Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
Name a single truly ugly person inside of the MCU.
Hiddleswift might be the ugliest dude they have.
John C Reilly's space cop character
Gorilla Grodd is DC though
>john C Reilly
what. He's a very handsome man
>but as a gorilla
Came here for this
Tell me again how we don't have a racism problem in America.
Look at them both side by side. She's like the black woman version of him
Doing Rhino in the next Spider Man?
his mama always says he's a beaudiful baby boy
Here you go sir! That will be $5.99 plus tip. Have a nice day!
You don't have a racism problem in America.
she looks like one, she acts like one to garner fame.
adults who live in reality are talking, go back to your safe space.
Who said I'm american, burgerfat?
If she opted to play a hero she could play Gorilla Man.
I'm in Australia yet you're still a nigger. Don't think moving out of America to another white man's country will make you any less of a chimp
maybe is the DCU, as Gorilla Grodd
Excuse me negro, I asked for Crab Legs. Tssk tssk, no tip for you my nubian friend.
So now she's demanding movie roles?
Nice bait. Guaranteed replies.
its a meme, you dip
Lmao all you mad white pissbabies are STILL butthurt Ghostbusters has been hailed by critics.
Don't yall crackas have some Pokemon to play? Fuckin whitebois
Do you think it bothers her that she looks like that?
>switching from a feminist to a nigger
You're memeing wrong
The only black woman in the marvelverse is the new Iron "Man"
She could play pic related if DC ever gets its head out of its ass
This desu, as a white ally to the Black movement these white cis men need to take a step back and go hmmm. Shit really makes you think you know.
Fuck off racist.
it certainly bothers me
Marvel will probably feel pressure to respond/hire her since they couldn't possibly ignore/deny a successful talented hilarious beautiful powerful black woman who clearly has long lasting appeal/range and will go down in history as one of the great black entertainers of our time.
I vote ironman.
Brazilian here. It's still funny. Specially 'cause I live in a Banana Republic
this 100%
Weak bait compared to Not even convincing, my pasty white friend.
I knew you wouldn't let me down user
Nothing wrong with racism. It's like sexism, like how most female comedians suck. Just facts of life
There is no racism problem in America. One particular race has problems living in a civilized society.
I was actually coming here to post this, that would work well if she didn't do comedy and acted as a straight faced tough black woman, would work well.
she can play gorilla grod
its 2016, get with the times you fucking cretin. you honestly seem insane when you post pics of apes in human clothing on the internet, science has shown us for a long time now that niggers are genetically inferior species, I mean seriously dude take off the tinfoil hat for 5 minutes and read a fucking book.
>the radio, telephone, computer, television, combustion engine, train, plane, democracy, the language you speak, slavery abolishment, the country you live in, the TV shows you watch, the books you read, the philosophy you think about, the movies you watch, the stories you love, the clothes on your back and the architecture you live in. The race of greatest minds and thinkers the world will ever know, the masters of the finest masterpieces. The race of poets, philosophers, artists, thinkers, inventors; Voltaire, Da Vinci, Tesla, Mozart, Beethoven, Michaelangelo, Franklin, Aristotle, Socrates, Napoleon, Washington.
How can niggers even compete? Are you seriously comparing mud huts with satellites?
>mfw McKinnon is being parroted as the breakout star of Ghostbusters and Leslie will be soon forgotten as the one note hack she is
Ancient Greeks came from Nubia. They were black. So yeah, tell me again how whitey invented all that shit. We were philosophers and democrats, poets, philosophers and kings (Alexander the Great conquered more land than any other leader, and he wa black)
>Insulting that fine melanated gentleman
To the popcorn pits you go
Serious question, who would she even play? No, don't say anything about gorillas. I want a real answer
Gorilla Grodd is DC isn't it?
I am a spic
The Cartels actively hunt niggers.
Feels good
how did this silverback make it as an actress? surely sleeping her way to the top wasn't an option.
Nick Fury's wise cracking ex girlfriend who starts up the competing Agents of S.W.O.R.D.
Coulson. Not that he even classifies as ugly, he's just a dude.
Hiddleston isn't ugly either, though he does look like a lizard with the long, greasy Tommy Wiseau hair.
Abigail Brand?
>pressured to do anything but churn out the movies they planned 6 years ago and collect money
CCH Pounder is the only correct answer, she's the female Morgan Freeman
>She could play pic related if DC ever gets its head out of its ass
Nothing wrong with Viola Davis and is right on the money, always though CCH would get the role
>The only black woman in the marvelverse is the new Iron "Man"
No indication she'll ever be in the MCU, that's like thinking Thor will become a woman DUN DUN DUN.
