Can we get a Kino appreciation thread going?
Can we get a Kino appreciation thread going?
Truly beautiful OP, saved and thnx.
Zack Snyder is great at doing things that look cool. Like a child, he values that above all else and makes movies with the mindset that he just wants shit that looks cool with no other meaning behind it. Try listening to his commentary on Watchmen and see if you can make it past ten minutes listening to that idiot.
I'll start.
Yes, he is a true artist.
whoa - never noticed this
>Even at his most pedestrian or bombastic, Snyder makes a far more engaging film than Christopher Nolan (an executive producer of “Batman v Superman”) ever did—because Nolan presumes to know and to show, whereas Snyder wants to see. Even his slender philosophical world seems like he’s discovering it, not delivering it.
I always thought about that scene and this is a rad picture to show Supes how he truly is.
I like Brody but that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
It absolutely does. Nolan's is matter of fact, bland, a stifling, empty world. Snyder's is vast, teeming with adventure, of which we see but pieces.
Reminder to read Plato's The Republic to truly understand Clark's mindset.
But it does
wtf didn't notice that.
WB bros are the coolest mf ever. everyday when i visit MoS or BvS threads I discover something new
when will we stop discovering new things about Snyder's work bros? ;_;
So Nolan is an established philosopher, whereas Snyder's a retard?
>Nolan is an established philosopher
Compare this
to this
Too little CGI and no pissfilter, 0/10.
Snyder wins again bros xDD
looks like a school play, boring
snyder puts emotion in that scene
Jesus Christ how awful
I can actually see what's happening, what a piece of shit scene.
What do they mean by this?
So just finished a DCEU binge rewatch and noticed the priest at Clark's funeral is the same priest he talked to in MoS. And his friend Pete Ross is in there too. Snyder is truly the master of capekino.
I don't get it. why are you hating the BvS scene? where you expecting some grass footage like Malick or super precise angles like Kubrick? You're just hating bros
I'm assuming Kryptonians still have a heart in that area so I don't get how superguy isn't instantly dead
>movie starts with a funeral
>ends with a funeral
also pays homage to The Seventh Seal
Snyder is truly a genius ahead of time. We're not worthy
Kryptonians have two hearts or some shit idk.
wow that's actually a bit autisticly impressive
You can see Starlord's moms during Cap America.
Haha, I get that reference!
>If I namedrop the film I stole a scene from then it's not plagiarism, it's an homage!
Slimy Jewish fuck.
That was my favorite scene in the movie. Not even kidding. Definitive version of Wayne murder.
Explain Kino to me.
Does he have an original bone in his body?
>adapting a comic scene panel by panel
>original bone
wtf is wrong with you? seriously?
A:10 V:10
Thanks YIFY
what a fucking failure
>suit not tattered
>helmet is on
>no spidey lying in the foreground or other heroes
jfc mahvel directors are lazy piece of shits
>they are fighting in the same pose lmao so deep
Truly kino here
can someone post a wallpaper of this pls
more of those pls
where are the ones with the religion imagery?
Do you have the one comparing this with the painting?
Way better than Nolan's cuck version of Thomas Wayne
Is this actually from the movie? I thought all that 3deep5u crap was a bunch of bullshit, but this may actually convince me otherwise
>starts with a funeral which shatters bruce wayne's faith in humanity
>concludes with a funeral which restores his faith in humanity
>lex luthor is driven to darkness by superman's existence
>bruce wayne is brought back into the light by superman's existence
only in shit quality
meant this
holy shit, nice.
I thought Abomination was the one from The Hulk, and Doomsday was in BvS. Did they really miss that and let that line go into the final release?
your mahvel jokes have no power over here
The main theme of Snyder's "Batman v Superman" on spiritual dematerialism is not eschatological, but a phenomenological ontology. Thus he implies that we have to choose between predialectic construction and deconstructivist neodialectic theory, essentially Heideggerian as seen in the concept of Dasein. The subject is interpolated then into a cinematic dematerialism that includes spirituality as a whole. But if the Kierkegaardian worldview holds, we have to choose between the cultural paradigm of expression and atomism. In Snyder's own "Man of Steel" he has a character says that "the world's too big”. Inherent in this is how the function of Lebenswelt (cinematically translated by Snyder as "world of life") operates in all his films, chiefly in "Sucker Punch" and "300". We see a phenomenological approach to the world showing a cinematic logic that presupposes a strucutral constraint in rootedness, another intentionality central to his filmography and philosophy. Because "metaphysical comfort" is not an object of temporality per se, but rather an aspect of automatic condition, as suggested by Cavell. Hermeneutic interpretations are also apparent in his post-"Watchmen" movies; in fact the interchangeable subjectivities are but another representation of Husserl's and Wittgenstein's "form of life". As his academic hero Heidegger succintly noted, "freedom is the ‘abyss’ of Dasein, its groundless or absent ground". This is essentially the thesis operating in Snyder's films.
“Art is intrinsically meaningless,” says Ben Affleck. The primary theme of BvS' analysis of Sontagist camp is a mythopoetical totality. The characteristic theme of the works of Snyder is the common ground between society and language. But the premise of dialectic superheroism holds that the establishment is capable of social comment. The subject is interpolated into a social realism that includes narrativity as a whole.
“Society is unattainable,” says Kal-El. It could be said that Luthor uses the term ‘neomaterial desituationism’ to denote not sublimation, but presublimation. If social realism holds, the works of Snyder are an example
of purposeful superhero movies, also known as "capekino."
In a sense, Marveldrones promote the use of postdeconstructive objectivism to attack capekino. The subject is contextualised into a neomaterial desituationism that includes reality as a reality.
But dialectic superheroism suggests that culture serves to entrench outmoded, elitist perceptions of capeshit. Terrio uses the term ‘neomaterial desituationism’ to denote a self-supporting totality.
>he hasn't seen the kino of the century
More importantly about this is that he's pointing right at the explosion from Doomsday back on Earth
One of the best moments of the movie
>tfw unironically enjoy MoS and BvS (the extended edition is actually pretty solid) but cant tell if I am just being mocked by threads like these or not
This shot was seriously one of the dopest homages in any comic book movie and it only lasted like 2 seconds.
This is what i call true "Snyderkino"
kino confirmed
Go home before you're stomped
>bitch from 1940s
>Starlord's Mom in the 80s
Try again.
Marvel drones looking for kino in their babbyfilms won't find it.
Batman apparently refers to the Parademons in JL as 'flying monkies.'
Snyder's kinology cannot be stopped, even by """""critics"""""
>Adapted the panel from the left
>took out all the conflict and consequence
Perfectly sums up Marvelshit.
Top fucking kek.
>he thinks tumblr is only inhabited by sjw landwhales
tumblr is literally the best porn site on the internet.
Maybe reddit is more your speed?
I posted the webms, I'm not hating it, I loved it, everyone seemed to get the wrong impression
Is this a new meme? pretending that BvS is some deep film?
you have to go back
Oh, child.
Go home before you're stomped. He wont even be able to save you
is this loss?
holy shit
it's a kino
fuck that's some based shit right there
This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to Christ Suckmeman for just saying he did a better version in 20 minutes. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to Nolan's trilogy, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make Catwoman look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
Holy shit . . . .
holy shit