been dating for months

> been dating for months
> she starts dropping hints shits serious
> talking marriage, kids, interior design
> im down

> show her death grips
> she stops listening after 10 seconds
> "it's fine if you like this, sweetie, but i don't like this"

> how should i break up with her

Other urls found in this thread:

I can say with 100% certainty that you've never had a girlfriend

I took my gf to see them in October and she had a legitimate panic attack

You don't have a girlfriend

fuck her in half

>been dating for months
>show her madvilliany
>she likes it
>show her money store
>'I think it'd be better if we saw different people, user'

You've never dated anyone

m i s s i o n
a b o r t


Seriously, that's a huge red flag, why would you be down with that shit OP?
If I wasn't 100% sure you never had a gf, that's what I would ask you.

>likes death grips
>has gf
