Why can't you get over it and just enjoy the movie?
Why can't you get over it and just enjoy the movie?
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Stealing the first reply from the goose gobblers.
What a shitty review. I read that and sighed.
Literally comes down to "the movie is great because gurl power, if you don't like it MYSOGGYKNEES"
I hate 3 of the 4 actresses and I have never liked any of Fieg's movies because I am not a woman.
I'm enjoying watching 4cham get completely BTFO. It's the only reason I'm visiting this site currently. The shit storm and Denial is hilarious
>Just eat this shit sandwich
I agree.
"The holocaust didn't happen, Israel is a lie, GET OVER IT."
The media sure knows how to be condescending, incendiary shitfucks.
Pick one.
I can't wait until all movies are marketed like this. Back then, it was just an implied "watch this or you won't be cool!" but now they just scream it into your face.
That same review says the movie itself isn't good, but he WOMEN AMIRITE xD?! Go eat this shit now because it's your feminist duty!
eat shit Sup Forums
>girls rule
nothing at all, ever, in the entire recorded history of earth
>women are funny
all evidence to the contrary
Ghostbusters great.
Men blown the fuck out.
The fact that they have to cast an all women franchise speaks volumes about women need for approval, they dont rule shit and never will for the simple fact that women arent loyal, not even to their friends, same reason why they pretend to like geeky stuff, because they want ATTENTION and to be told they are beautiful 24/7.
I look at his and laugh, I will never see this movie, I will never be triggered, the fact is that I can pee in a bottle whenever I want and women cant, also my dick doesnt bleed and I get better with age.
Its awesome being a man and they cant fucking stand it, you can get surgery, you can go to rallies but at the end of the day I have balls and a dick and I dont have to wear make up.
You want to be respected? Then cast a half male half female cast and let the script and acting do the talking.
I've never seen the first one so why should I care about this one?
Because me and my fellow Sup Forumsbros have to stop feminism using our power of superior taste!
Its time for you to Tumble on back now ya hear.
Its hysterical that women need to justify this shameless cashgrab on the grounds of being progressive regardless if the film is shit or not. If supporters were smart enough, they'd realize they are nothing but free marketing for a company that could give a rats ass about women
so basically pic is their target demographic
Having a face tattoo basically advertises your opinions and character are complete shit.
not an argurment
if they were funny they wouldn't have to say it
Why does Sup Forumseddit get so insecure about women? Is it safe to assume it was them that cried to moot to get rid of waifu threads?
>Having a tattoo basically advertises your opinions and character are complete shit.
because the only remake Ive ever liked was David Croenbergs The Fly
1982 Thing was awesome
Jesus Christ how horrifying. She must really hate men so she tries so hard to never be approached.
we are so deep in rabbit hole, someone actually thinks it's good idea to put ugly fat gorillas for comedy
*swooshes cape*
>Sup Forumseddit
Hello there, Reddit! How many upvotes did you get today?
Holy shit I feel bad for women right now. It's like if my gender was represented by The Room.
im enjoying the drama to be honest
I saw someone say something like "young girls can FINALLY imagine themselves as ghostbuters". This film came out in the fucking 80s. Neither boys nor girls have been imagining themselves as Ghostbusters, and why do girls need to see a woman doing it to be interested. How stupid do people think young girls are that they can only look up to women?
>mfw they spent $154,000,000 for this shit
They (The ones who say things like this) are low on imagination.
Just look a this. Nothing offends a Sup Forumsedditor more than belling called Sup Forumseddit.
You can call him anything, any insult, but if you call him reddit he will shriek and throw a hissy fit. He's been found out and he hates it, he doesn't even understand how it happened, he tried to fit in but failed.
The Sup Forumsedditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a redditor, memer, Sup Forums, faggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Sup Forumseddit and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
I guess the irony went over your head then.
How the fuck is anyone getting BTFO? It's getting positive reviews from the same SJW shills who were defending it months before it came out , so using the reviews as evidence is worthless, we'll have to wait for the box office results.
>NYT has to shill for the movie and explain it's funny
that means it's not funny.
Post your account tourist
That pic is precisely what a movie executive with stock in Ghostbusters 2016 might say if they wanted to monetise the current fad of fighting for "feminism."
It's basically: "Call yourself a feminist? Then you NEED this movie to succeed no matter what, it is the most important factor in the field of women's rights!" In other words, give us your fucking money, feminists!
And feminists still can't see that their moral outrage is being cynically exploited for corporate profit? Are they blind? Or do they actually not give a fuck and this whole feminism thing being about equality is just a cover for some other agenda?
