So what happened to the Marty that had been living in the altered timeline when the original Marty came back from the past? Marty gives no indication that he knows anything about the new timeline, so where did the second Marty go?
So what happened to the Marty that had been living in the altered timeline when the original Marty came back from the...
timey wimey, m8.
The "other" Marty went back to 1955 to repeat the whole process. The better question is what subtle changes to the timeline will THAT Marty do for the third Marty.
There is only a singular Marty
Seems unfair. That Marty loses his life and gets sent back to the past for no reason.
The thing that bothers me is the end. Marty may back in the year 1985 but everything is different from the original 1985. Nothing is restored, his parents and friends are completely different and he just goes along as if nothing was different.
the sequels actually follow the second Marty. in the original movie he was super insecure, not even daring to send in his music tape
>what if they reject me?
but in the sequels he's very confident and cocky, getting mad when people call him chicken and so on
Well he was only in that version of 1985 for a few hours as far as we've seen and to be fair other than his family being better off due to his father learning to assert himself life isn't all that different, it's a net gain for almost every one involved
how come the girl looks different?
it's like marty didnt even notice
the energy required to time travel would probably unmake/destroy/render meaningless all matter, energy, and causality
so it would be equivalent to an annihilation
nothing to see here
>Well he was only in that version of 1985 for a few hours as far as we've seen
What version do you mean? The initial one or the one at the end?
The changed Biff specifically said he should be at school when he first sees Marty in his penthouse. I can't remember if he says boarding school or military school but either way he's supposed to be at school.
The one at the end after he alters time
When he comes back he only really sees that Doc is ok, goes home and goes to sleep, has breakfast with the family and starts seeing the changes and then before noon hes off to the far off future of 2016 in a flying DeLorean and doesn't come back to the 80s until the end of bttf3 where we just see him hang out with his girlfriend a bit and that he's learned to keep his temper under control
This. Biff actually comes out all pissed off and wonders why he's here, because that Marty is "Supposed to be at a boarding school in Switzerland."
That's the 1985A timeline but I suppose that would actually be 1985B since it's the third revision, OP is talking about the second revision
A history of Martin McFly through the years (or so I understood it)
back to future 1
>2 Marties (IF you count the ones from BTTF2). There is Marty 1, and 2 at twin/lone peaks mall. There is Marty 1 though the whole movie. There is Marty 2 at the buffs house and the dance (with his inconspicuous disguise.
back to future 2
>2 marties at same time (in past, future and alternate 1985).
2015 and 1985 Marty in same place same time.
>biff-land, again there are 2. Marty is in Switzerland at boarding school (from alternate 1985) and Marty is stopping biff from becoming, well, rich biff. (from original 1985)
In 1955, there were 2 Marties at the same time (see BTTF1 Part). Now, at the end of BTTF2, Marty from BTTF1 is gone, and BTTF2 Marty stays to fix the Delorean, go to cowboy times and fuck shit up.
now during the alternate 1985; 2015 (as we knew it) didn't exist. so future Marty and family didn't exist.
I don't recall if after 3, Marty goes back and sees original family (fat mom, pushover dad, asshole biff) or if he sees 2nd family (hot mom, cool daddy, bitch biff).
anyway that's really the history of Marty
I probably fucked some shit up man whatever tho
Okay if you mean the "improved" timeline, then why do you say that he was only for a few hours in that version? The Delorean was crushed by the train and even after Doc visits him with his train time machine from 1885, Marty is still "stranded" in a version of 1985 that is different to the one he lived his entire life so far.
I hope this is clear.
How come he doesn't have any childhood memories of his now Alpha father?
Yeah you're just misunderstanding what I said
He was only in that timeline for a few hours that we saw, that being the key part, and in that time he got dragged off on more adventures so didn't have a lot of time to react to all the changes
Plus going back to 1955 and helping George not be a cuck isn't going to have quite as many changes as you think, his family is better off obviously but aside from Biff the town is pretty much the same and it doesn't make sense that Marty's father being a better person would have any bearing on how his friends turned out
Ripple effect hasn't caught up yet/not being acknowledged when it does catch up since he's in the middle of adventure/lazy writing
At the end of 3 Marty goes back to the improved family, you can tell since he still has that truck at the end of the movie and the entire plot of 2 was making sure the improvements were made and stopping Biff from fucking shit up
ah ok thanks for clearing that up
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