Other urls found in this thread:
Pristin was a flop
*posts a bait*
where is everyone
we all got kgfs
IU will hit Daebak
i do not believe
well i like your thread bro
who killed kpop?
thanks, here's a picture of aoa
must have missed it when they were being given out
weird I thought this was Sup Forums why is there a pic of a turtle for the op
I like the Choaposter, he seems nice
forgot to delete my thread sorry
post hana
ask her not to use the f slur in 2017
that's choa you blind bat
that's a cute name for your pet turtle I just dont see what it has to do with kpop let alone music
i love choas legs
this thread
choa park has returned
im not going to post my waifu because you guys are being mean today
IDK, Angel's Knock was the last good group release
us bros of choa are generally very nice because we have no reason to be rude when there is choa
and please do not look at her hip area
I'll be nice bro I promise
hana = rich mans irene
Pass the folder lad
they look very very large from all angles
don't be like that. you're just going to bring a lot of hate on hana
She looks even more melted
i'll test the waters with a secondary waifu first
Nuggo slut
this doesn't even make sense
what do you mean
whats a nuggo
hana seems like a nice girl I don't think she'd appreciate you rudeposting with her
she's only one of those things
drunk party girl
Eunha is one of the 3.5 gfriends I like
neither does people posting their pet turtle in kpg but here we are
uggo nugu
gugudan is not nugu
hana is not an uggo
so stop
I want to lick her legs
I think eunha is really cute with that short hair
>tfw you cant see your waifu's private instagram
kpop for this feel
>he's not his waifus friend on SNS
an armed what
that means just because her legs are spread in the middle of a dance move, it does not give you the right to look sir
is she 1 or is she the .5?
i tried to find that video interview where they talk about their drinking habits but i can't seem to locate it
who is this mudshark?
Why is a small face part of the beauty standard in Korea? I've never even heard about it in the west but Koreans say it all the time, "oh no my face is looks so big in this pic", "wow she's so pretty, such a small face". I literally don't even notice.
my wife
I have only pure thoughts with Choa
>Stay away from acting, you rabbit tooth ajumma!
because having a big brain is a bad thing apparently
what are the choaposters favorite choa songs
holy fuck what an uggo
meant to quote
eunja and yerin are both .75
the rich man's irenes are starting to get pretty popular around here
Forgot your nayeon
don't fucking reply to me fucker
>the new dreamcatcher is also going to be metal
do koreans even like metal?
Suzy has short hair now
when did babysoul irene and junghwa het together?
I think Cub is beautiful actually
do koreans even like music
what waifus are for people with a high iq
hey, did you know that jiho is a rich man's irene?
*replies to you*
super secret collab, the release date is TBA
okay i was worried, good because everyone should only have pure thoughts when they see choa
change that filename you stupid and we like everything with choa
my iq is in the mid 200s and i like choa
That's a good question. I bet they work too much to really enjoy music
little Taengoo ofc
purepop tbqh
looks like a poor man's kystal
I can't get over how much I like that jacket
My waifu is Dubu and I have a 350 IQ
She fell for the Japanese grandma meme
Apink used to be on top of the purepop game. What happened?
she's a rich man's krystal tho
there's exactly one good gfriend member
she's store brand sooyoung
you spelt rich wrong
but that isn't a picture of umji