>it's a nu-male episode
It's a nu-male episode
What happened to you Simpsons?, you used to be cool.
>its a cultural enrichment episode
How many "girlfriends" has Bart had now? I swear he's had as many as Lisa has her episodes about always being right.
Whatever happened to Hipsters actually or have they all been made redundant by "nu-males" or did they become them?
Simpsons may be generally shitty nowadays. But the worst episode ever is still that episode where Bart sold his soul to Milhouse.
That episode wasn't about Bart selling his "soul", but the writers of The Simpsons selling their integrity and become hollow like they are now today.
>But the worst episode ever is still that episode where Bart sold his soul to Milhouse.
Get. Get your shit, and get out.
nu-males are basically the least masculine hipsters that have fallen hard for the far-left meme and try to please women above all else.
A hipster can just be someone who makes personal fashion choices in order to seem alternative, you don't necessarily need a political or sexual orientation.
Hipster and nu-male are interchangeable. Just like neckbeard and fedora.
So hipsters are basically the Alphas while Nu-Males, of course are the Betas of their society? Pretty much the same hierarchy except they are both worlds apart in terms of dominance. Interesting.
Nu-males are the more extreme version of hipster.
Actually, they are a less extreme version, since they are conforming.
way to breathe, no-breath
I used to be with it. Then they changed what it was. Now what I am isn't it, and what is it seems strange and scary to me.
neither of those are interchangeable.
Neckbeards refer to poorly groomed losers and are often associated with obesity, loneliness and slobiness.
Fedoras are a form of hat that people noted that beta males would wear in order to form some kind of identity for themselves, in the vain hope that they'd come off as gentlemen and that point of differentiation would make them attractive to women as opposed to more brutish men.
You can find neckbeards who are also fedoras but they are not interchangeable.
Hipster is not interchangeable with nu-male either, see
Is there an episode where Homer converts to Islam?
just kys
The whole hipster movement is conformist as fuck.
They just follow the latest "counterculture" vogue.
Numale are probably the most effeminate of them.
Here's the moment it all ended
>hipsters aren't confirming
Hipsters are all about forming a groupthink over specific quirky trends (hence "hip"). Someone who likes obscure things for the sake of being different is just a contrarian.
>They just follow the latest "counterculture" vogue.
Kind of like Sup Forums!
watched this ep. recently. Despite the plot being pants-on-head retarded, the jokes are still good and it's an overall enjoyable episode
So there aren't shows with old fashioned/"normal" white people anymore like pic related?
how do you stop being a nu-male
t. nu-male
Stop going on Reddit and eat more meat.
Sup Forums is always countercounterculture
Because it's offensive
notice how people on Sup Forums only talk about stuff that's been approved by Pitchfork.
"contrarian" is a stupid word though.
yeah they are obviously all white hicks on a suburban town.
maybe Jonny is """""black""""" or """""latino""""" but he could be some kind of "tanned european" like southern italian or some shit, don't forget he's called "Jonny"
did they /ss/
>it's a tearjerker episode
Milhouse was the first nu-male and here's why.
>Effeminate as fuck, comes from a broken home
>Hair is a stupid colour, to show how "unique", they are and they always wear those ugly, thick rimmed black specs
>Hanging around a much more popular but failed normalfag to attract charisma and be seen, mostly to impress a woman too who they'll have no chance in hell of obtaining
Face it, Milhouse was the original nu-male before nu-males were a thing
>This episode is 4 years old
This episode was harmless.
I don't like the fact it never really attacked on key issues. It tried so hard not to offend anyone it kinda felt pointless.
You forgot
>wants more than anything ot be a meme, can't
ed edd and eddy are clearly hispanic
Did Simpsons ever make fun of George W. Bush like they Did on Papa Bush and Bill Clinton?
They are hipsters from portand. It's explicitly stated in the show.
>least masculine hipsters
That's like saying trying to distinguish the "most wet water". Hipsters are hipsters.
I hate how guest stars and new characters have a different art style
It's so jarring
No they are fully on anglo-american culture.
also "hispanic" mean nothing, you don't even know what you are talking about.
by "hispanic" you mean "mexican mestizo" because this is actually another half-white half-amerindian breed, like most of "native amerincans" on USA thought.
