I have to be at the airport at 5 and I'm fucking bored. I'm a AAA game dev ask me me anything

I have to be at the airport at 5 and I'm fucking bored. I'm a AAA game dev ask me me anything.

What company do you work for? Also, from a creative perspective, is it fulfilling or do you wish you were pursuing an indie project?

Not gonna say what I'm working on though or what studio. I'll just talk about working in the industry in general.

Sometimes it's pretty fulfilling, but it's still not MY vision. Indie would be cool but I make decent money now and have relatively good job security. I have side projects to keep me happy.

Trends you're fond of?

I'm just gonna post cause I'm falling asleep.

I see a lot of articles talking about how crunch is some horrible thing. It really isn't that bad. You work long hours six or seven days a week, but you do it for a few months every couple years. They treat us awesome, we're well fed and the studio is comfy.

Rest of the time you work normal hours and, as someone who's worked shit jobs, the pay is tight.

Can I put you in my TV remote cuz the batteries just died

How are the hours? Heard they're pretty shit, not leaving until 7pm and shit

Nothing really comes to mind. I don't like micro transactions, personally, but they make money so whatevs.

Worst part of the job? Best part?

Depends. There flexible, so if you wanna come in at 10 that's fine but you're staying till 6 or 7. Crunch is gonna be 12 hour days, but it's really not a bad place to be. I've had jobs where I actually had to do real work, so 12 hours in a studio is nothing

Thinking of trying to get into the industry as a programmer, any tips?

What kind of plane are you flying on?

Worst part? when I'm trying to test something in game and I'm in a rush and a god damn NPC kills me!

Bes part? Solid pay and it really doesn't feel like "work" 90% of the time.

do you feel good about those asians that work in factories slaving away at building electronics for you to make bank off their misery and suffering?
do you think the pollution and environmental damage from the lesser regulations they have causing birth defects shortening life spans, and ruining global ecology is worth it for a couple guys to get angry while playing your game and calling each other faggots?
you really want a little praise for all this?

I'm on the art side, and i honesty got super lucky to get my job. But on my side at least, if I knew somebody who would be good at what I do, I could almost certainly et them an interview when we're hiring. So maybe try and network and meet devs? Only thing is that I get tons of people on LinkedIn and Facebook talking to me so i start to tune them out. So maybe be sneaky about it.

A commercial one.

We outsource actual dev work to those same countries and pay them well. We also hire them and bring them here. My studio is like the United nations.

>My studio is like the United nations.
What do you think the UN does? Import immigrants that will work for cheaper than local labour so wealth gets concentrated with a small minority reducing trade opportunities overall for everyone in that local area with the rest of the money disappearing into a different countries economy instead of being traded in the local area further reducing trade opportunities

what do you write in?

A book obviously
