I work in the industry, and not many people have actually seen this guy. I am one of them

I work in the industry, and not many people have actually seen this guy. I am one of them.

I can tell you fellows that this man got vanilla sky'd... he got vanilla sky'd really, really bad.

They have done some plastic surgery to try to make him at least not look frightening, but he will never look like himself at all again.

An announcement will be made in about a weeks time, him and his entourage have all finally decided to throw in the towel. Poor guy just got vanilla sky'd, not much to be done.

Screencap this post btw, like i said. probably early next week.

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Vanilla Sky'd

NOOOOOOOOOOO! He was such a promising actor...

Who's that and what the fuck are you on about?

Should I watch Maze Man 2: The Scoarch?

I saw the first one

Weirdest thing, I watched both of those movies and it never once occurred to me that he wasn't that kid from Fury until I started seeing these threads.

I don't really know anything about him, but it's pretty sad that his life is ruined from what it was. Do you know if he's a nice guy?

Scorch Trials had excellent action scenes.

He was in talks for another role even after he got de-skinned though.


He had a serious brain injury on set of the newest movie and production has been halted indefinitely. The story keeps changing from minor concussion, to maybe a serious concussion, and now they're radio silent after announcing he might have brain damage.

Poor guy.

>mazerunner shit
literally who cares about this YA schlock?
that guy is a nobody. nobody gives a fuck is he goes byebye. replace him with any other young male actor and ur good

>he was almost cast as Spider-Man
Would it have saved him?


>that not subtle at all hand signal
Why are kids so lewd

Comeback as DCEU Two-Face when

he refused
after that, the mouse got to him

Oh. Well that's really sad.

That sucks he was a cutie

I don't think he was ever actually in the running, it's just Tumblr love this guy and wouldn't shut up about how he should be cast.



Sir, do you have a permit for all those edges?

>Dylan suffered "concussion, facial fracture and lacerations"
>he's good to go tho
I have difficultly believe the last part of the article.


Edgy, but true. He's a literally who.

>tfw injun curses ain't nothing to fuck with

Is he the new king?
Does the crown call to him?

who is this little demon

more than just a TBI (traumatic brain injury)

like i said he got vanilla sky'd and by that i mean he is horribly disfigured. Had to describe his new look, but basically there is a scar running from his forehead to the bottom of his jaw where they literally had to staple his face back together as it was ripped in half and his nose was practically ripped off and they did their best to reconstruct it. half of his teeth were knocked out as well and had to have half of his jaw rebuilt.

he does not look good folks, sorry to say.

From the way it is written, it sounds like the car ran over his head. Only one comment from his publicist in five months and no appearances at all anywhere.

honestly sad for this guy, he had a promising career and back when I was kinda into the corniness of the show, I liked him as Stiles on TW.

But yeah...the fact he has been out of public eye since the accident and no pictures or anything definitely sounds like something more major happened to him than some news outlets tried to lead us to believe.

he has/had potential
i think he can act decently

Sounds like some bad luck.

what the fuck is vanilla sky'd? put in a virtual simulation in stasis until they can cure his illness?

there are lots of things you can do with plastic surgery these days

>stealing from indian mouthwash magic
Serves him right

Face got FUCKED up

So, it's worse than getting Mark Hamill'ed?

that story was badly misconstrued and involved gawker-tier journalism

well he can play villains now I guess

>he couldn't handle the skarch

He said it himself on national television.

They did such a good job with Hamill, you'd think they'd have no problem fixing up something like O'Brien's face.

>staple his face back together
the fuck happened, the worst thing that happened on harry potter was harrys stunt double getting paralyzed

Yeah, they also got a new thing where they tattoo scars to "flesh" colors that blend in with the rest of your face.

Never got the preoccupation with this, he didn't look all that different from before

face ran over by a tire

you would think that TMZ would have gotten the scoop out before then due to the extent of his injuries if the OP is true

>basically there is a scar running from his forehead to the bottom of his jaw where they literally had to staple his face back together as it was ripped in half and his nose was practically ripped off
>half of his teeth were knocked out
Holy shit

here, some redditor debunking it:


i know, >reddit, but this story is fucking retarded and was never thoroughly researched before the shitstorm started over that

No, because the surgeons were great at it, but he did look a bit different; nose and jaw got a bit wider and he looked a bit older afterward.

