After she's killed next season, what is next for her career

after she's killed next season, what is next for her career


hopefully a diet.

Her face is p ugly, but dat body in ops pic is super bangable.

Her career's as good as done after GoT.

Septa Nutella of the Most Devout is blessing this thread.

even though it's full of heartless people who enjoy her suffering or think she loves being tortured and raped

Puberty hopefully.

That's a really old pic.
This is what she looks like now.

Oops, fail

I am erect

Yeah, you're a massive tool and a faggot. Kill yourself.

Being a leg goddess

>swn brutally ram all 12 inches of her strapon into your boihole while whispering "shame" into your ear


jesus christ

why would you put on a top like that when your stomach is rolling out?

>dat handbag


And feet

>Jon : when i was young, my family sat at this table and me over there.
>Mellisandre : you're a privileged cis white male Jon Snow, you don't have the right to complain.

wow D&D... really ?

>actress """""""""""discussion"""""""""""

I fucking hate you faggots.

And those """""""""actresses""""""""""" don't even look or act good. You autists just latch on whatever woman is on tv randomly, don't you?

I'd literally fuck the guy on the bag over her.

you're retarded, OP's pic was the most recent

I don't have enough willpower, user. And though it seems like a right thing to do, I'm not sure I really want to.

Except that she looks a lot older in my pic - and her body has been looking like that for the last couple of years on the show.

That face is a serious dealbreaker tho.

continuing to get roles because of the game of thrones hype and the connections made during her time on game of thrones

Reverse google your picture -> 2014
Reverse google OP's picture -> June 2016

what do you even buy at louis vitton?

Guess she lost weight then.
Still an ugly goblin, though.

false status

too lewd...

septa save me I'm having impure thoughts again

>wearing panties on a magazine

Where'S bottom half of picture? This mag usually shoots sets right?

I'm literally in love with Maisie.
I don't know how to keep going without her in my life.

>fake and gay composite

>Sup Forums fooled, naturally

That body is absolutely on fucking point.

>would pound into oblivion and cum inside every single day

not fake

>googling is hard

user here. I recently got tag-teamed by Maisie and Sophie who I met at the clubb. Maisie rode my face while Sophie rode my dick, and they were both making out. True story

Nice body
too bad she looks like a goblin

I didn't know they were into fat Sup Forums losers....


were you licking maisie's pussy or ass?

ass of course. what did you think I was some sort fo faggot?


she is literally perfect

>mfw sansafags say she's not attractive

Average indie films and a sex tape at a guess.

Sophie will Ellen Page herself and end up in British soaps.