4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 7 > 2
4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 1 > 7 > 2
Close, but Episode 7 belongs last.
>Episode 7 ahead of anything else
Total pleb.
Patrician, non-meme, non-jewish, unJUSTed ranking.
7 is decent compared to the prequels. Even 3. You must be a millenial shitter who grew up with the clone wars shit and think "the prequels had some decent ideas!!"
>Sith Lords are our specialty
This. People who put any non-OT movie ahead of any OT movie are millennial trash who should stay on reddit.
5 > 6 > 7 > 4 > 1 > 3 > 2
All the prequels are great.
You cannot disprove this.
This. 7 is a solid movie, despite being completely forgettable and made by a commitee. The prequels try to be original, but they're fucking horrendously made, so 7 is better than the shit prequels.
They are far better than the boring OG trilogy. Watching 4,5,6 was a real pain in the arse.
>execute post 66
samefag retard.
episode 7 is trash for teenage redditors.
Can't refute this.
5 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 3 > 1 >2
6 is dogshit beside Jabba's sequences and the final fight
If you have any prequels above 7 you are a legitimate autist
2 is one of the worst movies ever made
Did Obi Wan believe in anything at all?
not even close
objectively correct, if you try to correct me you're admitting youre wrong
he believed in a certain point-of-view.
The problems with the prequels are constant in all movies.
>Boring as shit
>Lazily directed, flat angles every conversation shot in shot reverse shot
>Characters talk in half-rate theater prose
>Every single character action and plot progression makes zero sense
>Garbage CGI
How the fuck are you supposed to enjoy a movie if you're questioning literally everything about the movie?
Fuck you guys, I liked the prequels.
I can't really make a mind out of 7 as it's just the start of a new trilogy, too much stuff that isn't known yet and can be just speculated about, hope they don't fail it.
Yeah guys, I even liked episode 1 and 2, they're just not the best of the saga.
>Ranking more than one of the prequels in the bottom 3
Top tip: If you do this then you are a pleb who puts children's movies from the 70s on a pedestal. By the way, you should probably try Reddit, it's more your speed :)
EP7 should be a mediocre reaction, then it's perfect. Could you make my version so I can share it with friends on normiebook? Thanks :)
This dude has the right idea, you can like the prequels, just admit they're shit movies beforehand.
Absolutely correct
>dude i watched the plinkett reviews! they told me what to think!
Don't worry buddy, I fixed it for you.
Every one of them has something special about them, something that makes them very much star wars, but at the same time they also have awful moments.
>4 boring space battle of the Death Star
>5 boring Hoth battle
>6 boring Ewoks
>7 mary sue bitch, rip off of OT, unbelievable fight between inexperienced fighters vs knight of ren
>1 boring pod race and cunty actor kid playing anakin
>2 boring anakin/padme scenes, cringey anakin actor
>3 cringey anakin actor p2, anakin killing kids, rushed tempo
This is official
>1 boring pod race
>not fucking JJ Binks and gungans
1) Nope, sorry
2) How retarded do you need to be to interpret my comment as being pro-TFA? Are you American or something?
Shut up palpatine
It's just I deleted shit from my memory
5 >>> 4 > 1 = 2 = 3 = 6 = 7 = shit
is objective rank.
7 is not original.
4 didn't need the retarded pandering to the fans.
4 was a risky attempt of mixing Lucas' fantasy with flash Gordon.
4 didn't have the resources they had for 7 so they used several camera tricks to make the saber fights look less retarded. Still manages to look less stupid than 7.
4 had actual memorable music just as all the other episodes.
Poe and Finn were ok. They fucked up with Rey and that shitty ass sithlord wannabe with a rapper name.
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 1 > 3 > 2
This is irrefutable
> 7=4
Hello there Reddit.
5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 2
7 isn't a star wars movie.
5 > 4 > 6 >>> 3 > 7 > 1 > 2
People give 6 too much shit. The scenes with Luke, Vader, and Sheev were better than anything not part of the original trilogy.
True patrician taste.
This is objectively correct
Fucking pleb shitposter, Rey is a deeper character than Luke will ever be. We don't know anything about this strong woman's past.
Looks like the thread is over now.
>Rey is a deeper character
>We don't know anything about this strong woman's past
the two statements contradict each other
Good list
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 1 > 3 > 2
I haven't seen 7 yet though.
itt: edgy teens arguing about starwars
star wars is for manchildren watch real kino like the star trek movies
Jedi is classic fight me
Mah nigga
>phantom menace is my third favorite movie ever and I easily consider it to be the best star wars
im gonna get shit on for this opinion, but anakin and jar jar never once annoyed me and i thought the pod racing was awesome
I agree with you sir
honestly one of the best I've seen so far
When will these Prequels > Dog doody > Episode VII people fucking grow up?
