Wonder Woman Script completely re-written


>from a screenplay by Allan Heinberg and Geoff Johns, story by Zack Snyder & Allan Heinberg,

>story by Zack Snyder


Other urls found in this thread:


who wrote it originally?

>Story by Zack Snyder

Dead on Arrival.

She'd look sexier fully clothed

Jason Fuchs (Pan)

Probably got BTFO by WB after Pan flopped

a few years ago Jason Fuchs (Ice Age Continental Drift, Pan) wrote the script for Michelle MacLaren. When she dropped out, WB must have dropped Fuchs too.

>I dont understand what story credits are

I'll sacrifice 10 Palestinians for 10 more years of pleb butthurt.





kiddies don't understand kino

Sup Forums kiddies are the ones who defend Hack Snyder. True Sup Forums users know that all capeshit is dreck.

>screenplay by Allan Heinberg

Sup Forums is right again....

Zack Snyder and a soap opera writer who wrote a mediocre Wonder Woman comic 10 years ago

Also Johns who wrote an awful Wonder Woman for 3 years

Warner better start doing something like Sony did for Ghostbusters



>swn make you gag on her strapon for not shilling her new movie hard enough

wtf i support Israel now


If Sony's smear campaign pays off and Ghostbusters makes a shitload of money then I'm sure Warner Bros. will say that everyone who doesn't want to see the new Wonder Woman is a basement dwelling misogynist.

>story by Zack Snyder


Thank you, Snyder

>story by Zack Snyder

>set in a war
>female character
>story by Zack Snyder

oh no


>swn reward you for shilling her movie hard enough by making you gag on her strapon

it works either way

Why doesn't this exist in better quality yet?

I loathe Zack Snyder but this isn't really a big deal. "Story by" just means he created the basic story outline. Wonder Woman is gonna be a steaming pile of shit but the blame will fall on the writers and directors instead of Snyder.

> Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior.


>ywn be anything other than a cowardly neckbeard that, both, men and women mock and despise

kys and be done with it already.

>Wonder Woman is gonna be a steaming pile of shit
Why do you think this?

>Script completely re-written

I don't read nothing about Script completely re-written in the article

It won't be BvS-tier, but it will be better than it would've been and hopefully be thematically and tonally consistent with Zack's DC universe
But without him directing, I worry than any subtext will either be lost or, worse, be so hamfisted in that it's laughable


Snyder is gonna beat Uwe Boll's shitrep

What's your complaint

>green lantern
>man of steel
>batman vs superman

I don't play vidya nor read comix.
Try again.

But this movie isn't directed or written by those people.

Also, why did you leave out the Batman trilogy?


Fuck you this is the only time I ever laughed at anything with the word kino in it and I spilled my soda.

oh gosh, are you bullying me rn :3c

>the dark knight
>the dark knight rises

It was not written by these people by what even the executives said before they started filming

And they didn't say who the writers were when there was a Press Release for the production. Only now that the movie production already wrapped they are telling, in a press release for Comic Con.

what the fuck

based snyder does it again!



Jesus Christ

another bomb coming

>the director has only made one feature length film and that was over a decade ago
>Allan Heinberg is a shitty comic book/TV writer who has never written a screenplay before
>Geoff Johns is a hack
>Gal Gadot is a hack who was probably cast because someone at Warner Bros. owed her a favor
Plus you have Zack Snyder although his involvement is probably very minimal since Warner Bros. are shitting themselves over BvS's failure. Everything about this flick looks terrible.

>story by Zack Snyder
They obviously want this to fail. Then they'll never have to deal with people asking for a WW movie.

>What's your complaint

trained to be an unconquerable warrior.
trained to be an unconquerable warrior.

This look like a warrior?

>no Justice League
what is even the point?

ha ha, time for Snyder

Hopefully Snyder makes Batman a love interest of Wonder Woman like in the DCAU. Trevor is long dead and Superman still has Lois for the time being.

Who's the skeleton second from the left

Is she meant to be Ethiopian?


More skeletons than Dark Souls

leave "literally perfect soles"kino to me

You're retarded.

