Fuck this world.
Fuck this world
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I know right. Fucking libs making out some cat killing rapist out like he's some hero.
that documentary omitted shit loads of evidence you moron
[+1] Let's get this on the front page :)
Lol! I love TheDonald! DAE Redpill me on degenerates, have some gold [+1]
EDIT: My inbox is flooded!
Enlighten me.
Post them.
He has no evidence, he's just parroting the contrarian opinion because he doesn't want to be grouped in with reddit. I actually agree with that user, however.
He was a shitty person but I don't think he did that particular crime
Cops being petty fucks that do all they can to ruin the life of someone who got another cop in trouble is a well known thing
A shitty person, even an indecent person doesn't deserve perpetue prison for something that he did not do.
What about his nephew then?
bumpin for the hell of it
The lives of a lot of people from the county were ruined because of this series.
I feel like far more people were hurt by the series than helped by it.
This is true, the trouble is all of that evidence is equally as questionable as that which was included - they just couldn't cover all of it within the ten episodes.
I'm still not convinced he's innocent, but for me personally reasonable doubt has been more than satisfied. If anyone gets the chance to go along to one of the talks hosted by his defence attorneys, I'd highly recommend it.
I live in Albuquerque, you don't have to tell me how a popular show can fuck up a town by bringing in shit bag tourists
It doesnt help that the fucking car wash is like 4 blocks away
Thousands of black people have been wrongfully accused, killed with excessive force, convicted by all white juries, lynched, and generally discriminated against.
But, you frame one little white guy, and EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS
Care to elaborate?
Genuinely interested
Certain landmarks from the show get flooded with tourists that won't shut up about the show and generally get in the way when you are just trying to go about your business at that place
To use the car wash as an example since I was there on saturday, they do an inexpensive full service wash that's a good quality but any time I want to go it's full of out of state people fawning very the place doing cringy shit like taking pictures of the vending machine
I get a little more annoyed with it since by chance I also work at the studio and at least once a week some hick pulls up to the gate asking if this was were breaking bad was shot and if Saul is filming right now and can they get a tour
They're niggers, who cares
>Thousands of people have been wrongfully accused, killed with excessive force, convicted by juries, lynched, and generally discriminated against.
Fixed this for you asshole
>it's a "millenials learn that sometimes the world is unfair" episode
black lives matter your's doesn't
Didn't care whether the guy was innocent or not, but what I saw of the american justice system truly horrified me.
The only person in the entire case who truly got fucked was Brendan. No evidence against him and he got a life sentence, shit is infuriating
any system can be corrupted by people. One of my biggest fears is being framed and get fucked by something i didnt do.
>can I go home and watch wrestlemania?
nooooooo kid you poor soul
I blame the parents, they literally made him into a trained monkey that would just agree with everything
This. I'm never going near that county, and I'm afraid to travel to America in general because of bullshit like this.
Be at the wrong place at the wrong time, you could end up jailed for life and even executed for something you didn't do in a system that staggeringly favors the side of the prosecution over the defendant's, right down to giving them all the power they need to evoke all your civil rights if they feel like it, without evidence or even probable cause. And no, this is generally not nearly as bad in other first world countries, our justice and prison systems tend to not be run like industries with quotas to fill. For reals, try and sort your shit out America, before things get even worse.
lol we are collapsing this economy with no survivors in the next 10-15 years
maybe from the ashes we can make something better
Yeah it's much better in europe where refugees can literally rape and pillage to their hearts content and have people defend them
Parents aren't likely to be the sharpest knifes in the drawer, but it's pretty clear that he has a mental defect.
Even if it were true he did the things they coerced him into saying he did, he should not be in a federal prison on account of being mentally disabled, and should have been legally declared as such.
Steven SWEATY Avery
Not where I or the maturity of Europeans live. Besides, your news outlets seem to be doing the most of the "defending" for us while your own populace seem to be doing more awful things.
>not where I live
So what makes you think all of the US is the same when our country is larger than your continent and we have cities with higher GDPs and populations than some european countries
Dozens of black men falsely accused, arrested and locked up every single day.. Nobody bats an eye. Something similar happens to one white guy and everybody loses their minds.
Don't you people realize these cops just create more problems than they solve? Most of the time in these types of investigations they don't even care, don't have any fucks, about getting the "right guy" or who actually did it. They just need to grab someone and make the charges stick. The whole fields of forensics, finger prints, hairs analysis, even DNA.. it's all bullshit, or actually much of it is just straight up bullshit. The US "justice" system is corrupt to the core.
