastic, you are in the minority so you need to present why it is bad.

>Admit if it was just the same movie with some male actors you would be eating this shit up.
Admit that you are triggered because the board was triggered.

As I remember it, most of Sup Forums was claiming that TFA was a sure thing and that it was going to B James Cameron TFO. Nice revisionism, newfag.

>Mike loves it. RLM approve and think it has saved the Star Wars franchise from the prequels.

Mike is a shadow of his former self, forcing memes and even going so far as to make Rich wear the memes on his T-shirt. You think anyone respects his opinions anymore?

Besides that, I think it's clear that TFA rode a wave of public excitement and then washed ashore on the dritfwood-covered beach where hype whales go to die.

It was nowhere near as bad as the naysayers predicted, true. But neither was it good enough to make a lasting impression. It was just a "thing" that happened. A damp fart into the toilet bowl of cinema - it smelled for a few moments but it left no marks.

really interesting since your stance on Boyhood, i shill for red82

>copy-paste from the OT
>shitty call outs to the OT
>unreliable main character
>laughable plot concerning the falcon and meeting Solo
I didn't hate it but liked most JJ movies it was lazy and average.

This is Sup Forums. We're meant to be the underdog, the contrarian, the naysayer, the lone hero against an army of normies, casuals, and sheeple. This is our burden, this is the cross we must bear.


jesus christ, I hope this isn't sincere

It's better to go down this route than to try to justify and adjust your taste according to the minority like people ITT are doing.


>taking old franchises that are successful and throwing women in them and then claiming they're successful reboots/remakes/continuations BECAUSE of the women

This is so retarded, I just can't believe how stupid normies are.

You forgot about releasing them in China exposing them to the franchise for the first time.

Sup Forums is dead.
I'm willing to bet that posts made by people who have it has their main board represents less than 5% of everything you find here.

We don't have an identity anymore, we're just /s4s/ with coherent sentences. We were Icarus and Baneposting was our sun.

No weeb, anywhere, would inject something as awful as politics into his hobby.
You will never speak for the hobbyist boards, Sup Forums.

>I hope this isn't sincere

Why? Because I say what you won't? Because you find it "cringe" when one of us is honest?

Let's face it, we are the same person. I exist inside of you. I am the smirk you hide; the joke you don't dare to say. I am your trickster alter-ego, always beneath the surface and waiting to come out.



>Triggered by Mad Max Fury Road because it had a woman in it
It was more about how Max took a backseat to Furiousa in a Mad Max movie. Her being in the movie was not the problem.

>Triggered by Star Wars 7 because it had a woman in
People were mad about the dindu, nobody started hating Ridley until after the movie came out.

>Triggered and absolutely butdevestated because Ghostbusters has women in it
The other GB films had women in them.

Stop posting Keit-ai because it's already an anime.

Don't listen to OP and keep at it bretheren!

We'll show the Matriarchy what us "manbabies" can do!

>mods leave this offtopic shitpost thread up for over an hour
fuck you fat faggots

>>Star Wars 7 is the most successful movie of all time (eat a dick Cameron 3D gimmick doesn't count)
Titanic and Avatar made more money.

Yep, Sup Forums sucks bollocks.

Wrong, neckbeards were peeved about female MC from the outset. Why the lies if your position is true?

Feminism hitting hard every franchise consumed by males, but the cucks still ask for more of course.

/film/ when?

Democracy in action.

I'm not lying you stupid faggot, maybe you would know this if you were even here, or paid attention, to the board when the movie was announced and thereafter. People were skeptical of Ridley but nobody was shitposting bout her being in the movie because she was a woman.

The same goes for Mad Max. Charlie Isa pretty decent actor and the board doesn't hate her. The board hated how she was supposedly played a bigger role than Max in his own movie. We're you not around or all the promotional stuff where the makers of the movie continually called Max Max Fury Road a feminist film? Or when the director fired a well known feminist to make sure his movie was feminist enough? THAT is what people here hated, not having a woman in the movie, but forced feminism for the sake of appealing to a bunch of idiots.

>nobody was shitposting bout her being in the movie because she was a woman.
You are so fucking wrong.


Only pathetic because Sup Forums and the shittier Sup Forumsirgins invaded and try to implement their politics in every corner and crevice of this board to influence underage b&s to continue their unfunny racebaiting/genderbaiting shitposting. Literally the only things that are still Sup Forums are the dumber memes like baneposting and raimiposting.

Oh yea? Prove it.

Man, this fucking shows up everywhere.

If I'd have thought anyone was retarded enough to actually deny that lots of fedoras were angry about le stronk womyn MC, I would have made a collage, but your reality is unexpectedly warped, or again you're just lying.

nice blog faggot


How can i kill myself when we are already dead?

Día de Muertos goes on, and we dance our morbid festival to the end. Mayhap we shall someday receive our killing blow, but until that day we continue our nihilistic parade and bring disillusionment to the normies.