Go bacķ to reddit
back to plebbit
Hi, gamerghazi!
How are you doing?
>BASED roeper
it physically hurts to read this shit
Sup Forums is waaaaaaaay fucking worse then anything on reddit
oh look
it's you again
Turn this into a copypasta.
this is not reddit you fucking fuck I hate you
>everybody on both "sides" of this shit will forget about it in a few weeks and move on to something else
Sup Forums would be saying that ironically at the most
i can totally picture whoever wrote that actually screaming in rage over a movie.
Hey look, it is the butthurt feminist cunt again.
Back to redd.it.
This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans. Bring it the fuck on.
the only difference is that Sup Forums doesnt yell and that its a bit worse
found the newfrog
how can you even say that if you know what
i mean that literally confirms that you're the samefag from reddit.
do you realize how far gone you are?
Hello shitskin Brazilian
they just don't understand geistkino
You are the one posting screencaps from leddit.
Now go back there.
>Sup Forums has become a battleground for feminazis and MRAs from reddit
>This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
>And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans. Bring it the fuck on.
>Bring it the fuck on.
Fucking reddit cancer
I knew it was them
I am laughing my ass off, I love this place
I wonder what he was thinking about
HUEHUE are you there?
>going to Reddit
I don't keep up with kotaku but is this intentional?
reminder that all the faggots who come here just to whine about WAAA LE SJW all day are all redditors.
thanks doc
And all the people whining about them are from Tumblr. Sup Forums is the epic battleground for internet arguments.
never forget that reddit is exactly what Sup Forums would be like if everyone were a namefag
Here is a special thanks for you
t. shit skin redditor
>Sup Forums is a bunch of SJW faggots
I can't wait for summer to be over.
>we need a strong dose of chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit
>GG attacking Ghostbusters when it has nothing to do with video games
GG stopped being about video games a long time ago.
It is all part of the culture war now.
By the power of kek a new pasta is born
Sup Forums btfo
Where can I order one of these things?
This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
What did he mean by this?
Reddit free edition pls.
This is the first time I've posted on this board despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
>GG meetups
hahahahahahhaah...the smell must be something else...hahahaha
i don't get why you new users(people that started posting here in 2013 and after) are so mean to them
you all do realize that the only reason you've even been able to stay on this board for more than a day is because of them right?
YOU are literally here because they made this place accessible for like minded people and you can't even prove otherwise
You left our the most important part
>And now, my body is ready for all those hotpockets bans. Bring it the fuck on fucking janis!!!!!
>the internet is passionate but has a low attention span
breaking news
>Sup Forums would be saying that ironically at the most
>actually screaming in rage over a movie
you must be new here
You know, at first I thought the whole "haters of ghostbusters are misogynis" was SJW crap, but now I see people spamming bad scores on IMDB before even seeing it, I think there may be some truth to the whole sexual thing. It's not bad to dislike the movie, but it is bad to be so blindly hateful of it.
Ment to say "sexist thing"
Not really, after all if you were truly smart and independent then review bombing wouldn't effect your population and them seeing the movie now would it?
>people read these opinions on Sup Forums
>most people agree
>read the exact same opinions on reddit
>UGH this is AWFUL, why is reddit so SHIT?!
I'm asking this for Sup Forums for ages.
If this was posted in a thread, most anons would either agree with it or ignore it.
What the fuck is wrong with redditors
They act like they've never been touched by a woman before
Tired of you SJW fags coming to Sup Forums you already own reddit
You leave with them too, redditor
I like to think people are just finally tired of souless hollywood rehashes. When, really, it's probably just a bandwagon effect the misogynists helped jump-start.
I guess we won't be able to tell until another popular franchise gets a do-over. If people slurp it up, i'll believe this phenomenon was 90% just deep-laden misogyny.
Just go back already, both of you idiots.
How come you guys hate Re-ddit and yet your board is literally Re-ddit
i thought there was a stain on my screen
go Sup Forums! fight the goobergator menace!
How is this different from Sup Forums?
Where are the fucking mods?
>the box office results of this movie that has no direct attachment to a political movement will decide weather or not the general populace support this moment
Fucking hell. No doubt when it flops this bitch will use it as a excuse to call everyone misogynist.
Letting SJWs take over Sup Forums
>All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world.
there is literally no difference between anti-sjws and sjws.
>double accusation meme
Why is it so hard for you faggots to even disguise yourself as Sup Forums?
>when new post but no bump
samefag plz
CIA version please
Somebody open a window, it's getting reddit in here
l e t
i t
b u r n
You goddmann, optimistic, poor bastard
>saying that ironically at the most
>implying foo/tv/ouyers don't yell at movies
>getting this upset about being exposed as redditors
Why don't you go cry on /qa/
tfw reddit is worse than Sup Forums
>ghostbusters is like something one would expect from a pretentios art house flick