Yes i am racist

Yes i am racist.
Yes i hate feminists.
But more than anything else i hate shitty remakes starring fat & ugly cows that think they are funny, but they are not.

inb4 elderkin

fuck off

Beth Elderkin false flag detected

Don't cut yourself on that edge, m8


Racist people are pretty feminist though

They would rather side with a fat white woman than a redpilled brown person

who's the tranny

A lot of these guys are great. Jim in particular was quite talented.

Molyneux needs a swift kick up his ass.

I'll never understand why redditors are so obsessed with this movie.
Why not just not watch it?

Go back to Sup Forums we don't need you here faggot.

>Btw I love big fat black cock in my boipussy. Yum

Kill yourself.

The Amazing Atheist is an SJW faggot in his own right, he doesnt belong there.

Funny how I never encounter you white supremacist types out in the real world. Do you really never leave your basement?

Even if its a fat white woman who identifies as a non binary poly coloured heteromollusk?

>hating a form of entertainment that happens to have a story/element you don't like or is not specifically marketed to you

woo lad you are a sperglord

the quality of the board plummets when americans are awake

>yurocuck late night
>board goes to shit because they refuse to go to bed

every day

I just want to talk about movies and post funny reaction images about them, with people from all over the world.
Why do we need to have this kind of hate on a tv&film board?

i hate it because you shitters shove it down my throat every day in the catalog

More than I hate SJWs and lefties I hate Sup Forumscucks that worship krauts

krauts should be killed

>you shitters shove it down my throat every day