This kills the legbeard

>this kills the legbeard

>he didnt rate yet


Literally who.

This is reddit. This is memes. This is Reddit. This is memes

This is reddit. This is memes. This is Reddit. This is memes

This is reddit. This is memes. This is Reddit. This is memes

This is reddit. This is memes. This is Reddit. This is memes


Look at the user reviews, its literally only guys insecure about their masculinity reviewing it and shitting on it.

>gets upset
>does a Sup Forums downvote
oh booy

white man at it again...


A lot of people worked really hard to make this movie and their careers are relying on fair and impartial reviews. I don't understand why angry man babies want to destroy this movie out of spite.



Its come down to hating it or loving it out of spite.

Like anyone needs to see it, I think we all learned from BvS that opinions are like assholes and should get fucked.

Yeah, Fuck you Dan Aykroyd


>Sean Mulvihill
I don't know him, but he probably made the most effective clickbait-article on the entire internet with this headline

clever bastard

So many people only going 10/10 or 1/10 to influence the average. It's pretty pathetic on both ends. I find it hard to believe it is worse than 3/10 or better than 6/10.