>The directors wrote a shitty comedy nearly a decade ago
>Writers of such classics Chronicles of Narnia and Pain and Gain

Can you guess what who I described?

ohs noes

>>from a screenplay by Allan Heinberg and Geoff Johns, story by Zack Snyder & Allan Heinberg,
>>story by Zack Snyder

This is worse than anyone could expect

I'd like her to tie me up in bed and smother my face with her soles, if you know what I mean

Look like the shitty Elektra movie all over again.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier being surprisingly good doesn't mean that Wonder Woman is gonna be good. Maybe you're right and I'm being overly pessimistic but when it comes to cinema being pessimistic is far better than being optimistic. There's no reason to think that Wonder Woman is gonna be a good film.

her soles are hot

do you think she's into face trampling?

Jews will assure the movie is great

Simple goy

>oi, don't you goyim want to buy a ticket to see the pretty girl?

Oh yeah, I forgot that the Jews are our friends and would never hurt us. I need to go and pre-order Star Trek Beyond tickets.

I asked a question, define why she looks like a warrior who trained at least 4000 years, where are the muscles?


The Jews are just like everyone else, goy....er, friend.


>Story by Zack Snyder

You do know a story credit means pretty much nothing.

It's not like he wrote the thing.

She'd look sexier recasted.

The great thing about Israeli's is they don't fuck roodiepoos, right?

I really hope you're right, I still can't get over how much of a clusterfuck BvS was

A story credit can mean the whole plot, with the details and dialogues written by someone else (screenplay)

I don't believe it's the case, but a story credit can be meaningful.

Unless they recast Wonder Woman I'm not going to see it. Goddamn kikes.

Shame of it is that Man of Steel was OK.

The problem is you not being a Jew as well.

Except from the spikes on her hands thats a pretty cool outfit

>Man of Steel was OK.

For all the people saying Zack Snyder doesn't understand Superman, that is debatable for sure. But it is absolutely not debatable whether or not he understands Wonder Woman. He does not. His approach in BvS was making her cool and badass looking, a pissed off stoic warrior no different than his portrayal of Superman and Batman when that's not what she should be at all. Movie is DOA if he has anything to do with it because he is more concerned with what looks cool than character. What's truly sad is this is all most people will know about Wonder Woman and it will be shit. BvS was already shit though so I guess its too late.

You're right but you could be wrong about the reception. A lot of people would be okay with that, specially because it resembles a lot of the JL cartoon Wonder Woman.

Also, the solo movie is supposedly going to have a more loving Diana because she's naive

nigger, he understands her more than you ever will.

Thats so meaningless to say without any other point behind it. Nothing more than saying "nu uh"

>Movie is DOA if he has anything to do with it because he is more concerned with what looks cool than character.

Zack Snyder is basically "Rule of Cool: The Director"

Flashy fight scenes! Cool!
Heavy-handed religious imagery! Cool!
Everyone has to be brooding, because it's cool!

Just imagine Zack Snyder as a D&D player, he'd be "that guy" who plays a Chaotic Neutral Rogue with the edgy backstory

JL cartoon WW is awful, so that would be a bad thing. She was vicious and murderous, angry and aggressive. I know you didn't say that is a good thing but I wish that wasn't the popular perception of her.


team hotfeet


>Just imagine Zack Snyder as a D&D player, he'd be "that guy" who plays a Chaotic Neutral Rogue with the edgy backstory
Nah, he'd be the guy that suplexed a dragon

Literally the only thing he says about her in the special features is "I think it's cool because she's a woman and that's interesting between the other two male characters, and that's important for the audience (for some fucking reason)"

Snyder's always been shit at explaining himself. Let his films speak for themselves

It's actually much closer to Green Lantern

>A bunch of different writters pitching different ideas with no clear direction
>Script still not done when they started shooting
>Geoff Johns heavily involved


How do you know the script isn't finished?

it should be "dark" and wonder woman should rape a guy with a strap on. satisfies snyder and feminists.

The press release a few days before they started shooting listed all the crew except for the writers, and nobody knew who the writers really were until now

Most sites (and not any site, sites like Collider) still believed it was written by Fuchs, and he didn't get any credit so it wasn't a partial rewrite.

>wonder woman should rape a guy with a strap on

Heinberg is an old friend of Johns, they work out of the same writing studio, along with Marvel TV producer Jeph Loeb, as I recall. He's both a comics and a screen writer and had a brief run on Wonder Woman ten years ago, but he's probably best known as creator of the Young Avengers.
