/who/ - Doctor Who General

Enlightenment edition
Reminder that enlightenment is the choice.


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Enlightenment is surprisingly good considering it had such an awful, pedestrian director.

The 'Film' edit with new CGI effects and the shit cut out of it is very decent.



Enlightenment is legitimately a damn cool serial.
>that first cliffhanger

Walter Matthau was in Doctor Who?

what the fuck does that mean?

I'm not cats

Can't believe bloody footface is going to be the doctor again

Fml lads

Kit-Kat Yaoi Snakes


Sorry, I misread your post. I thought you said an awful, pedestrian doctor.

First for Osgood

can't believe this bait is so shit

I know, I can't believe it either.

because it's not true. When are we going to stop getting driveby muppets shitposting about this because they heard it on Clickbait News Dot Com


Kamelion, Your Servant

good luck guy with the thread.
we've already had Eccles face, paedo pic, that poor dead girl and some closeup faces with twisted expressions.

Enjoy 4cats! Goodnight

He's gone for the night guys, get the booze out!

and now we've had "whinging about cats"

Night mongo

I legitimately miss cats.

He is lurking

Oh look, it's no fun allowed user

So do I. Him going away has actually made the shitposting about him worse because now it has absolutely no locus.

So he was a dog-whistle pander to the gay community, right?

Not in himself, but Ainley's Master and Turlough were for sure.

hi cats!

Is there something especially gay about a blonde guy in a cricket uniform? There does seems to be a lot of deviantart with him and Ainley...

posting of the deceased is now against the rules old chap?

>posting pics of dead girls is wacked

it's adorable that you didn't understand that.

Well... ah.. it's just that.. uh. Nevermind.


No. Adric was.

What are your secrets/who/?

I don't think Chibnall was that bad a choice

I like Strax

Most companion and Doctor departures make me a bit teary, even the kinda shitty ones like Leela getting married off to some guy she barely interacted with

Whoa, did we just get jannied?

sure did.
and I'm pretty certain that we deserved it.

And yet the pics of little boys remain

Cats pet janitor has done his usual and deleted cats enemy only

>STILL trying to force the "everyone is secretly cats/somehow working for cats" meme
Bloody hell m8.

Reminder: The Janitor is a timelord and the savior /who/ deserves
Reminder: This is a nice general you've all got here. It'd be a shame if anything were to happen to it. Behave

What the fuck is going on, the last thread just went from like 360 posts to less than 310. Now it's back on page 1.

Reminder that
is still canon thread.

It always happens at 10pm BST

This was really weird to watch in 2015. I felt uncomfortable.

are you from the future?

Why would it be weirder to watch in 2015 than 1981?

I guess because Adric would be over the age of consent now.

Too old for cats.

Maybe because JNT's biography came out around then, apparently with some kind of gay/scandalous stuff in?

Weirdly, he was 20 or thereabouts when playing Adric (born 1961) but I had to look it up so can see why you'd think that

Tennant > Colon Baker

Not him, but maybe back then it would seem more innocent? Simpler times and all? I don't think parents back then would have raised an eyebrow. For instance now you'd be hard pressed to find a parent that would allow their children to be alone with a catholic priest, back then it probably would have been encouraged. Sexual preditory things and what not are more a part of the cultural zeitgeist now I'd think.

Adric has an erection.

oh sh--

I hadn't noticed before, but it appears as though you're correct.

I think Doctor Who is actually pretty good most of the time

And there's not that much difference between Five and Eight, except Eight has a Byronic motif

We were having such a nice time, too.

Martha was the best companion desu




Can't argue with the last of the /who/lords



Claras in the finale

I love her just because she's the only companion to see the Doctor as the manipulative mastermind he is, and give him a giant "fuck you" by leaving. She IS the original doctor nyarlathotep theorist.

Some dead romance, if you will?

Ecclescakes is on NPR right now talking about his autism drama

>his autism drama
You mean Doctor Who?

No. He was a bully in primary school.

You have crisps? He wants them.

Oh, and good job, janitor.
You broke /who/ for the day.

The A Word (it's just now coming out in 'Murica). He mostly talked about dealing with his dad's dementia, and mental conditions generally - no Who questions, they didn't even mention it in his bio

The A Word was GOAT. And Eccles was good in it.

