How do we save Sup Forums?
How do we save Sup Forums?
ban the "for you" meme. It's meaning was clear in the movie.
The brutal murder of Niggerwood
Get this hothead outta here
cucks and pedos are the cancer that's killing Sup Forums
Nice dubs.
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums and all its run off boards
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums
ban /fit/
ban wannabe Sup Forums(aka Sup Forums)
ban the game of thrones general since they don't keep themselves quarantined like the agreement said when they begged for that trashy /soc/ thread
ban mobile network posting from the site/make it only people with a Sup Forums pass can post from mobile networks
give youtube its own board
block european isp/ips from posting certain hours
a good amount of Australia can't post on Sup Forums because of that one guy so do the same here
convince hiro to do that thing where the site doesn't show up on google results or if possible just for Sup Forums
trial board: /superheroes/ or /film/
This and the mods.
Delete Sup Forums
Im not even kidding. The cancer will go back to Sup Forums and Sup Forums where they came from.
for you
>nice dubs
Why not just try reddit?
Do you mean post baneposting tv/ ?
Sup Forums is fine the way it is
Memeing underage retards and /got/ redditors are the cancer killing this board.
Off yourself faggot phone poster.
If you pull that off it will die.
That'd imply current Sup Forums has moderation.
Just avoid the obvious cuck and pol threads and you should be fine.
Rangeban Australia and the Netherlands.
Ban Sup Forums
Ban Sup Forums
Ban Sup Forums
Remove /got/ general
Create /cel/
Make Sup Forums a nsfw board so that interracial porn is allowed