
Let me guess, you fuckers are going to support a #moviegate now.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/go back to /v//order/asc/

No we have already accepted that movie reviews are worthless.
They only serve as shitposting fuel.

no because i could not care less.
aggregator scores are the new norm so individual critics are becoming irrelevant

Not me. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the butthurt from both sides.

What was the ghostbusters thing?

Did someone piece together that jews used the new movie movie to push some crap?

reddit can do it for us

Some critics like the movie and they're supposed to hate it because some neckbeard on the internet who hasn't seen it is upset about his childhood. So now there's a conspiracy in film criticism because it's unfathomable someone could think differently.

It's nothing worth investing time in.

Didn't care about GG, won't care about MG.

I'm not a low IQ Sup Forumsedditor so no

t. goldstein

Fuck off, social media screenshot cancer.

This person is a Sony shill.

Jesus Christ you are so easily triggered

>swaglord had the gall to spend two weeks banning people for reddit boogeyman posting
fucking christ


Ask him when's the last time he watched Magic Mike :^)



*swooshes cape*

>literally all videogame playing capeshit drones

>last tweet was 8 hours ago

wow truly a happening

feminists we are under attack! help! rape!

are feminists really this petty

>lol we rated a movie positive, that means FEMINISM WINS

>dude we're not gameygate!! y-y-ou're reddit:((

what am i looking for


>second tweet
>has an lb profile
>complete pleb

>Let me guess, you fuckers are going to support a #moviegate now.
I don't even support things that actually matter. Why would i give a fuck about people talking about a useless cash grab movie no one asked for in the first place.

I got mouths to feed and bills to pay.

This fag had beeb staking out the sub all day whining about muh childhood

Be advised do not engage repeat do not engage

I'm not supporting jackshit, I just want to forget this movie exists like I did with Total Recall, Robocop,The Fog and the Assault on Precinct 13 remakes.
And this shit # # # what is this shit, some kind of facebook shit, take that shit away from this board.

Of course. Jesus, I consider myself a feminist, and I'm not watching this schlock, because we've read the leaked script, seen the marketing footage, and both painted a very clear message that has nothing to do with the gender of the protagonists but that it looks like a garbage movie.

No doubt agent provocateurs employed by Sony will try and make this a thing

Capitalists are literally destroying gender and race relations and the nuclear family just to shift a few more of their shitty fucking products


the profile image made me think it was dobson

moviegate will never, ever happen

motion pictures are passive. it never occurs to the people watching them that they could possibly change anything. even if they feel that critics are untrustworthy the only thing they will do is meekly accept that

video games are an active medium. the people playing them realize they can actually do something. it's no surprise that the entire medium has often been hated and feared

>not even 400 films logged


>blaming capitalists

These globalist are just embracing far left identity politics for some quick cash. But they're not the ones who came up with bullshit ideas like white privilege and institutional racism.

This is really embarrasing for everyone involved.

Funny you mention that

>But they're not the ones who came up with bullshit ideas like white privilege and institutional racism.


Capitalists infiltrated the left and replaced class consciousness with identity politics

Why is he so smug bros?

literally a game of reddit and breaker bad pleb
this keeps getting worse and worse

You really want another wave of angry users destroying Sup Forums again? Gamergate has already ruined us, I can't imagine what another wave of SJW vs Gate would do.


Well that is communism's fault ultimately for failing again and again.

Next time don't believe in an ideology made up by a half wit hypocrite who never did an honest days work in his life.

Try reading Marx for yourself instead of parroting dumb shit from Sup Forums

You can start with his essay "On the Jewish Question"

Because deep down he knows that he sucks as a director but still has a dedicated fanbase of plebs who will eat up the garbage that he outputs.


Shill from reddit detected, he will prepare the 'it was just bait!' counter messures to deflect he was paid 10 cents from sony to make that post.

Gamur gate took moot away from us ;_;

>Sup Forums shits now bringing their cancerous "ethics culture" to movies

jesus christ nobody gives a fuck about your anti-sjw tirades. if all of you just shut the fuck up this movie would have came and went without issue, probably scoring sub-50% on RT and bombing in the box office. but because all of you shits had to go insane (particularly AVGN, who just stirred the pot more), it's gonna rocket into #1 and it'll level out in the high 70% on RT. you fucks did this. this is your fault Sup Forumsshits.

Get cultured you fucking pleb.

just a coincidence

Am I? Really? Are you sure?
Search your feelings, deep down you know I'm right, your idol is a fraud.

>Try reading Marx

I already been through my left phase when I was a teenager m8

Marx was a useless faget who spent his days in coffee shops refining his down with the rich workers rise up rhetoric while living off his rich mate Engels bux.