USA per capita GDP is fucking joke. The income and wealth inequality in the US is so huge that the GDP is so skewed. Take away the top 1% and the real US per capita GDP falls well below 30K. Something like 1/3 Americans lives in poverty. The richest handful of people actually more wealth than the bottom 90% of the population. Get real buddy.
This is what happens when mythology supplants reality. USA lives in a delusional alternate reality. Meanwhile Europeans looking out their windows and all they hear are crickets chirping. If anything, the exact opposite is true.. with the refugees being attacked on the daily by violent nutjobs like yourself.
>Can't refute that the US isn't one big homogeneous blob
>b-but money though
So Greece and Norway are basically the same place right
Good, we don't want you.
Unarmed, innocent, backs are 21 times more likely to be killed by cops than whites.
Maybe it has something to do with the US police departments literally being a direct descendent's of KKK lynch mobs? Just a hunch though..
Brendan clearly knew something
You don't even know me, but at least in your case I suspect the feeling is mutual. Then again, that probably goes for a lot of people you know as well.
How do you figure? If you are going off his awkward stilted nature just remember his situation and development level
What's you point, exactly? The US is the most isolated and insulated nation on earth short of North Korea.. Both from the outside and world and from each other.. mostly on the lines of class, race, etc. They call it a "melting pot" but that is just another state-sponsored mythology with no basis in reality. The truth is that the US is just a bunch of isolated little pots.. there is no such "melting" or "one big pot." For an example of how the US is isolated from the outside world and nut just from each other internally, just consider that Americans in general do not travel abroad. They not only can't afford it, cant get time off, but generally have no desire to either. The very few who do travel mostly go to Mexico to get shitfaced like the ugly Americans they are.
God damnit I thought Sup Forums was done with these threads
The NRA was started on the day that the Klan was outlawed. I learned that from a Michael Moore Documentary, but I forget which one
It's the War on Drugs.
>gang violence increases from drug trafficking
>police respond in kind
That said, any change in power structure is guaranteed to include violence. We are taught in school that the Civil Rights act passed in 1965 and blacks were just fine now, but it's not really the case.
Yeah that's why everyone comes here, because we keep them out right
You keep rambling about myths but can't deny a damn thing, I'm sorry Muhammad cucked you and stole your wife but it's not our fault
No, every day another 22 year old sees Making a Murderer and thinks he's the first person to find out police corruption exists.
also Avery did it, the only evidence planted was to ensure a conviction
>believing Micheal Moore
He's a sensationalist fuck that flat out lies on camera
I think the American justice system is just fine
This is true. Thought MM works tends to be more on the superficial and entertainment, emotional rather than logical side of things..
More whites are killed by police than blacks in total (but not THAT much more) why? Because there are WAY more white people than black people in the US. No shit.
>war on drugs
The same time to US government was waging to so called war on drugs (aka black people) at home.. Guess what it was doing abroad? Running the global drug trade out of Columbia and Afghanistan.
That's how the US likes to roll.. They love to play an issue from both ends like that.
Anyone remember the time the police firebombed a residential house in Philly 1985? Ended up blowing up a whole block or something...
those cops were the worst at planting evidence though, they pulled the most obvious shit and still only had mediocre evidence
What do you mean "everyone comes here?"
For the past couple of years the net migrations rates between US and South of the boarder have been in the NEGATIVES. Meaning more Mexicans and such are LEAVING these days than they are coming in.
Or are you talking about the US's intentional policy to brain drain hostile nations like Russia, Iran, China, and even India?
People come to the US, because the US is a de facto super power.. and it likes to put it's full weight behind making life miserable in their home nations.. through sanctions, but at the same time offering up easy immigration to anyone with money, education or skills. That's the whole playing both sides of the issue at it again.
This is why immigrant groups like those I aforementioned are so much more wealthy and education than national averages.. Like WAY more so.
>USA is so great it can fuck over other nations simply by sanctioning them
Didn't talk about the sex dugeon with blood or the burn barrele with all her shit. He fucking killed her. He has an IQ of 70 and had a autistic rampage. The cops did plant evdience. However, that family was the faggots of the town. Every single rural town has a group of people that they hate and cause a shit ton of trouble. This is the family. The family tree is a fucking stump. He did it. The cops planted the evidence to get him for sure and lock him up for good.