I really don't think that Eddy was hispanic with his pinky pig skin, Kevin looks like another wigger with red hair, Ed has red hair and his sister too, only Double D could be "Hispanic" but really i don't think so, his second name is also french not spanish.
nice dubs
It's way more jarring in South park though
>Whatever happened to Hipsters actually
Just as the emos before them, they either changed or evolved into the next annoying fad.
You might say everything's coming up Milhouse
if trips milhouse is a nu-meme
the idea of the hipster is not to be all conformist.
the hipster starts with stuff that might get popular; in order to be cool but mainly to be individual.
therefore he has to ditch stuff that gets popular and get new stuff.
established hipster culture is basically normcore.
respect the cock
>le tv tropes
JUST say sad episode
>Look at both sides of an argument and form your own opinion
>Work out, (build those shoulders)
>Call out women on their bullshit
>Like a girl ask her out on the spot, she rejects you move on
>Learn fashion, shirts with shit on them ok for home, card shop, gym. Dress like an adult everywhere else.
>Learn to cook, you eat better, save money, great convo piece with people.
You can do it user, I believe in you
nu-males are a meme though
Literally this
It's just like how Cartman was the original alt-rightist
>it's a "faggot associates generic terms with le disliked site" episode
you have to go
>It's a Marge gets BLACKED episode
>It's a Lisa gets raped by a muslim refugee but still defends him from racists anyway episode
>It's a Bart gets his anus prolapse by Nelson episode
>It's a Ned gets lynched for being a christian in 2016 episode
>It's a George Soros guest stars while shitting all over Trump supporters episode
Can we start calling nu-males "Milhouses" as an insult? I'm hoping it catches on.
>It's a Bart joins Martin's goobergate club and gets humiliated episode
>It's a Homer and Marge vote for Hillary and Trump is the butt of every joke episode
>It's a Homer neglects his masculinity and tells Carl to have sex with Marge as he watches episode
>It's a calarts guest animated episode
>It's a there's nothing wrong with communism episode
>It's a Apu's rich culture episode
>It's a Lisa's new gender fluid post-pansexual love interest episode
Who will be trillho then
more like.
>it's a Ned becomes a xenophobic racist homophobic asshole solely because he is a Christian episode.
or did the simpons already do that?
>It's a Apu in the loo episode
Simpsons sure has changed over time, hasn't it?
It's the nu-male millennial times
I wonder how the koreans felt about drawing this?
Why's everything gotta have a damn shadow all the time?
because it looks better satan
Jesus Christ I'm going to make it.
Thank you Trump.
>it's a "make a shitty caricature of dem libs instead of a clever joke" episode
le special flash graphix
also kvlt trips
nice meme
Libs have jumped the shark years ago.
It's not caricature at this point.
sorry I meant chicano
That's a vintage meme right there
>it's a nu-male sjw liberal cuck nigger mudslime kike shill faggot problematic spic rapefugee hipster san francisco bernie hillary shill socialist communist kotaku gawker neogaf reddit tumblr feminist progressive low t emasculated faggot degenerate millennial wife's son anti-nationalist poo in loo swedish cancer turk roach calarts women alimony JUST fat acceptance colored hair thick rim glasses flannel shirt beanie beard lumberjack cultural enrichment aloha snackbar gun control anti-confederate trump is hitler muh fee fees are you kidding me you're a white male college wageslave vegan indie pixel episode
They look so stiff and soulless, Jesus.
this is reddit
That's more like it.
>those flashy clothes
>that dark, coarse hair
Eddy's black
no he's just some white normie from the late 70's or 80's.
he's right though
That was the ultimate shark jump
Jonny is black
hotheads out now
>its a fa/tv/irigin use Sup Forums-terminology episode
This. I've been here since 2009 and these ribbitors have been steadily infesting the place, we can't let these newfags take over our site completely. Sup Forums used to be the cesspool of the internet and now we're letting candy asses take over our site. I say we get Anonymous to teach them a lesson they'll never f*cking forget.
>it's a Willie's family gets fucked over by Brexit and Lisa helps them by protesting against misogynistic nationalism episode