Very important pictures only

very important pictures only



not bedtime yet

headache. increasingly bad one.

no aspirin, but have advil

Here's that pipe for you.

Because at least the thumb thing has an end result beyond "now I have to go wash my penis otherwise this juice will become sticky and uncomfortable."


squad goals


Ceci n'est pas une pipe.

the time off is nice though. I got some warm socks and a tea set

any plans for the weekend?

good night gentlemen

ah sorry, wrong reply to wrong person, im pretty bad at looking at names i guess.

i need void because its very good hybrid armor, at least until training 70 mage and melee skills

sick pipe my dood. i bet you could put an entire 420 in it, when u dont do the inject.

oh is that what we're doing now

yeah but what are you going to use it for?

i guess not sleep tight angel

I close every night this weekend.


that's GAY


Not bedtime but headache time. Same thing.

I got socks too actually. The odds.
Is the set nice?

hey when luc sends dick pics that I really like I save them so I can look at them when he isn't around or isn't horny
get some advil then
yea but some people might try it for the adventure. Have you ever sticked your dick in an apple? How do you not know you won't like the feeling?

im very sorry i dont know whats gotten into me


that's is a very sexual image, saved

i swear im not posting this disgusting pornography barry please forgive me im not good with computers

armor. its good hybrid armor. i could do some barrows with it, good choice for lower levels who want to do pvming, like me.

that sucks

I like how they look, but they're very christmasy and meant to be worn to keep your legs warm. actually I got a bunch of warm stuff, slippers and scarves

for barrows you take tank gear though

I have not stuck my dick in an apple. I know I wouldn't enjoy it because I have eaten apples and know the meat of the apple is somewhat gritty in texture and the apple overall is firm.



well then your not the target audience for dick apples.


i didn't say i was gonna camp barrows forever. i'd use it as an opportunity to also get defense up for beautiful armadyl armor, as well as possibly make some money for it.




I don't think there even is an audience for apples being put on dicks.

you should just work on getting 73 slayer then camp wyverns

Do not sexualize the green bean.

mind your own heckin business


I'm sure one can be found if you look hard enough.

I will work on slayer after i get my dream setup achieved. I want to be extremely overpowered for the first 60 levels.

Don't think I'm not watching you sin. Keep that activity away from my child.

TFW you run out of beer.

Not necessarily. Popobawa don't exist and will never be found no matter how hard people try.




hey tiger

he's mine, who the fuck are you


Evening BB
I watch The Accountant while drinking
Ben Afflick can't really act anything other than stoic.

Post your pipe.

I wouldn't mind if A. the lack of transportation sucks at 1 am in the winter, and B. my manager would keep things consistent, she has me closing all weekend and then a mid-morning shift on Monday.

I wish people drew this much incest for MarioxLuigi

you're being so lewd, it's strange

its fun

well mine's more like a battlestaff.


yea but those are mythical creatures, an apple is a physical object you can see and touch.


is it a good movie? I've been drinking and playing puzzle games

hat really sucks. do you get any say on your shifts?

nice pipe



thanks u

True, but that doesn't mean there is an audience for that kind of thing.

Yeah it's quite a enjoyable movie, some drama, some action, some stoic autistic bits. It's worth a watch.



well I haven't searched yet, there are some people with some weird ass fantasies out there.

how's your week been?

how you doing?

pretty sure fruit/food fetishes exist.

Then why are you bottoming?

Was a last minute change. The person had to change shifts and I was the only one available.

Yes, but that's not really a fantasy someone would have.


I'm pretty tired bcus ive been grinding rs for a few days. hbu, how u doin

ive been told my personality is very submissive. i dont really care much for being pleased by other people, i like pleasing others.

I have met people who literally want to have sex with pillows, nothing on them, just pillows. It shouldn't be something someone has a fantasy about but someone somewhere in the world does.


That's the better kind of subby.

Looking back, it's been wasteful.
But i still enjoyed it. How was yours?

void is pointless for slayer though because of slayerhelm



too bad you couldn't have got a better start on monday

I'm doing good. playing pokemon, puzzle games and drinking. I've been getting progressively worse at the puzzles though

it's been good. figured out my class schedule, but still need to fix my sleep schedule

You'll never get the whip with such low slayer.

What game are they talking about, anyway?

How do you mean?

ah sounds fun, whats your drinkin & pokemon game?





apple cider and pokemon sun. it the first one I've enjoyed since ruby and saphire


There's also the "lay back and let you do whatever you want to me" sex doll kind of subby, which is boring. I like when both sides are active in sex.


I can't stand Team Skull.



well i don't think you'll fix it by staring at a blueish screen late at night.