Before the surgery he had almost no fucking nose, i think they had to take some cartillage from his ear or something to help rebuild the nose.

are we talking "resident evil 6" levels of set accident?

>2 weeks in a coma, brain bleed, brain swelling, severed main artery in the neck, crushed & degloved face, several broken ribs, paralyzed arm, shattered scapula, broken clavicle, broken humerus, broken radius & ulna, with an open wound and a 7.5 piece of bone missing, amputated thumb, torn fingers, 5 nerves torn out of the spinal cord…. not my funnest day on set,” she wrote in a Facebook post.

He didn't bike so good

What does she look like now?

>before the surgery he had almost no fucking nose

I heard Javier Bardem is up for the role of Frankenstein. Why not cast Dylan OBrien instead?

Sony wanted him, but Marvel wanted an actual kid.

looks like cia got him

by the way, what does 'vanilla sky'd' mean?

>degloved face

that just makes me quiver, that verb in reference to a face

I bet you're a real blast at parties.


I guess they paid out for the best surgeons since she looks fine

If he's as fucked up as OP says they'd have revealed it long ago.

Nice non sequitur


oh, other than the missing arm...


urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Vanilla Sky'd

GOOGLE, YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, or whichever search engine are great for term searches.

Thats not even the worst of it

>A South African man has died after being crushed by a Hummer in an accident on the set of the new Resident Evil film.

>Mr Cornelius, 34, had been assisting with the US army issue Hummer, which was parked on a rotating platform, when it reportedly tilted and fell, pinning Mr Cornelius to a wall.

>Mr Cornelius, who had married wife Shafiefa, 26, earlier this year, was taken to hospital and put on life support, but passed away a few hours later.

The world doesnt need Resident Evil 6 that badly

wrong, they were literally having consultations with doctors for months on end searching for a procedure to fix him. like i said, they've thrown in the towel.

He still posts on instagram so this is dumb

>losing a limb for a fucking resident evil movie
>DYING for a fucking resident evil movie

thanks bb

>not even talking about the other 2 who died on the set
>or the other 3 who are injured almost as bad as she was
The new RE is dark souls for stunt people

the fuck i hate resident evil now

it could be his team behind it.

Though this one, i'm wondering about instagram.com/p/BFtDtKrt2rc/?taken-by=obrien.official&hl=en

oh yeah i forgot about how you can't upload old images to instagram and instead have to basically take a snapshot of you livestreaming yourself like it's fucking 1066 and the normans just invaded you fucking dip

>no pictures of face


Not all is lost
He can do a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street

his last face pic was 35 weeks ago

That's depressing for some reason.

fucking confirmed. holy shit the guy was so cute too

It must be really fucking bad since there hasn't been a single sighting of him.

>mfw this means Dylan O'Brien will focus on voice acting and become the new Mark Hamill

If you think she didn't get paid a massive amount of money because of that then you're retarded, and rich amputees are basically full on cyborgs now.

Reboot when?

Do it, it's a nice flick.

Fucking kek

I work at abq studios, who were you

She can kill her husband and only pay a few weeks of jail time

>implying anyone can just buy a cyborg arm

Maze Runner might not be the bomb but it's better than Hunger Games and MILES better than Divergent. It's something that, while I'm not a big fan, I can get behind with.


If true: Poor guy. Handsome as fuck.

Shit happens.

So we're not getting a third Maze Runner film? I already fucking watched the first two, I need closure.


if Paul Walker can fucking die and still get his movie released I'm sure they can do something

Hamill didn't look THAT fucked up. Just a bit, and mostly just looked older.

Maze Runner will age better than Hunger Games
Hunger Games is just pure cringe
Maze Runner feels sort of classic coming-of-age type of adventurey in a way. Its a more respectable movie and pretty well done for what it is
Also the cast did a good job
The lore is extremely blah but that's fine I guess

filming halted for a while now while they waited for him to recover

i think yeah that's why they probably are going to have to do an announcement reveal about the extent of his injuries

Find a replacement and make it already.

yea poor handsome rich guy how sad.

fuck off. im ugly as sin and poor to boot. i wish i had 20 years of being rich and handsome and famous even if it ended in accident

the names bond. james bond