ITT: Movies you can't believe you put off watching until now
ITT: Movies you can't believe you put off watching until now
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you excited for 9th grade user? high school is a big transition !!
also, tremors is pretty fun desu, downloading the sequels right now
>enjoying anything based around a romantic relationship
Fuck your quads normalfag.
Tremors, just finally got around to watching it. Thought it was going to be a B horror movie but turned out to be one of my favs
>someone didnt watch a movie until now therefore they must be in 9th grade
wow thats some top notch logic
>wasted repeating didgets
>someone liked this movie, they must be in 9th grade
Sorry that I liked a movie
Eternal Sunshine is phenomenal
haters are either haven't seen it or have never been in a relationship
Christ thank you, I just wanted to have a thread about movies you missed out on that people should go back and watch. Guess I shouldn't have made a thread about movies on Sup Forums of all places.
That's your fucking criticism? Try harder if you're going to call people normies.
>have never been in a relationship
Criminally underated.
I keep almost watching this, guess I'll have to watch it now.
It's quintessential background-core.
Your mothers sex tape
that bitch was brainwashed. of course she would recommend that, she's trying to tell you she was brainwashed.
I remember thinking it was okay but today I can't pinpoint what was good about it outside of the general mood and Carrey in a serious role. I should rewatch it at some point.
so kaufman basically exposed the manic pixie dream girl trope before it was named, right
dude is smart
what do you respond?
Sorry, didn't mean to muscle out yet another bane thread from the catalog with, you know, discussing movies. On a board called Sup Forums.
>those teenage feels
>that nostalgia
>that first time doing everything with a girl
why did everything go to shit in like 2007-2008. i mean literally everything
It's good, ignore the dumb asses that can't handle miley cyrus liking a movie.
It has a very bittersweet vibe of nostalgia and how memory works, how we try to bargain with time to get things back that we don't deserve
It's probably your fault.
I'll have to watch that. I just watched Insomnia and I may as well continue on with more Pacino.
I'm not sure Clem is really a MPDG, she's a heavily flawed character that is very realistic/human
it's about monarch programming you dumb shit.
>2008 was the last time you truly felt alive
>implying you've been in a relationship
You won't regret it.
Memento, i've never been a fan of Nolan but it was solid.
>tfw sat through the 4 hour Director's Cut
It was decent movie but goddamn. Was this the last epic? I literally can't think of a film after this that needed an intermission.
It's certainly a long ride.
Feels like a HBO mini series in terms of length.
What does the director's cut add? I've only see the theatrical.
>liking movies
Im sorry, last time I checked I thought this was Sup Forums, not /r9k/
I expect at least half the user base to be well adjusted
>>that first time doing everything with a girl
th-those were the days
Very nice movie, showing how our memories afflict our present emotions.
The end was perfect. They just started over.
you're trying way too hard faggot
even thought I hate agreeing with comments on the poster that are just advertisement, it truly was the best action movie I have ever seen
It's not even an insult, you literally have to have been in a relationship to get it
But let me guess, movies are supposed to affect basement dwellers in the same way as people who have actually experienced life
its just the raid 1 + pointless story added on
i fucking hate aronofsky but this is nearly a masterpiece
a bit naive and shameless though
it was a simple story that was just set up for the amazing action sequences
the action sequences upped the ante and were overall better imo the fight with mad dog > other fights forever but the fight with the assassin is also at the same tier
the assassin loses
Mad Dog runs out of blood
I thought it'd be another Reddit classic but it's actually one of those aesthetic action films (think French Connection) with great fucking acting.
why do you hate him?
K Spacey was so great in this.
perfect screenwriting
The cinematography, acting and pacing still stand up, modern directors only wish they could do pseudo-documentary so goddamn well.
8/10 warkino
>Hating the best kino director alive.
he's a flagrant hack and he's pretentious as fuck despite not really having the substance to justify it. similar to why i hate inarritu and russell as well.
ill give the movie another chance then
>that fucking score by ennio morricone
Just saw this a week ago.
>mfw Lt. Weinberg was a pretty convincing tough guy
I watched Patton for the first time last week. For whatever reason I didn't want to watch it.
But it was bretty good desu.
Not as hard as you are trying my dick """faggot"""
all great
It was superb until the very end.
When those three stooges at the end were running around and nyuk nyuking it kida ruined it. Other than the last 10 mins, it's superb.
>browses Sup Forums
>likes movies
You should be sorry
The new Ghost Busters kino :^)
>it is now acceptable to use the word 'hater' on this board
everytime I think it can't get any worse, it does
It went to shit for me in 2004. I'm 29. I'm gunna guess you're about 24.
It's just the age we get to when we realize....we realize.
I loved LA confidential up until the ending
Basically everything Carpenter related. I can't believe how much I've missed. Now I realize what a pleb taste I was raised with.
Just crash my plane, Bane.
Fuck man
the everybody wins happily ever after felt out of place
Dont worry, once you get to be 27 or so you stop giving a shit.
ill never finish that movie
I almost turned it off half way but the last half sucked me in.
Directors Cut shows the soldiers abandoning the fort before Kevin Costner arrives and adds more scenes with him with the natives.
It's more of a complementary thing to watch after you've seen the theatrical release, not replace it entirely.
You seem like a bit of a fuckwit.
plz stop
Yeah no shit, it is powerful stuff
I watched it about 2 months after my first love in my life broke up with me when I moved away to college
>not answering problem child 2
i didnt enjoy this movie, neither did i enjoy lost in translation. I dont understand the appeal of this genere
>that first time doing everything with a girl
haha yeah
If you hate those movies you will hate the movie Once, The Wackness, Never Let Me Go, etc
>shows the soldiers abandoning the fort before Kevin Costner arrives
I want to see this. I always thought it was weird as fuck that it was just abandoned. I thought something else was up.
i did like the movie her but i dobut it was for the same reason other people did.
To me it was the monotony and every day perspective it gives to what is revolutionary and society changing technology that made it great. I did no expect the way things turned out
I didn't like Eternal Sunshine but I loved The Wackness. Is there something wrong with me?
dop people really watch it because it feels real? to me its the most fake thing i have ever seen in a screen
Every film I've ever watched and enjoyed.
different strokes for different folks I guess.
I love movies like these personally
Eternal Sunshine, Once, and Never Let Me Go are my holy trinity of feels inducing movies
what kind of feels? are there feels im not aware of produced by things like staring at a blank wall for hours?
Have you ever had a gf?
so its a girlfriend movie designed to make you remember all the fun times you had with your girlfriend?
seems kind of unfair to praise it so much then, you can achieve the same effect in christians with a religious movie
and no, a girlfriend is not nor has it ever been a possibility for me, take that however you want
literally my favorite two movies
>hurr durr u have gf to like movie xD
If you don't like these movies that's fine buddy, why are you still here?
That's really not the point at all actually
i have to criticize you for your shit taste.
I'd also prefer if you leave this board and never return. You have bad taste and I don't like your posts