I think it looks pretty good. Am I alone on this?

I think it looks pretty good. Am I alone on this?

Yeah, ramsay's head is too far up his own ass to recognize a genuine simple not "gourmet" 'za

>american cuisine

it's not authentic 'go 'za and 'rankly i'm 'ppalled to see this thread here 'gain

Looks like a heart attack waiting to happen.

I agree, it's a delicious looking 'za. It ain't 'go 'za but it still looks great. I'd love a slice, shame that Ramsay is such a pretentious 'za snob.

>family drags me to a "real restaurant" and talk about how it's so much better than "greasy pizzas" or something
>food barely better than any fast food restaurant but 10 times the price

Ghistbusters was vretty gud

That 'za is fine. Who isn't in the mood for a big, cheesy, greasy 'za every once in a while? Not everyone wants a small, dry, 'za all the damn time. And also, the dough wasn't fucking raw, if that restaurant really served 'za with raw dough they would have went out of business years ago, Ramsay was just nitpicking.

You people are fucking morons.

>implying in and out is even the top fast food chain in the country

also that pizza is fuckin gross looking, fatties please go.

looks like a trips waiting to faggot


t. pleb who's never had a quality 'za

Youre probably the type of person who goes to a nice restaurant and orders chicken fingers off the kids menu because you dont recognize anything else

Yep it's supposed to be poor people food so it should be hearty.

>tfw the memelords are trying to sate their autism waiting for someone to explode in this thread saying how they don't know anything about cooking or how these are just shitposting threads
Pathetic desu

Do you prefer 'ork or 'troit za or something?


because even the best chefs can never make great chicken fingers, or what?

'say 'go 'za posting has been a thing for weeks you idiot

mmmmm so fucking delicious. I just wanna bathe in that yummy grease.

n e w

Any criticism about pizza makes you a pizza snob. Pizza is fucking pizza, regardless of quality it's fucking good. The only thing you can complain about is toppings like nasty ass olives or mushrooms. Any pizza to me is fucking excellent and I'm just happy to be eating pizza. Only a fucking normie cunt complains about pizza being "TO GREAASY" or "TOO DOUGHY". That vocabulary just doesn't exist for me, it's fucking pizza I see it I'm gonna eat it. I even like the school pizzas from way long ago, the square ones. Fucking superb with a bit of ranch.

Where can I watch this 'za episode?

Aw fuck, that looks succulent.

Love me some 'za to be fair.

>not 'go'za

git gud or fuck up, cuck

I work in an expensive restaurant.

We get our chicken fingers from a bag.

i'd still eat it t.b.h

that isnt a chicago style pizza you fucking idiot

You're alone on everything, Opie.

>current year
>not liking mushrooms and olives
What a faggot

what's za?

Was there ever an episode where he didn't absolutely hate the food at the beginning??

What do you guys think about my deep dish 'za

It's literally meatballs swimming in cheese and oil, and that's the THIN CRUST.

the grease helps it slide down through your system


fucking gross

chicago 'pizza' isnt pizza, its a fucking casserole

Looks like a nice 'go 'za

There was one episode where he likes the soup, but hates everything else. Then in the UK version he goes to some soul food place where he says the food is great

As a former Dough Master, the yeast wasn't fully risen when it was cooked...

how many foods have the letters "za" in their name
how many foods are in ops pic
there must be some kind of relation

You don't know what 'go 'za is, kid.

there'll never be an in & out in your country.

So you're admitting that your food is overpriced shit?

I'm sorry you tragically lost your taste-buds long ago but most of us still have them and can discern shit pizza from good pizza.

Ever since I fucking saw this episode when it first aired, there's been on question that's haunted me that I've NEVER been able to find an answer to:

If that is indeed the thin crust, what the fuck does the thick crust look like?

no, you dont know what it is
its supposed to be used to mock chicago style pizza by calling anything roughly bowl shaped and filled with something red 'go 'za. calling a normal pizza 'go 'za doesnt make any sense

don't like 'za?

Do you prefer 'gers, 'cos, 'rritos, 'ros, 'babs or 'wiches?

All I can think of is zucchini

Like that but thicker

i fucking hate 'gers

I think it looks pretty disgusting desu

This however, looks fantastic

>nice restaurant

>kids menu

You Middle Americans are funny

Even the shittiest looking food in this show makes me hungry just because of the way Gordon holds and eats it.

That's 'zu, dumbass

Would you like it if Gordon held and ate you?

post you're 'go'za spoons bros.

This is mine. It was a gift from my Polish grandmother who live in 'Go all her life. I'll prize this spoon until the day I feast on my last 'cago'za

/ck/ here. Stick to pizza rolls and olive garden, flyover.

no its zu' retard

>needing utensils to eat 'go 'za


>he eats premium 'za with his fingers

uncouth swine 2bh.

what does go stand for

at what thickness does 'za stop being 'za and turn into a casserole?

what about bread thickness. what if the dough is 3cm thick and the sauce plus cheese is only 2mm thick? what if the opposite is true

would a NY style pizza made for godzilla be considered deep dish for an average sized human?


someone's never had crab leg 'go'za before

I bet you don't even dip your 'za in Mayo

you cant dip something with a spoon. it becomes a dunk at that point

DUDE, you get to pay 10x the price for 1/4th the food! It's great!

chicaGO pizZA


ah, true. when we eat 'go 'za at my in-laws they insist on dunking the entire 'za in their living room mayo vat and then we spoon the 'za onto our plates from there

there is literally nothing wrong with burgers

>europeans will never know this feel

it didnt even show the climax of washing it down with a milkshake

Nice and moist


This guy was either just fired or just hired/promoted

American pizza looks gross. Just put as much cheese as possible.

Don't talk about food Muhammad.

everyone who says 'za is a fucking cuckold


Or maybe he just got out of prison?

t. reddit

flyover detected


It's the pizzapasta again


memes aside, can we all stop pretending Aubrey Plaza is attractive?

>Aubrey Plaza
She's a pretty go' 'za brah