I'm sure with the upcoming Luke Cage and Iron Fist series Misty Knight will be introduced.
she would be fine in a marvel movie
ghostbusters was a mistake for everybody involved
I'm gonna say the same. Fuck you early Annon
This isn't even the first iteration of this thread, brighteyes
welp, marvel can't say no now.
it's going to get steam and marvel is going to be pressured into putting her in one of the 'high' end movies.
i for one hope it's tony's new assistant. and she introduces him to her niece (to backdoor the female iron man - the apparent rage/cool thing)
Not him, but I'd have made the same joke if we were talking about Ron Perlman.
It's not about race.
Hell, Looney Tunes made that joke about Ron Perlman.
>negative opinion of Sup Forums
shit nigger then that's like 90% of Sup Forums. no one likes those faggots.
Honestly Amanda Waller isn't far off, but that's DC
And on top of that, Suicide Squad's Viola Davis has this fucking crazy intensity that screams "competent and not afraid to make you LOOK like an assclown without saying a word."
I don't know what Leslie's niche would be. I guess it sucks there aren't many black roles to typecast her.
NO one hates Sup Forums when theyre at Sup Forums
Fuck off Rorke.
Agreed with all but the pro-pedo
I've been here forever and think it should be legal to burn pedophiles alive in the street.
>Ancient greece
>Alexander the great
In gender studies I'm sure they'll teach you all of them were women too. Aristotles, Pythagoras and even Alexander herself.
She gets what she wants
She deserves it for being brave enough to be a black woman non standard body type in Hollywood
People talk about cultural relativism, but consider this: If all your needs are met and, on the whole, you've only ever fought over a few dozen square miles of land with neighbors who are more or less apathetic to killing you -- what cause is there to build vertical infrastructure or even significantly enhance your tools?
You could live, eat, talk and die much like your grandfather and your grandfather before you as long as you aren't side-swiped by a more advanced civilization.
I put it to you that until a few hundred years ago that's exactly what Africa was - a status quo. They've come much further than people give them credit for, but there's still a large segment of people there who think, "Well, we have a resource economy, the sun still fucking burns and malaria keeps getting me sick every four months, why should I care about globalization or education within a generation? We're improving best we can here."
They aren't out to "impress" anyone. They're just taking the first steps toward a global-focused Africa, one civil war and Chinese foothold mining company at a time.
i love pol. they're reddit repellant.
Could see her in the DCU as Grodd.
your addition of "pissbaby" was a nice touch, I don't understand their obsession with that word, reminds me of shitlord before that became a
meme. However your bait overall still needs work.
Not on election year.
>who are more or less apathetic to killing you
>that's exactly what Africa was
Zoe Saldana does not look like a Monkey, neither do most black celebrities.
But yes Leslie Jones looks like a fucking ape. That's not racism it's objectively true.
I honestly think she would be a great Thanos or Galactus
Yeah, "tribalism" is synonymous with "primal Africa" for a reason, but again, if no one's significantly escalating warfare, where would they be getting technological innovation? It's not like they had a large market system like medieval Europe fuelling a constant stream of "Well FUCK YOU TOO BUDDY" inventions.
wrong thread bud?
That blonde girl Cap kissed in Civil War had a gigantic nose.
>if everyone is too retarded to figure out how to improve what they're doing why bother improving what you're doing?
valid point.
>what's a Nubian?
I'd rather her be spiderman than the new kid.
I'm starting to think Leslie Jones is a fucking cool person.
>BTFOs SJWs when they complain that she's a stereotypical black cartoon in GB
>in a world where only whites can be villainous out of fear that studios will offend people she proclaims her desire to be a villain
Leslie Jones may actually be fucking based
>Leslie Jones may actually be fucking based
I want you to consider this
I actually like Sup Forums, but when they spread to other boards they become tremendous faggots. Especially /k/ for some reason. Also fuck cunny posters are poison.
>Would club someone to death
I applaud the next level trigger-discipline
> all the overdone le monkey meme
> ctrl+f no Lockjaw
come on Sup Forums thought you guys were better than this
We do, the problem is people try to pretend race doesn't exist, when it's very real. She looks like a gorilla. Race matters. It's biological fact.
She'd make a pretty good ursula in the live action little mermaid
Ah yes the
>"racism is a meme" meme
Wonderful. Take over Dolphins. I don't think we are going to evolve anymore.