The speed of the little lads diagnosis was a bit unrealistic, but apart from that it was spot on.

Anyone know where I can watch Downtime, the most GOAT and canon of DW fanfilms?

>Wah wah I no longer have free reign to shitpost /who/ into hell by calling everyone cats

I haven't checked in years, was there ever a conclusive reason given for him distancing himself from it so much? Just animosity with crew?


Not really, he's been reluctant to talk about it or name names - most we've got is something about the "culture that'd grown up around the series". People think it was probably Keith Boak he argued with, but that's just a guess


I think I admire the fuck out of Eccleston.

''Foxkin'' wtf why was this allowed?/

No it's been heavily implied it was actually the shit treatment of the crew by the BBC higher ups that made him angry at how the BBC run things. Based Chris was looking out for the common folk.

So that's it then.

/who/ is dead.

RIP in peace

final post.

A new prophet shall rise from the ashes that is /who/ LONG LIVE ORFORD

Favorite Nu-Who Stories
>Series 1
>Series 2
The Impossible Planet - Satan's Pit
>Series 3
Gridlock (I have no idea why I love this episode so much but I just found it fascinating).
>Series 4
>Series 4 Specials
Waters of Mars
>Series 5
The Pandorica Opens - The Big Bang
>Series 6
The God Complex (might be my favorite episode).
>Series 7
Asylum of Daleks/The Name of the Doctor (weird that I chose the first and last episodes of the season but I legitmately think they were my favorite).
>Series 8
Listen (probably second favorite episode of all time).
>Series 9
Face the Ravel - Heaven Sent - Hell Bent

Favorite Nu-Who Doctor
1st. War Doctor (thought John Hurt was masterful in his redition of the world weary doctor.
2nd. Tenth Doctor. While I originally wasn't a huge fan of his character, I love the idea of this Doctor having one of the shortest life spans (7-10 years) in combination with being one of the most human. Only Doctor to waste a regeneration to maintain his form.
3rd. Ninth Doctor - Underrated and taken too soon from this world. Absolutely fantastic.
4th. Tweflth Doctor - A great throwback to the cantakerous old man. Wasn't the biggest fan of his relationship with Clara.
5th. 11th Doctor comes in last, which isn't to say he's a character, just my least favorite version. He knew he was on his last regeneration and decided that he wanted to spend his final life being adored (hence the youth) and "forgetful" of the Time War because he didn't want to spend the remainder of his life with the regrets of the tenth doctor hanging over him.

Surprisingly decent episode choices all round.

>watching Pleb Who

Was with you till I saw 10 that high and 12 that low... a real shame desu

I really enjoyed Listen as well. Good ep choices.

First person I've seen rank Hurt #1, cool to see he has fans out there

This isn't a gif. What a ripoff.

It's only been recent that Ten usurped 12 (and it's only because he's one of the more flawed regenerations) as well as Capaldi still having another season to go. 12 is still fucking phonomenal and I'd argue that he was one of the few Doctor iterations capable of surving the confession dial in in the manner he did in Heaven Sent. I can see the 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, Ward, and 9th being the ones to survive while the others (especially 10, 11) would probably perish.

Pokemon go and Big Finish is a perfect pair

Have ya read Seasons of War? You should be able to find it, if you know where to look...

Faction Paradox is rather mega, don't you think?

I thought about picking up the Big Finish War doctor stories. Are they worth it?

I actually haven't heard those yet. I was referring to the (very good) fan anthology, up on the Faction Paradox mega.

However, I've been told the second boxset is good. If you liked Hurt's Doctor, you should definitely pick up both volumes.

>mfw when I'm downloading it to my phone this very moment
>seasons of war
Thanks be to you and n8

Walking more will be good for you

Have you read it, Cloister?

Also, I'm happy Belle said she wanted Amy. This fic feels more like an Amy joint, anyway.

Yes. However there are gaggles of people roaming the streets playing. There were easily 20 of them that I could see from my window last night. I'll have to wake up super early to avoid them. There were reports of muggings a couple of towns over, but I figure that's BS.
I guess it just became available for my cheap ass phone, because I checked the past two nights. I want that little blue tooth wristband that vibrates too.
No, well just the excerpt that was posted on the FB. And you've been hyping it for forever, with hints of bizarre or "different" stories. She's excited to read it and can't wait!