C4's "Racist Britain" aired tonight. It was a hard watch.
Is Channel 4 the only channel to really tackle racism and call out Islamophobes and anti-semites?
(Here's "The War on Britain's Jews" from Channel 4 Dispatches, 2007)
C4's "Racist Britain" aired tonight. It was a hard watch.
Is Channel 4 the only channel to really tackle racism and call out Islamophobes and anti-semites?
(Here's "The War on Britain's Jews" from Channel 4 Dispatches, 2007)
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oh for fuck sake, there was another one called "is Britain racist?" a little while ago
Brits are very nice to foreigners tbqh
But no-one can please these marxists
>literally awful
these living parodies are too much
>It's only a hate crime when white people do it
>its only colonialism when white people do it
hopefully things will change after brexit, I don't want increased racial tensions, ive already got a quarter asian friend claiming oppression
I travelled all over and brits and italians were rudest
From what I've seen brits are somewhat xenophobic compared to americans, but then again americans are probably the least xenophobic of all the countries in the world.
Germany and Sweden are pretty non-xenophobic if you are not white
Either borders will be controlled and there will be less migration, or our economy will tank and these faithful, beloved, exotic people who contribute so much colour to our lives!!!! will jump ship without a second thought as they are wont to do. They're economic migrants and they will do what makes sense, they don't love this country, it's just a cash cow for them.
What slightly blows my mind is why people take the mindset of inviting migrants to come here to a highly xenophobic country and then blaming the nationals - why did you fucking invite migrants to a place they aren't actually welcome? Most scam artists at least realise they're the ones in the wrong.
And of course nobody realises that all the problems caused by different cultures (like this) is the natural consequence of multiculturalism and GUESS WHAT it wouldn't be a fucking problem if they weren't fucking here. Literally making problems happen and complaining they happened well no shit, retard.
>racist tweets vs. nigger snipers
get on our level, bongs
Wait, their definition of a hate crime is racist tweets? This is supposed to be important?
Report if there are more fucking lynchings
That depends, outside of cities there are literally 0 minorities, and in general people don't like them. There was only ever 1 black kid in our middle school and we called him the poomonster
However, places like London and Birmingham belongs to them now, so it's the norm
>One particularly toxic side-effect of the EU referendum result has been a rise in racist attacks, the bigoted choosing to see the result as a political endorsement of their own prejudice.
Channel 4 just keeps BTFOing those racist brits.
British are actually fairly hostile especially towards eastern europeans.
Funny how its usually the immigrants that wave the biggest flags and shout the loudest during a national event.
I guess its because they lack education to keep their raging patriotism under control?
In a country where it's frowned upon and thought of as racist to even display a St George flag you're going to use the flag waving argument?
There's got to be a breaking point for all of this, right?
Something's gotta snap.
Nice b8 m8
>internet hate crime
>a dramatic rise in Islamaphobic tweets in the days after the Brussels terrorist attack in which 32 people were killed...
Jesus christ... Leftists are straight up insidious motherfuckers.
>sure these 32 people were killed in bombings in the name of Islam but look at what this bloke tweeted
>Hate crime
>racist messages on the internet
Pick one, motherfucker. How did these pansy fucks survive a world war?
Most of the ones that did survive it now hate the country, and a lot of the rest fucked off to Australia or another Commonwealth
>Hate crimes are up 400% since Brexit
>How did you get that number?
>There are 400% more racist tweets
Fuck off lefty Britains. Stop claiming mean posts on the internet are hate crimes.
This is why no one was taking you seriously.
In cities yeah sure but in small isolated towns, much like America, they'll believe anything the Sun/Daily Mail throws at them
>stewart lee
neck yourself
It simply brings up the idea of "If an entire country doesn't want these people there, why should they be stopped?".
Fuck Britain. I'm sick of hearing about their problems.
Wew lad I'm a Pole living in West Midlands and this place is literally second Somalia. I don't blame ya, just wished you guys weren't a bunch of pc cucks and actually dared to address issues other than Eastern Europeans (you're literally only brave enough to bitch about white minorities lmao)it boils my blood when cunts like Farage bash Poles 24/7 cuz we actually work but remind silent about shit like Rotherham.
>There was only ever 1 black kid in our middle school and we called him the poomonster
Jesus fucking kek
>tfw lived in Birmingham my whole life
My next door neighbors are black, they're nice enough though.
>Subjugated Scots
But the Stewart family which formed the Union were Scottish
They didn't. Most of them are nu males.
Why isn't immigration ever brought to a public vote?
because the majority of the public are imigrants
If you want xenophobics go to japan.
oh my god
i would hate to live in this police state you cucks live in
I don't think so.
Is there any European country whose media isn't full of self-hating leftist fags?
>I know this because the guardian told me so!
Fucking fag.
>If you want xenophobics go to japan.
I lived in Japan and it's racist as fuck.
And there is zero crime. (There's crime at government levels and Yakuza underworld gambling etc, but as an ordinary person you never see any crime, and walking around at literally 4am in the morning you never feel in danger).
They also break into your houses then shame you for it.
Then the confiscate your butter knives.
>undeniable evidence of attacks on Muslims in the UK
So problematic. Yet you never hear of any Muslim attacking anyone, do you? We could learn a lot from the Religion of Peace.
>hate crime
Stale meme tbqh
>standing in the way of cultural enrichment
Worse than Hitler, desu.
Because the majority of the population in every country on Earth is against it, and anti-immigration would win in landslide victories.
And the Globalists can't have that.
To be fair the US armed both al Qaeda and ISIS
>Hate crime
No such thing.
LITERALLY no such thing.