Characters who remind you of yourself.
Characters who remind you of yourself
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn understand higher level mathematics, statistics, physics, or high school level algebra since you drank that thermometer
they left out the part where he referred to his jewish peers as jew boys in personal letters addressed to them
Zero Theorem
also the part where he beats his wife and claims it was the voices in his head that made him do it
I can't stop memeing
Genius level intellect, great taste buds/sense of smell. Also a strong dislike for rudeness or being disrespected among other similarities.
"I'm not doing a sexual assault, am I?"
>tfw you wanted to study math and practiced so hard but still completely failed it in college and your teacher told you that you could never become anything in math
now i'm stuck doing computer """"""science""""""
I don't have any friends, so can you guys congratulate me for getting my MSc in Mathematics? I did really well.
Fucking sweet dude! Maximum congradulations.
can /sci/ explain what is on the board or tell me if it actually means anything or is actually advanced in any way?
By the time I finish explaining the purpose of the equation you will likely have already left the thread in frustration.
I'm the captain now. Like me in every way except my teeth are straight.
>ITT; People pretending to be smart get shitty with other people they think are dumb for anonymous korean clib racing forum brownie points.
Explain it to me instead then. I'm actually interested.
try me
im pre med one class away from med school
Ok i was chirping him too but
>Pre med
>Good at math.
I'm no physicist and i only recognize a couple of the symbols but if i had to guess it would be some kind of formulae for converting some kind of measurable force into a standard constant for energy. Making other calculations possible. These other things couod be in there as well but it seems too short to be much more than that.
Also i would hazard a guess that it is incomplete and just a formulae because no answer is present, just symbols and constants.
who here /smartbutlazy/?
Reporting in. I could make good grades I just don't try hard. Not that I care anyways as grades measure obedience, not intelligence.
That's fucking awesome!
Love you man! Keep it up!
I even still play Sega.
Feels bad cause I know most of the time I am surrounded by idiots ;_;
Someone help me write "Why I want to study maths". This'd be my second BSc before anyone gives me cheek about clearing
No explanation needed. Although I don't drink nearly as much, but I'm too jaded to be bothered with anything else.
not gonna lie that is pretty funny.
meh, some nihilist are smart but lazy.
To be quite honest unless you are einstein level genius yo uarent going to break ground in any field.
No eureka's no discoveries or major advancements.
That just leaves working in your field and learning what otehr people discovered very well and applying it in a way that makes money or is beneficial in some way.
If you aren't interested in the rewards from that then why bother? It isn't like there isnt plenty of people just like you who can do the same thing, the world isnt missing out because you arent the next einstein, even if you are really smart.
Might as well focus on something that will get you more money faster even if it doesnt use your full intellectual capacity.
>Euron is a wildly unpredictable man, known for his delight in playing vicious mind games and waging psychological warfare on anyone around him. He is hated by his brothers for this reason. He is a skilled warrior and manipulator and is cunning, shrewd and ruthless
>tfw euron is just like me
Cool, wry, self assured, but won't hesitate to make the tough decisions
Write a book about it
he was so handsome
pictures like this remind me of why the whole concept of "movies" and "acting" is so retarded
here stands a grown-ass man who is being paid a fuckton of money to stand there pointing at a fucking chalkboard pretending to know complicated equations
all of the conflict in this movie is utterly contrived, and no catharsis was ever achieved because clearly all the baby boomers whose panties got so soaking wet over this film still treat the mentally ill like assholes and their typical response to mental illness is to
a) ignore them
b) trash talk them/blame the victim
c) call the cops
what is the square root of 9?
Mathlet detected.
3 or -3
They also left out the part where he had homosexual experiences
Oh snap. Got day -3 sheeiit, DAMN Nyukka!
prettyyyy prettyyy prettyyyy
pretty good answer.
We're both cartoonists
>He became obsessed with the state of Israel and talked about 'Krypto-Zionist conspiracies.
literally our guy
Someone between him and The Driver.
why doe he look so much better as earl?
Well done man, good job
Great job, i'm proud of you. We all are.
lol fagget you would prbably want to eat my cock too wouldnt you
No I would make you eat it.
The facial hair balanced his facial features, which are pretty big
you have 5 s. what are 644321548*42454.452 equal to?
I reckon that's about how many dicks your mom has taken.
u fukin kunt
it's just 3 you cuck.
>a jewish faggot who insists on the cucking of other people as the only way to get ahead in life
You sound like a faggot, OP.
John Nash was a complete nigger.
This. Square root is a well-defined function and has one outcome per argument. The question wasn't "x^2 = 9, what's x" it was "what's the sqrt of 9".
He didn't understand anything. It was all gibberish that he would dump in an abandoned house because he was insane.
Note that any positive real number has two square roots, one positive and one negative. For example, the square roots of 9 are -3 and +3, since (-3)2 = (+3)2 = 9. Any nonnegative real number x has a unique nonnegative square root r; this is called the principal square root .......... For example, the principal square root of 9 is sqrt(9) = +3, while the other square root of 9 is -sqrt(9) = -3. In common usage, unless otherwise specified, "the" square root is generally taken to mean the principal square root
Fuck this basically happened to me
However, I'm doing economics now since I always liked statistics
>wanting to study the most stagnant, hardest and least lucrative of STEM fields
why tho?
Economics isn't STEM
>since you drank that thermometer
what happened?
I was talking about mathematics
Well since then I spend my time celebrating halfbirthday days and playing cards with my buddy in the woods.
Similar intelligence/sense of humor with a very similar level of hatred for the batman.
You are officially smarter than me user-kun.
Well doond.