While his followers in the 21st century unironically copy him by posting 'DOWN WITH LE RICH' from their $500 Apple Iphones from inside Starbucks and it's free wifi while living off Mommy and Daddys money.

He is as hypocritical as Ayn Rand

A day of honest farm work would have killed the useless faget outright.

The left and right paradigms are dinosaurs that won't survive the end of this century.

Yes, it's Sup Forums who is invading you and now the subversive feminist fucks who are literally declaring Ghostbusters a political battlefield.

hahahaha holy shit

Sup Forums really has just turned into Sup Forums.

Trips confirms the shill, all praise Kek.


Fuck off already
Nobody is buying the Reddit = Sup Forums = right wing shit you dummy

to be perfectly honest, i only post on Sup Forums when I'm banned from Sup Forums for shitposting

Why do Sup Forums posters get so upset when they're called out? Even based Sup Forums doesn't get this upset
in fact no board does but them

Ayn Rand wasn't hypocritical. Taking government aid contradicts exactly 0 statements she made

Delete this.

who is getting upset ITT?

Sup Forums does = reddit. The capeshi entertainment sensibility is pure reddit to its core

Where does it say anything about the right?


same 3 posters over and over again

now instead of the reddit boogeyman, and the Sup Forums boogeyman, it's the Sup Forums boogeyman

>based Sup Forums
Based on what?

>based Sup Forums
unironically kill yourself

The level of Sup Forumsoogeyman fearmongering is off the fucking charts today. And the worst part is that Sup Forums is the one who goes around invading other boards.

If I see another fucking 'go 'za thread outside of Sup Forums I'm gonna flip.

i think she was being ironic, bros

not to say they aren't crazy cult nutters

Fuck off Sup Forums.

Nice trips tho.

I am all up for it. Someone call Milo and Jim, we moviegate nao

t. rebbit SJW pleb

It's because there's a lot of SJWs on right now.

>what is reading comprehension

same 3 posters is not the same as "samefag"

What directors do you think are pro-MG?

How fucking new are you to this board or even site kiddo?
The anti Sup Forums thing has been going on longer than reddit even crept into this site

This only goes back to 2013 and .moe doesn't have search enabled
archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/go back to /v//order/asc/

Fuck off Sup Forums.

Sup Forumseddit strikes again


you have to go back faggot

How black are the men your wife sleeps with?

at least 2 a day

yes, but they weren't blamed for some organized attack or raid like a boogeyman or until recently

Sup Forums, right now, is one of the most heavily modded boards, if anything it is Sup Forums at this point that raids everyone else

>Sup Forums gets spammed with interracial porn
>instead of laughing theyre anally devastated
>start spreading bullshit to other boards
>start shitting up the site
>moot rage quits

First post is best post. Nothing more to say

>there are actually faggot leftist redditors that try to shill here

you clearly don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about

>supporting activism faggotry

A week or two of ruthless mockery will suffice.

>Sup Forumsoogeyman fearmongering is off the fucking charts today
Sup Forums doesnt go around spreading memes, crossposters do newfag. Sup Forums is self-contained Sup Forums is not

>organized attack or raid like a boogeyman or until recently
Yeah thanks to GG
>Sup Forums, right now, is one of the most heavily modded boards,
Which means their shitposters get banned and they come here Sup Forums did the same when their mod started his child porn war against sportsbar culture
>if anything it is Sup Forums at this point that raids everyone else
Sup Forums has put out memes for years yet none of them spread out until this board went "mainstream" because of bane in the last 2 years.

Why didn't Sup Forums quit instead ;_;

>Sup Forums never crossposts

You spread your stupid fucking shit all over the site. Fuck you.

itt: Sup Forums
itb: Sup Forums
its: Sup Forums

No we don't, you guys steal from us, you steal our memes.

>moot gets cucked
>Sup Forums rubs his face in it 24/7
>moot unleashes Sup Forums harbor
>the entire internet shows up on Sup Forums to teach those nasty racists a lesson
>invasion fags spam Sup Forums with interracial porn and shitty memes round the clock
>Sup Forums continues to be always right
>invasion fags get red pilled
>by the time moot replaces Sup Forums's raid shields, the invaders are goosestepping all over the rest of Sup Forums like the invasion fags they are
>and also youtube, tumblr, reddit, twitter...

>muh GG!

GG hasn't been relevant in years, the only people keeping it alive are the people complaining about it

You just admitted to being a crossposter, faggot

my, what interesting mental gymnastics you have going on there

I answered his post you fucking ape
>but they weren't blamed for some organized attack or raid like a boogeyman or until recently

They brought the blame on themselves with that

Because you're invading other boards right now. Even Sup Forums is being assaulted by your autism.

This. I hate feminism but i couldn't give a shit about Ghostbusters, hollywood makes hundreds of shit movies every year