USA is order of magnitudes more powerful than any other nation when it comes to that kind of quasi soft power. In terms of military power.. No one else even comes close. The US have/fund privateer and mercenary armies in every corner of the globe.. and the US interests are dominating in every corner of the globe.. Basically the US kicking ass on every continent and not even really breaking a sweat.
That's just the reality of the situation.
>mexicans are the only immigrants
Poor deluded eurocuck, I can go literally 15 minutes from my house to the local state university and find a ton of international students from all over the world
I won't deny american public grade schools are shit but our universities are top notch and plenty of other countries know it as well
I have to ask, you keep focusing in on a minuscule detail to try and prove your point even though the big picture proves your wrong, are you autistic or are all eurocucks like that
>US is so great all of China's economic growth is based on us buying their shit
If the gooks piss us off enough their entire economy comes crashing down
Your elite RESEARCH universities (ie "R1" schools) are truly world class. That's it though. Don't get it mixed up. Below that level, you can equal or better education in about any half decent county and for much less money. It's more about the PRESTIGE of having a degree from the USA than it is quality of education.. this is why rich kids from all over the world come to the US for college. And lets be real man, these rich kids ain't fucking smart. They BUY their way through college. You think they write their own papers and shit? Get fucking real man. I know a few folks who make a living doing school work for these rich cunts.
This just isn't true man. Like at all. It would hurt them tremendously, but it would hurt the US even more. If China starts unloading their hundreds of billions in treasury debts on the other hand.. or even worse.. convinces Japan to stop buying, or even worse unloading too (unlikely considering the Abe regime in Japan is full on US puppet, but that could change with a new government coming to power) then you are totally fucked.
China is way more powerful than most American realize. They just haven't flexed their muscles yet. Their still largely in their peaceful rise stage..
>prestige must be earned
>US education is prestigious and a badge of honor in other countries
>b-but it's not that great
Nice logic eurocuck
Now when Abdul Hakeem is fucking your wife do you get to watch or do you go in your cuck shed
>all that psychological projection
Just for the record, I looked it up.. there are 115 R1 schools in the US.
The US dollar is the de facto currency of the business world, this affords it a certain degree of security IE what's bad for us is bad for the world over and it's in everyone's interest to keep us happy
If China suddenly stops trading with us they lose the largest portion of their income and a vast amount of wealth if the value of the dollar tanks, the rest of the world is not on the yuan standard after all
How many are in your country? What is your country anyway, I'm tired of using generic insults and want to use something specific
>The NRA was started on the day that the Klan was outlawed
The Klan was never outlawed.
Are you talking about the day that the black lady won the civil suit against the KKK, and got the deed to their headquarters?
I don't have a country. Also that rating scale is only applied to US schools, not internationally. But everyone knows much of the world's best schools are in the US at that level. No one is disputing that.
The dollar has steadily been losing influence over the past decade and more. China is hedged against these scenarios in various ways. In case you didn't know, the US has been waging currency war against China and a few other nations (namely Venezuela) for a good while now. It's well documented. Look into it.
My point was never that China would be unaffected, but rather than the US would be effected even worse. That much should be obvious.
maybe it wasn't the exact day, but it was the same year, 1871
nice dubs, by the way
The point is it was in direct reaction to the Klan losing direct influence. NRA was started by the KKK. More damning than that, is the police itself in the US came directly from the KKK like groups.
No it wasn't. The NRA was started in response to poor marksmanship of Union recruits by a US army captain, and its first president was General Burnside. Both Sheridan and Ulysses S "Georgia Cookout" Grant were heavily involved in the NRA.
If they're linked to the Klan, its only in that the NRA was there to make killing Klansmen easier
State sponsored mythology. That's what the NRA says about itself. Sounds like a reliable source with no conflicts of interests.. you know.. just like the cops who investigate themselves whenever they kill an unarmed civilian, white or black.
I think he's a savage thug who's JUST smart enough to know when and how to lie. Dunno if he did it but he probably should be locked up
6666 wins.
>it's a I watched TV for 40 minutes and think I know anything about anything episode
why are millennials on Sup Forums so cancerous?
Oh here we go with this millennial bullshit. I'm not even one.. but you do realize older generations have been making false generalizations about the younger generation going back to earliest written history? Read some Plato and Socrates.. even they complained about the shit.
probably because young people have always been dipshits that think they know everything when in reality they're incredibly ignorant
>everyone in history thinks that young adults are awful
>that proves them all wrong
was the system comically horrific? yes
was there a lot of weird unexplained shit? yes
did he do it? fucking yes of course
>wahh muh cats waah waaaah