>2016 is already half over
>we are closer to the year 2030 than we are to the year 2000
what are some films that deal with existential crisis, Sup Forums?
>2016 is already half over
>we are closer to the year 2030 than we are to the year 2000
what are some films that deal with existential crisis, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
end me
Getting a job
Getting a productive hobby that gives you focus and meaning
Getting out of the house more
Getting s girlfriend to enjoy life with
Starting a family
Raising kids
Watch them go off to college whilst you and your wife relax
Having grandchildren so you can relive the childhood experience all over again
Staying relevant in your families life
Dying a satisfied, loved, old man with a family to show for it
Get a grip op
>tfw you're 21 and you already know you're going to die before you're 30, homeless and alone
How hard is it to get a job? Seriously. You do it yourself user.
>1 life and only 1 life
>spend it moaning about how life sucks anonymously on Sup Forums
Groundhog Daze
>dude YOLO!
is it fucking 2012 again
i wish it was
How does any of that solve an existential crisis?
have a job, productive hobby, frequently out of the house
cant imagine why anyone would want to start a family and pay for their living expenses in addition to your own
more importantly, how is any of that a film?
basically it's the point you go "i guess this is it" and join in playing your part
What does it mean to "play your part"? If you posted that long list too, you are not making any sense at all.
Batman versus Superman: Dawn of Justice
Why is my hairline receeding? And what are some good movies about it
You're joking, right? In this economy? The golden age for western, white civilisation is over. If you go down this route with a 21st century female you've got a 50% chance you'll be paying alimony and JUST the rest of your life up. That's not an exageration, 40%-50% of USA households in contemporary society end in divorce. You're gambling your entire life away like a jackass. You're doing the equivalent of putting it all on black.
then live alone and miserable. no one cares. youre anonymous to us. if you died, none of us would ever know and everything would be the same.
having someone to care for, to love and support is a great feeling. doing nice things for people in general is a good feeling. but by all means, if you dont want to have kids that adore you and shout "DADDYSS HOMEEE!!!!" everyday you walk in the door and will grownup to have children of their own because you dont want to "pay for their expenses" temporarely, then by all means. live alone, die alone. like i said. no one will remember you
can't wait to piss all over whatever generation comes after millennials
> shit rolls downhill, fuckers
>we are closer to the year 2030 than we are to the year 2000
kill me now
still completely irrelevant to the thread
stop projecting, and stay mad
>putting it all on black
that's what your 21st century female will be doing a few months after your wedding
You know that relationships and in extension marriages aren't ruled by chance. fucking virgins
>id rather sit on Sup Forums doing nothing with my life and bitching about everything anonymously than even attempt to make a happy life: the comment
its pathetic subhumans like you that make me ashamed of coming here. you represent us normies like you represent yourself, pathetic
time is going to keep going faster and faster user, before you know it you'll be 45 years old shitting in a diaper hooked up to a dialysis machine.
wew reddit
Do feminist american judges actually respect prenups or do they just shit all over it to stick it to the ebul cis men?
Stop trying you dumb redditor
I Heart Huckabees
Also, 2030 sounds pretty awesome. Imagine if someone showed you a modern smartphone back in 2000, that would've been some Star Trek shit. Now, imagine what technology and medicine will be like in 15, 30, or 50 years. I'm guessing it'll be pretty awesome. Plus, our lifespan should increase as medical technology gets better so we will be able to see more of the future
>The only way I can obtain happiness in life is through another person: the post
t. insecure cuckold
Yet 50% of marriages end in divorce, friendo. Good luck, you're just going to become another part of that statistic, I don't see why you think you're magically an exception to the fact
Don't bother with a prenuptial agreement. Marriage today is essentially a marriage between a woman and the state. The state looks more favourably on women and overrule prenups on whatever vague grounds they can. I live in Australia and know people who've been royally ass pounded by the courts after a divorce even with a prenup and are still paying alimony and child support.
Funnily enough they were the people from high school telling me I'm gonna have a shit life 'cause I never expressed interest in getting married. Just like that one jackass in this thread here. Now I'm the one laughing at them. They're the ones who lost half their assets lmao
what if we're doomed to feel and think for all eternity while consciousness never ceases to exist to the self but merely to everyone else?
I can tell just by the way you talk that you're young and come off as naive as fuck. Women are gonna walk all over you in life dude if you don't man the fuck up
life is fucking pointless, no matter what you do, no matter how much you achieve, you'll die in the end anyhow and everything will be lost
death makes life a farce
just do some fucking drugs or play vidya all day, at the end of your life you will be at the exact same spot as mister perfect here
consciousness without memory is the same as complete lack of consciousness innit
>when you realize the mentally ill bitter virgin meme isnt a meme
>Try to procrastinate
>Watch Channel Chriswell videos
>Watch his analysis of Her (youtube.com
>Theodore is literally me
No. NO!
