Admit Sup Forums you dont hate the sequels as much as you say you do
Admit Sup Forums you dont hate the sequels as much as you say you do
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They weren't really worth hating or loving.
Reloaded is great. Revolutions is forgettable. I didn't care for the zion shit.
this 2bh
though i enjoy the neo parts of revolutions
I've never seen them.
they were so close to kino
so close
The last two films' CG is pretty awful compared to the manual live effects approach they took that made the first one look great, and also the plot goes from mysterious and compelling in the first film to goofy and pretentious in the last two. The first one everything's uncertain and dangerous, each agent is more of a threat than anyone is willing to confront directly and implied to be able to easily destroy anyone they capture, and Neo's powers at the end where he flies are just enough to get the point across while still being compelling. Later on he's just flying around having poorly rendered CG fights with joke villains and everything's spelled out way too much (e.g. everything about the Architect and his lines).
I really enjoy Reloaded, so many great action scenes to look forward to, but Revolutions is shit.
You're right, I hate it even more.
The sequels were too far up their own asses.
I like them, but only recommend them if you really liked the first movie and want to know more about how everything works.
Reloaded was cool, and I've seen Revelations twice and literally couldn't tell you anything about it other than it was bad.
I can't hate them because the music redeems them. But fuck the subhuman rave scene. What a retarded shit.
Reloaded is boring as fuck but has the highway scene, which was the last gasp of genuine Matrix action. I hate the movie itself because Zion is lame, clone Smith is lame, and Neo is basically a Mary Sue, as much as I hate the term.
Revolutions went full anime rip-off to the point where the Matrix was less cartoony than Zion.
The Merovingian and everything related to him was the absolute worst.
1 is a masterpiece of packaging.
2 is underrated and actually more interesting in some ways than the original. not a better movie though.
which makes the fact that 3 is horribly uninspired and kind of lame even stranger, since iirc both sequels were shot together.
oh well. i don't care enough to hate them since they're so unoriginal to begin with, not exactly invested. 3 is still disappointing.
Reloaded is just an extremely long, terrible action scene with no plot of any kind. Revolutions is completely forgettable except for some kind of interesting real world parts.
Reloaded has the best action scene in the franchise anyway
Between them there is one good film. The first film has surprisingly few action sequences, some of the best are in the second film. I've seen some decent cuts that edit the sequels down to something good.
But a sequel with a different story would have been better. The main problem with the sequels is that they told the same exact story, with the same exact ending, as the first film did. And the first film did it better.
If the Matrix was about humans in captivity, not knowing their true potential or the nature of their world; the sequel ought to have been about how humans might act when they do know their true potential and the nature of the their world. So it would be about people abusing world-changing powers, and other people, and agents, stopping them from causing harm; and ideally it would have been made around 2009-ish.
Matrix 2s highway sequence was the most amazed ive ever been in live theater desu,
They aren't as bad as people say but really should have been condensed into one film.
Especially when the third would have been prequel story from the Animatrix
Fuck you I liked them
That would have been so good.
They could even go kino Rashomon with it and present it as an argument between a freed mind and an agent; they both tell the story differently.
I would have liked the movies more if the trinity didn't look like a guy and her scenes weren't all terrible. I felt it was really pointless and stupid that neo would willingly sacrifice humanity to save a bitch that he knew was gonna die anyway. Revolutions was just awful, the action scenes didn't make any sense, what kind of futuristic robots with hyperadvanced AI didn't have EMP shielding, and if they knew they were coming why not just leave a shitload of EMP bombs outside of zion? It just made no sense. Both sequels have a handful of good scenes, but revolutions was really leaning too hard on the weak ass action scenes and the whole neo is jesus thing.