This movie is gonna be so fucking painful to sit through.
This movie is gonna be so fucking painful to sit through
Other urls found in this thread:
No one said you had to watch it.
>Be watching Suicide Squad
>It Aint Me starts playing
>it's a warner bros. butchers yet another dc property episode
I can't wait for the "holy shit this was kino capeshit done right bravo DC" threads.
you have to watch it, too bad
fuck off
Then don't sit through it, retard.
But OP is an epic YT reviewer
God. Why did they tarnish Queen with this shitty movie?
And Quinn
Fuck off, milenial.
>neo/tv/ plebs will defend this flick
Who's that?
Me and my girlfriend are so excited to see this :S
We are booking advance tickets to Langley iMax and plan on having dinner before hand. Will be a great day.
HQ cosplayers are literally the sluttiest girls.
i'm looking forward to it more than BvS and Civil war desu
I will be there too, dressed as the Joker !
Tell me what you look like, so I shoot you guys last :D
Will she let me fill her up then?
They ruined Harley years ago in the comics. Once they decided to really make the Joker edgy after The Dark Knight she was put through a grinder. I mean the Joker in Dark Knight was already being tinkered with in a stand alone story but the movie decided to "borrow" the design and it made so many people's little edgelord hair stand on end they made the change canon. I just hope the Joker in this movie doesn't have the same effect. But I digress Harley Quinn is already shit this movie is just taking the recent shit and using it in live action form.
it's got margot in it so i'll watch it
Margot's a fridge.
Not familiar with that slang, what are you saying? That she's fat?
Looks alright
>those thirsty as fuck guys in the background
I'm starting to think the sign's a good idea.
she's a 10/10 you fucking faggot
>there will never be a live action film in which batman has to defuse a bomb but fails only to find out it wasn't really a bomb after all and instead gets hit in the face with a pie while the joker cackles in the background
Rectangualr body, no hips etc.
I'm only gonna watch it because of this guy.
shit taste
>This movie is gonna be so fucking painful
for you
Is this a good movie to watch with my mom if I want to freak her out?
It's a big band.
how does this pic make you feel inside?
knowing this will never be you?
>tfw I had this dream of a young Sheryl Lee playing Harley Quinn and it was glorious
>tfw it will never happen cause she's too old
100% guarantee that your mom's gonna freak.
This is going to be the best DC film yet bros!
the marvelcuck asshurt will be glorious
>tfw unironically excited for this film even though leto will make me cringe if he's not robin
I feel pretty good. Maybe need to take a bath since it's been two days since the last one, but other than that I'm great.
>implying it's not gonna be one of the most entertaining movies this year
It feels very genuine, has a big budget and goes back to good old action movie roots where fun & mayhem is the key element.
Also, for some reason Harley Quinn seems to get a free pass from the SJW's despite presenting their greatest fears.
I really like the idea of Jason Todd becoming the Joker, I could see a scene where he Batman have a rooftop encounter and rather than fight Batman tries to talk him down, reminiscing on the old days and again offering to help him, Jason/Joker almost seeming to respond before the madness overtakes him again.
Or y'know, Leto is really just the Joker and Robin is as dead as Jimmy Olsen.
Jimmy olsen appeared in BvS though
>rated PG-13
Yeah he was referring to jimmy getting gunned down in the first 10 minutes of the movie
You just described a scene from Batman: Under the Red Hood animated film. But instead of madness over taking him he's just a huge dick out for revenge.
Barely remember anything from that so I guess vague memories are bubbling up, that's me being an unoriginal faggot.
Was hevreallt in the movie?
I don't remember seeing him
>it's okay when Marvel does it
Everytime I see Leto's Joker I feel overwhelming disgust so I can't bring myself to see this movie until I can pirate it and skip over all his scenes.
Jokerless edit, that sounds just fine
Take out Deadshot while you're at it
Why fucking bother
Yes, he's the CIA agent that gets rumbled and then shot in the face in the North Africa scene, in the Ultimate Edition he actually gets an introductory scene where he tells Lois he is replacing her regular photographer, to which she pretty much gives him a cold shoulder.
why is will smith billed ahead of Leto?
affirmative action?
>tfw you dont care about the movie but you only care about harley quinn
sorry guys i have to watch it for harley
i think margo robbie is perfect for harley quinn and im excited for our first 1st live action of her.
>wanted to watch harley get BLACKED
At a guess I'd assume it's because he's earned more at the Box Office than Leto.
Far more prolific and well-known than Leto, he's been in the action movie game longer than anyone else on the list and used to have a solid record of blockbuster hits, so of course he'd be there first.
Is that an actual comic? Name?
That doesn't seem to be any kind of consistent rule
>pic related
Because everyone hates Jared Leto.
*Mom freaks*
>the marvelcuck asshurt will be glorious
didn't i hear this before?
is will smith in that movie?
*is jealous of Jared Leto
Does will smith have special rules that only apply to only him?
Top earners not always top credit is the point
Happens in the animated series
How is the madman lifting a fridge all on his own?!
how can ledger ever hope to top this?
>Will Smith
Household name, used to be box office gold, extremely popular
>Jared Leto
a literally who to most normies. they might have seen him in Requiem for a Dream, and might have seen him when he won his Oscar, but that's it.
Why isnt the nigger wearing his mask?
Why are people still liking this guy when hes such a weird creep raising one of the biggest faggots Hollywood has ever seen.
She's basically naked in public, you're gonna get a few onlookers.
In fact if she wasn't getting stares she'd be upset, she would have failed at her job as a cosplayer/attention whore.
>Does will smith have special rules that only apply to only him?
Yes, because he was one of the biggest earners in Hollywood, more than anybody on that Kickass poster, what don't you understand?
it's only okay because i don't care about marvel or their superheroes except daredevil.
>Beaner poster
>Nick Cage is barely in the movie compared to Smith who is a major character in Suicide Squad.
Shite example honestly.
Fuck off autists. This looks awesome.
No it doesn't
>PG 13
What? So they won't even curse?
PG-13 is multiple counts shits, ass and a limit of 2 fucks 3 if you're daring.
He literally does, when he accepts a role he has a special writer Will Smith-ify it to match his brand.
I love jared leto but this movie will sucks ass
the cosplayer is enji night btw
best thighs in the game
Joel Kinoman will save it
It will be even more painful to see all the threads full of 20 years olds hating on a movie made for kids. Its a fucking super hero movie how have you not grown out of it yet?
It looks fun because DESPITE looking like a Hot Topic edgy, zany Boogaloo of insanity (XD), it's at least not being like any of the other movies. The closest thing to it would be GotG which was fun anyways because it wasn't capeshitty.
Seeeven Trailersssss
She also has a sex tape.
shouldn't you be on reddit nu-male?
Le music defener tier garbage
I've heard that Leto snuck in the fourth 'fuck' under his breath, they are going to lock this crazy fucker in a box...