>Channel Chriswell
off yourself
what do you expect? theres a reason they call this the asshole of the internet. because nothing is here but shit.
bitter angry deadbeats that try to make you feel as miserable as them. theyre angry at life, theyre angry at women, and theyre angry at society. worthless NEETS that would rather justify their NEET existance than try to make something of themselves. but theyll just tell you "whats the point of anything if you die" and youll never find anyone like that in the real world because those types of people only living through the internet anonymously. and the funny thing is, why their own logic they should kill themselves. whats the point of trying to live a normal life? well whats the point of posting on Sup Forums? they should just kill themselves and rid the earth of their cancer.
wasted 6 years neeting and lurking Sup Forums. when moot left I told myself I would leave too. even all the pedo Sup Forums tripfags left, kaiji since had a daughter. yet I'm still here.
i dont understand why you choose to be neet?
oh let me guess. youre a shy 20 something year old white boy and have diagnosed yourself with social anxiety and depression which you use to justify your NEETdom?
>>oh let me guess. youre a shy 20 something year old white boy and have diagnosed yourself with social anxiety and depression which you use to justify your NEETdom?
you got me bro. being a friendless permavirgin is so much better than having normal social life, I wish everyone was as privilege as me.
>step 1: dont be a neet
>step 2: ......
>step 3: profit?
>b-b-but i cant get a job because im a NEET
>b-b-but im a virgin because i cant find a job
expect something along these lines
>why aren't you rich and handsome user? look how easy it is, even I can do it. just stop being a degenerate, that's all it takes.
wew lad.
"the new age" with peter weller. black comedy about midlife crises. good movie. judy davis and sam jackson are great.
>2001 was 15 years ago
>when you turn 15 1/4 of your life is already over
I want to die yet in mine own darkness I sense myself becoming more patrician with each passing year.
>when you turn 15 1/4 of your life is already over
>we'll all be put to death at 60
>above 60
Enjoy wondering if every day is your last old man.
>you have to be good looking to get a job
the length you faggots will go to to make excuses
are there any movies i can watch to prepare for the upcoming dystopia we will live in?
You know I don't understand why basically everyone thinks this is the point of life. None of that really makes anything better, I mean it's cool, having a family can be fine, but ultimately you're just forcing more people to live and they will likely harbor all of your defects if not even be worse off than you.
It's not even that, it's just that I don't understand why so many people, virtually all of them, want to adhere to a template like this as if it's a mark of success, happiness, worth, or anything, because truly it's not. It's not anything. It's sad that normal people are basically forced to lie to themselves on a constant basis until they die.
I'll start on that any day now
If people maintain a good diet, organic foot, exercise and maybe vitamin supplements, you can easily live to be 80-100.
So when you're 20 that's either a quarter or a fifth.
If you're having an existential crisis I recommend reading literature from people much more cultured, enlightened and intelligent than you who grappled with the same problems yet died happy.
>tfw 15 year old me thought I would be normal by this age
pls respond
This is what life is about for some people. Not for everyone, though.
Life is about not lying to yourself. Do whatever you want, just make sure you're doing what you want to do. If what you want to do is get a job, a productive hobby, a house, some kids, all that shit, do it. Don't lie to yourself and spend all your day on Sup Forums thinking, "I'm not some fucking wageslave."
That being said, if you spend all day at a job, have a girlfriend, and you're still not happy, don't do that shit. Maybe becoming a NEET might be right for you. I had some of the best times of my life as a NEET.
Also: Watch Cinema Paradiso.
None of that makes sense. There is an argument to be made for trying to be successful and productive but youre both stupid( in misunderstanding the anons point) and unable to craft coherent arguments.
>If you're having an existential crisis I recommend reading literature from people much more cultured, enlightened and intelligent than you who grappled with the same problems yet died happy.
most of them died very bitter and resentful of humanity, despite living very interesting lives. many of the greatest 20th century authors/thinkers/philosophers wrote very cynically of humanity.
>liver's hurting all the time
>threw up blood and bile the other day
won't be long now boys
>tfw movIes are the only thing that lets you escape the slow crushing grasp of reality
>tfw your whole life is dedicated to consuming media to distract yourself from the fact that you are wasting the only life you have and you will never get it back.
Lmao so many delusional 19 year old 'gamers' are shitting on this post, meanwhile making 10 threads a day about depression and tfw no gf.
We are a creature designed to reproduce, that is all. The rest is bullshit and time killing.
If you don't reproduce you have literally failed in life.
>in this economy
This meme is still going?
I know that feel