past thread: No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway
HoH (Head of Household): Bridgette
Roadkill: Frank
Veto: Bridgette
HoH Nominations: Paul/Tiff
Roadkill Nomination: Bronte
past thread: No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway
HoH (Head of Household): Bridgette
Roadkill: Frank
Veto: Bridgette
HoH Nominations: Paul/Tiff
Roadkill Nomination: Bronte
Other urls found in this thread:
>not using this
The holy Trinity of based
if you wouldn't fuck bronte you're gay
this person is not a good artist
>those nipples
somebody should color these in they're supposed to be coloring pages
does he have olives for nipples
Implying this isnt the best one other than the Bronte one
Forgot image
why he look so stoned?
>Elizagilliam dot com
Stop shilling Eliza
>bbuk will never get popular enough again for live feeds 24/7
>color these in
hope you live in america so you have easy access to a gun to kys yourself with
why watch that shit.
no comps no watch
I think its a tranny
because its boring and the people are shit
>hello darkness my old friend
how many cats do you think it owns?
hopefully more than me
Bridgette said she wasn't going to use the veto?
>she's looking at Frank's penis
no point in using it on Bronte since Frank won RK and would probably have to put up Natalie
probably still couldnt see it
No one in this years "civilian" is even a normie, they were all picked for being known to have some kind of social media following.
she could save Paul because of the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
and get more blood on her hands for no reason when Tiffany is the target?
>skips Jace season
>doesn't use the pun jaced instead of based
>nobody smokes weed
>where is judas
>no one is buying my amiibos anymore
>jizz forgot about me
the nipples are sittin right tho
Apparently have and Vanessa were friends after the season, I wonder if he is still friends with judas
>all 4 cams on reddit while she's being a bitch
>only Vanessa is his friend
Jesus, that is a nail in the coffin right there.
I hate to say it but Jace was very forgettable.
Cool dude irl though
>tfw you'll never see those three + Ian Terry on an All Star season in an alliance
Jace was feeds gold. Thirsty as fuck. I was laughing for hours over his tears. I'll never forget.
>who owns the happy birthday song
I bet its a jew. I know that's what Bronte was thinking
All Stars will be feminism simulator probably.
Nah. Audrey was.
Damn, Mama Day is kind of hot desu senpai
I'm not denying how brilliant Oddrey's meltdown was. I'm JUSTing for Jace.
>I have a daughter and I don't want her growing up thinking this is acceptable
wow them titties DO sit right
>says she's only had sex with one guy
>has a kid
>has pierced nips
Lying ass nigga
OH SHIT! I'm fapping to you tonight momma day!
tiff is going confirmed right now
day and reddit are feeding her bullshit about not campaigning
we need rachel back
even though she is hated only she can rile up people and cause good catty bitchfight drama
I thought day wanted to keep tiff to spite Frank.
Frank is rilen em up good tho.
Would you say I love you on BB during a showmance?
nobody listens to day but z
She doesn't need Tiffany for that. It will look great if SHE was the one to boot Frank. She wants his blood on her hands.
If I was Frank maybe, Frank gets away with everything!
Jace and Steves bully convo was an all time top Big Brother moment.
What could have been if he had stayed...
I don't think he would get away with that. Especially, to waifu grade Bridgette.
God Emperor Jace. Weed Smoke Nation. No race war. JUST peace.
>Day saying whole cast visited each other last year except she didn't
>Tiffany asks if its because she didn't like that
>Day says yes
maybe its because you were there for like 10 days and you're too broke to go anyway you bitch
Da'Vonne- I think you honestly are in a good position for AFP. You are a very likeable person.
>Michelle- According to Frank I'm not
nobody's close to AFP right now. cat ladies would probably just give it to nicole if they had to decide today
Bridgette for AFP unless AFP stands for America's Fattest Player then its Michelle. 100% its Michelle.
Tiffany gets all excited when talking about her sister and starts talking fast and her voice gets deeper its weird. same with when she's talking about why she lost a competition
Isn't BBUK just a bunch of assholes staying in a house together while getting voted out by the viewers? Is there any strategy? It just sounds like a popularity contest.
Also, I've heard the contestants are ridiculously trashy. The whole show seems reviled by most of the country.
BBUK is like jerry springer but in a house
So it's like the last season of Amazing Race? That was honestly much better than I expected.
What is she implying?
whats the chance of a big brother cast having no minorities
>be playing pool right now
>missed a shot and shouted fucing dicks really loud
>decided I could never go on BB because of outbursts like that
>reminded me that time I was bowling with coworkers
>missed a shot and shouted FUCK MY ASS
slim and none
>not having minorities
Are there any cute pictures of Frank and Bridgette? Maybe in a bed together?
>it's a Bronte sleeps with her dildo by her side camera
Bridgette is getting FRANKED
bf on suicide watch
Think about Ahsley and whatever her one month boyfriend's name is. How could you.
guess her boyfriends never saw her sleep because that's an easy to kiss face
Frank could care less and Bridgette is on cloud nine.
titties sittin right
how will Brigde react when she finds out that Frank nominated Bronte
he told her yesterday you dumb faggot
Probably the same as last night when he told her that he won the first Roadkill and put her up.
>Paul talking about putting incense in his beard and his gay faggot cigarette psychology again
dude its just social you know
Bridgette truely is the best girl.
OH shit. Paulie making moves.
>Bridgette didnt use veto on Bronte
>Bronte now likely going home
How dumb is Bridgette?
>if you want to put it in chess terms
>continues to talk for a minute without saying any chess terms
safety and bunker and knock off are not chess terms Paulie
What happened?
Tiffany is done
Hello grodnod
Best plan for the faggots to get Frank out
>go along with plan and get Tiff out
>tell Frank his team has 4 people left someone's gotta go
>get his team to throw HOH
>let him "choose" who on his team is going home
>put him up as a pawn and saying in the speech that they just wanted to target all people on category 4
>be the pussies they are and backdoor him
I think Frank will at least make jury. He is good TV.
>put him up as a pawn and saying in the speech that they just wanted to target all people on category 4
And have him get suspicious and then potentially win the veto?
Paulie isn't smart. Cody lost for a reason. Don't emulate him.
day tooker
But Cody played a really solid game and could have won if he just picked Victoria instead.
>bridgette for afp
Are you a cuck?
If Frank is Cersei who is Jaime?