>Fargo taps The Leftovers Carrie Coon as its season 3 lead
Seriously, whoever is in charge of the casting department of that show is a fucking genius.
>Fargo taps The Leftovers Carrie Coon as its season 3 lead
Seriously, whoever is in charge of the casting department of that show is a fucking genius.
Great actress, hope she gets more and more exposure.
she's very good, but I disliked the leftovers a lot.
Why? How many episodes did you watch?
nice legs and feet
i want to taste her feet
nice. Too bad it's too late, the show will have 3 season against the 5 predicted by lindelof
Why live ?
Not that user but I've watched both seasons and disliked second more than the first and honestly the lack of explanation and saying you're never going to explain anything before the show even began because lindelbag couldn't write his way out of one is a key problem.
>. Too bad it's too late, the show will have 3 season against the 5 predicted by lindelof
Should have ended at 2 honestly, it was perfection, and when did Lindelof ever say Leftovers would be a 5 season show?
made for the bbc
season 3 is last for leftovers bud. they barely got a season 3 by the way.
>they barely got a season 3 by the way.
I'd rather they had not got it.
does Sup Forums like?
Well I'm curious. Season 3 is set in Australia btw.
He said himself in an interview that he had for 3 more season worth of material.
Season 2 wasn't perfection season one was better
And i don't know why you would ever stop doing something because you did it great
What needs to be explained, exactly?
There's nothing happening on the show that's not out of the realm of possibility.
Lindelof never predicted 5 seasons. He said they were happy after season 2 and could have easily left it end there but they wanted to complete the story. He said there's no way they can write more material for a fourth season.
That's the point. One of he main reasons we like this show is because Lindelof has full freedom exploring his characters instead of having to explain shit. The fact that not even the characters will ever know what happened is part of the premise of the show.
I love her as Nora desu senpai
She is really great
"Why" is a pretty big fucking thing to skip over.
It's the same reason Lost shit the bed.
They couldn't tell a well written story and basically started relying on bullshit like "We need to go back" events for the sake of it as plot devices to run a treadmill that didn't make sense.
Bad writing is one of the reasons you like the show? yay?
I agree LOST needed to do a better job of tightening up the narrative and explaining loose ends, but I do not think The Leftovers should be held to that. The show is about an unexplainable catastrophe, the fear of the unknown that comes with it, and how it affects people. If you start explaining things it defeats the purpose. I hope The Leftovers never explains a thing about the supernatural aspects.
>"Why" is a pretty big fucking thing to skip over.
No it's not, it's not important to the story.
I liked dis cracker Coon bitch in Gone Girl
perfect, i love her
FMK: Amy Dunne, Margo Dunne, Detective Boney
>Season 2 wasn't perfection season one was better
I disagree but respect your opinion, and I honestly think S2 had a brilliant ending that tied everything up neatly is why.
Lost shit the bed when it got too caught up in trying to explain a "Why" that wasn't thought out. Leftovers is Lindelof's chance to explore the incompleteness of the human condition through a mystery he's under no obligation to "solve"
never heard about her
why does Fargo have this obsession with female leads?
Detective Boney, Margo Dunne, Amy Dunne.
Season 2's finale was honestly its only major stumble in my opinion. I would consider that finale too neat and a bit rushed, the way it reintegrated the hotel cheapened the value of that concept. Still, "Off Ramp", "Lens", "International Assassin" and "Ten Thirteen" were perfect episodes of television and topped Season 1's high points.
good, it's the best show on tv right now
That's my choice too but if it really came down to it, I'm not sure I could really follow through killing Amy
Season 1 has 1 female lead and 2 male leads
Season 2 has MAYBE 2 if you count the mom and Dunst, and even then there are 5 male leads with at least dounle the screen time.
Nah, it has potential but Noah Hawley is in danger of disappearing up his own ass. Season 2 was a goddamn mess. The actors involved have always been top notch though, and S3 is looking to be no exception.
Probably because Marge Gunderson in the movie Fargo is one of the best female leads of all time.
I've yet to see a story that wasn't implicit in the need for why and trying to escape a basic tenet of story telling is just bad writing.
Name a well written project by him since beginning of lost?
Everything he has touched has been hated. Don't include this either, the fanbase for this show is so niche they barely got renewed on a pay channel.
Marry, fuck, kill.
But realistically it would be Marry, fuck, fuck.
But user, killing a straight shooter like Detective Boney would make the world an incrementally worse place.
LOST was great and the Leftovers is great.
I agree but if we're going by the rules, it comes down to internal bias our male instincts have for the woman in question. MFK/MFF
The beginning of lost was great and Leftovers would have been canceled mid-season on any other network.
idk what it is about kim dickens but i have like an intense urge to fuck her. prettier women don't rouse that feeling in me.
You probably have mommy issues like I do. She looks like a more down to earth, real-world milf version of Amy Adams.
>would have been canceled mid-season on any other network.
that applies to 80% of television
No paywall shows get a lot of leeway in comparison with other networks because they're ad driven and payshow's are not, it literally could not be 80 percent of television bud.
If a network like HBO is running your show, the dynamics for keeping it on the air are completely different.
Look at how many shows with millions of viewers get canceled on CBS? Different networks have different benchmarks but it comes down to peepers and ad sales.
Leftovers has terrible ratings.
eh it tried to toy with your emotions too much in a really manipulative way. Like every scene is supposed to be the saddest of all time with accompanying music.. it becomes very straining when it was hard to care about these people at all. I don't really care why those people vanished, but some of the other questions like why did wayne fuck all those asians, what the fuck was the thing about the father going to australia?
and why did evie join the cult?
>Season 2 was a goddamn mess
I don't think it was. Most people like season 2 more, the acting, camera work etc is great.
I kinda like season 1 more though, cause of Lorne Malvo, who will forever be my favorite tv show villain.
It's really nice to see show with acting this great, when all we get nowadays is shit like GoT.
>carrie coon
>is white
She was a bro in gone girl.
Would date over the other two girls/10
People that can't enjoy something because they need plot points meticulously explained to them ruined both lost and the leftovers.
The shows aren't about solving a grand mystery, the mysteries are just plot devices to explore different themes.
The point is in universe that weird shit happened and no one understands why. if the writers took the time to explain in bullshit psuedoscience what actually happened everyone would think its stupid, but if it stays a mystery then its easier to sympathize with the characters who have no clue what the fuck is going on.
Its like Cloverfield, how the characters weren't the marines and scientists discovering the secrets of the monster. They just have to deal with the changes like a normal person would. I couldn't think of another example besides cloverfield