Because there's no way you could care about feminism the way a shitload of people claim to, and tolerate this shameless, greedy exploitation of your strong moral beliefs. Yet I don't think I've heard one feminist complain that their movement has been co-opted by corporations who don't care that they're blatantly harming the cause and belittling their ideals. In fact most feminists seem to be on board. So I can only assume they are too retarded to see that their movement's credibility is being sold wholesale, or they are actually profiting from this cash in.
Any feminists want to explain what's going on here?
Hello troid
>i'm fat fuck, off
off what?
>girls rule
When they are queens
>women are funny
>>I saw someone say something like "young girls can FINALLY imagine themselves as ghostbuters".
No, it was better.
They were literally saying that girls can now finally strive to become ghostbusters when they grow up.
How can this thing exist in your society?
In Poland that would die because no one would want to even sell it food
>2 minutes on the text
>15 minutes drawing delicious sandwiches
Best protest ever.
The thing is these women can be funny, but there's not much they can do with such a piss poor script.
Best part is all the good lines and moments went to a man.
Meanwhile in actual Poland (NSFW):
It will make $200m globally, tops. $75 million in the US and $125 million world wide. Either way it's going to lose money.
Reminder that Ghostbusters IS the ultimate gender battlefield.
pic related: Sup Forums getting BTFO
Gas the broads, sex war now!
The only thing that matters is the box office.
Way less women, still only gets a 5/10 from them though.
Now that it was an average score on rt right?
>andrew dobson
>Dobson in the top of the picture
>Jew York Times
I swear the kikes will do anything for another kike.
that's clipart
sup reddit!
Is this going to turn into a Gamergate type scandel about the critics and mainstream media reviews being paid to say it's amazing?
How can I enjoy it if I don't see it
One look at the face that blonde is making is enough for me to not want to see this shit.
>2000 votes less
You tell me, 2013+ Sup Forums tourist
We all knew the SJW-controlled press were going to give it glowing reviews, because they're virtue signalling. Sony's whole marketing campaign has been "if you don't like this movie you're a sexist pig." That will get them some good reviews, I'm sure, but it will not convince the audience to part with their money. A low tomatometer score does not prevent a movie from making money, and a high tomatometer does not guarantee it to make money.
Women can be funny but not those three.
>Covers up that it's out of 10
This is the part were we all raise our heads back and laugh at you.
If you struck by lightning bolt
This is every woman's fault
If you smell like donkey piss
Bitches are to blame for this
There's shotting in Benghazi
I sense hand of feminazi
Cops had come and took your gun
This is Mrs Clinton's plan
Mauled by a giant ape?
That's because you didn't rape
The good reviewers refused to make a review of this shit, of course it will get high scores.
Normies and SJWs loves remakes of the same ols movies with strong women instead of men as the protagonists.
First Mad Max, then Star Wars, now this garbage.
Yeah because now now it has an average score on rt right?
Damn, you're right. Dunno why I've never seen that before. That kind of spoils it now, I had this adorable image in my head of her laid on the floor with her sign and her coloring pens, coloring with one hand and eating a sandwich with the other.
"Gamergate" is the ultimate SJW boogieman, or at least it was before Donald Trump ran for president. My nu-male brother still angrily brings up Gamergate every time we get into an arguement about politics or social issues.
What are your top 10 films of all time and top 10 of 2015?
If this question makes you insecure because you're actually a pleb yourself who shares the same entry level taste as "normies" you can do 5
They don't need to pay anyone. The threat of social stigma for not collaborating is a lot more effective.
Its not boogeyman when the Sup Forumsedditors are back
Everyone knows IMDB rates x/10 you moron. I didn't think that needed to be clarified.
This. I'm just picturing all of these greasy manchildren screaming and slamming their hotpocket-ridden desks.
I find it amusing that when you click "Top Critics" the review score drops by 30% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Clearly you didn't otherwise you wouldn't have posted it.
Hollywood execs know exactly how to play the brain dead liberal SJW crowd and get them all worked up.
wasn't it just a decade ago these SJWs and Feminists were fighting AGAINST corporate greed and hollywood CEOs?
Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to pan their shitty movies... and the liberals have no self awareness that they're being used.
I don't understand this. If people are tired of bad movies the free market will fix the problem. I hope they're just being ironic or it's false flagging.
why does wiig look so horrified in every photo?
Never seen the first one, but this movie looks pretty good
>Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to pan their shitty movies... and the liberals have no self awareness that they're being used.
Lets get those White Male studio execs a bigger bonus check!!!
Yay women!
Are you retarded? I was making fun of that moron that said Sup Forums was BTFO. Jesus, how stupid are you? Be honest.
Wiig's expression captures my feelings perfectly.
She just seems horribly awkward when not doing actual acting.
I only want to see this movie just to witness all the cringey humor first hand