Contrarians to the fucking max spouting shit just to be contrarian
Holy shit.
uno > duos > tres > quatro > cinco > cinco > ses
Why do people insist on putting episode 1 over episode 2?
>It's treason then
RotS is only at the bottom because Grievous was one of the coolest villains but only really there for half the movie. The rest was a mad race to turn Orphan Annie into Darth Vader, which we already knew was gonna happen.
All these people who even think episode 7 belongs in the same category as 1-6. As shit as the prequels were at least they still felt like star wars. More than anything, episode 7 felt like a marvel movie.
Episode 1 is very uneven; the best parts (darth maul fight, Duel of the Fates, Liam Neeson, podracing) are far and away better than anything in 2, while the worst parts (Jar-Jar, most of little boy anakin, space politics) are the worst parts of the whole series.
In my mind, Episode 1 is a deeply flawed movie with worthwhile parts. Episode 2 is just boring all around.
we are rating the movies as movies as far as im concerned, not as 'star wars' movies whatever that really means.
5> 4>3>>>> 2> 7> 1
>Putting episode 2 above 1 and 7
Thank you. All the other rankings were so rough and coarse and irrititating - and they're posted everywhere.
But not you. You're everything that is BASED
You're out of your mind if you think clones is better than anything
God damn it, Bill. You almost destroyed this fucking thread. You we're off by one damn number.
>not as 'star wars' movies whatever that really means.
It means that even though episodes 1-3 had many flaws, it was still memorable and had a large and lasting cultural impact.
Episode 7, like every Marvel movie, was made to cash in and make the most money as possible like a marvel movie, and like a marvel movie it has already been largely forgotten about by most people.
On top of that episodes 1-3 built on what was established in episodes 4-6 and added new things, while episode 7 added nothing new to the franchise and just relied on the old movies which is another reason why it was so forgettable. People remember AT-AT'sf for the battle on hoth, not for Rey's house. People remember the Millennium Falcon for the OT not for episode 7, etc.
Episode 2 has Jar-Jar ruining everything, and makes Yoda fight
Because episode 2 is consistently terrible.
Can someone explain the III isn't complete shit meme?
Is there one good scene or line of dialog in the whole movie?
>On top of that episodes 1-3 built on what was established in episodes 4-6 and added new things
The Prequels were like shitty fanfiction
All the Jedis wore the same style of robe. Why? Because Obi-Wan did
Luke just dresses like an ordinary person, I guess Obi-Wan forgot to mention the official Jedi dress code?
Not to mention throwing in "midichlorians" so that we could turn Star Wars into Shounen anime power level discussions
I had more fun watching obiwan go hand to hand with jango the fett or seeing the jedi improvise in the arena witb ought tgeir lightsavres than I did watchibg the retarded podrace or space politics of episode 1
Get this sand-head outta here.
>lasting cultural impact
Can you quantify this really?
I'm pretty sure episodes 1-3 will have extremely SMALL lasting cultural impact with normies and the majority of the world, maybe nerds will appreciate the visuals and worldbuilding it brought, but i'm not sure why you would think this.
Episode VII may or may not have the same fate but already plenty of normies love it way more than they ever did I-III.
inb4 you say like 'fuck normies', i mean the majority of the world.
Sheev is always entertaining
Ewan McGregor has some pretty solid scenes too
It has a more tragic, consequential tone than the rest of the series
Obi-Wan vs. Anakin is good
The opening space fight is good
I think it's people trying to be controversial even though III is objectively shittier than Jedi.
Real Ranking is:
4 = 5 > 6 >>>> 1 > 3 = 2
No, 1-3 seemed like it was written by someone who didn't even watch the OT.
It ruined or contradicted more shit than it built upon.
prequel has more memes
OT doesnt
thats all
from my point of view your ranking is evil!
>Obi-Wan vs. Anakin is good
>The opening space fight is good
Haha, what?
I never said the prequels were very good, just that they are much more memorable than the unoriginal, forgettable rehash that episode 7 was.
And the writing wasn't much better for episode 7 anyway, it was full of marvel tier quips, the main character had no development, the progress old characters made like Han and Leia was reverted, etc.
Sure maybe normies love it more but that's because in the 2010's everybody buys into hypes and fad, and when episode 7 came out star wars was hyped up as shit so everyone went out to go see it. But the curse of appealing to normies and hype/fad culture like that is that it will be forgotten for the next one, like it already has been now.
And episode 7 seemed like it was written by someone who plagiarized the OT. And if you want to talk about contradictions episode 7 contradicted a shit load of stuff from the OT while building almost nothing.
How fucking retarded you have to be to like RotS?
I mean, it's just the same shit AotC was just with a little better technology.
Revenge of the Sith is absolute kino
>muh memes
>muh quips
and the prequels havent been forgotten? who talks about them? nerds. no normies. not sure what you are talking about.
>7 isn't a star wars movie.