
Replicate album covers using stock images and comic sans
>bonus points if you use paint

This was kinda fun

Childish Gambino - Awaken My Love

haha yes


Kurt Cobain in hell confirmed







that was pretty fun

forgot about the comic sans but ok


this is the best one



looks pretty much the same desu


wrong game m8

This is a quality thread







I spent WAY too much time on this

worth it



>its a potato
love it


fucking lel



Using PS would've made this a whole lot nicer




500 hours in photoshop

Would've been better if paint allowed transparancy, or I'm just retarded and couldn't find out how to do it.

top kek


fucking classsssic

This turned out pretty shitty

>mfw dat filename

not what is said in OP but this is the original cover to Loveless

fuckin perfect



I tried

best in thread
>Come on the Illinoise

I did okay


Wew lad

I'll be honest, zero effort

fukken kek



i spent about 5 minutes on this
which is 5 more minutes than it deserved



this looks nothing like the original
why did i immediately know which cover it's supposed to be?

maybe it's because it includes the album title

it says "OK Computer - Radiohead" on it



let me try boys


funnily enough, that stock photo was probably low key taken with the wall in mind

If you don't enlarge it you could probably fool me if I wasn't looking too closely




pretty spot on actually

a lifetime in paint

close enough


unironically better than the original




I tried way too hard with this one.


P4k core




Pls more!! This was fantastic


I was mobile and didn't have much to work with...

what a fucking chore lmao



/x/ crossboarder here and i died


the point is for it not to look nice
