Unpopular opinion Thread

Unpopular opinion Thread

I'll start: Pizza with pineapple ( Hawaiian style ) is delicious

Other urls found in this thread:


I like pineapple, but I prefer cheese pizza.

Women look stupid in high heels.
Quit walking around on your toes, dumb bitches.

I like cheese pizza with extra rats.

Nice young juicy prepubescent rats.

jet fuel can melt steel beams


Sage goes in all fields


>jet fuel can't melt steel beams
>Trump will usher in a new American golden age
>The Electoral College is better than Direct Democracy

>Unpopular opinion thread
>Posts an incredibly popular opinion.

Most pizza places don't even serve ANCHOVIES. A KNOWN pizza topping for over one hundred years, but EVERY pizza place serves pineapple. If it wasn't popular do you really think they'd waste walk in space on it?


being attracted to traps does not make you gay

Liking traps makes you gay


thank you

reddit is far superior to 4chin

hi, faggot. i'm user. :)

I concur. It is delicious. I was a hater for a long time.

raw pork is delicious.

Reddit is like Totse Lite which makes it at least 500x better than Sup Forums for anything other than lulz

have you got said pic?
ginger lass with a white rat sitting on her shoulder?

All women are inherently evil

Just drop some Worcester sauce on top. You can do it with cheese toast too.

It's good shit, fam.

inherently destructive, stupid. The whole reason they exist is to see what man doesn't break under pressure and mate with him.

It's the only pizza I like.

trump is a faggot
fapping to traps means you're a faggot
people spamming bananas are ruining Sup Forums
normi porn is ruining Sup Forums
hitler was a sensetive man

spinach is top food when ur poor

there's other greens. swiss chard, kale, watercress. unless you mean canned shit. either way, good on you

1. North should've let South secede.

2. England / France started WW2 to stay the big boys in Western Europe.

3. WW2 ended with the world in actual danger of an aggressor conquering it . . . Stalin!

4. Ozone is valid alt med because it does not rely on batshit insane hypotheses to work. And it works.

5. There is an ethical case to be made for veganism / PETA.

6. Biggest problem with atheism / skepticism is atheists / skeptics: it's mostly a thing people latch onto to feel clever w/o having to be intelligent.

7. Society likes prison rape: people view it as the ultimate deterrent to crime. That's why they LOVE jokes about it.

8. #7 is indicative of a truly sick society.

9. Teens SHOULD be having sex (with other teens). The alternative today is to be a loner jerking his cock so hard that when you get pussy it feels like fucking a bucket of warm water.

10. Objectivism / Randian philosophy is for people who HATE uncertainty; it's not intellectually rigorous, but gives it's proponents a comforting black n white view of the world.

Wow, you're a fucking retard.

Truly, you have a dazzling intellect. Go back to posting about trannies, pizza toppings, and video games, lil child.

that's a standard topping
people who don't like pineapple on pizza are either "purist" fags who refuse to try anything adventurous with the pizza or just plain picky eaters
it's not an unpopular opinion

here's an unpopular opinion
sauerkraut is good on pizza

ewww, pizza with pineapple

video related

That bait was a compliment from a stranger who may be more thought out than you. he's testing your emotional capacity. But you're here so you know that. You gonna keep dancing with him?

I prefer Cheese Pizza..............

Niggers are the Master Race

Most of these are correct

You are a smart person

American pizza is so far divorced from Italian pizza as to be a completely different dish
so an Italian isn't qualified to comment on American pizza

I like you. have some milf tits.

M with the O D S !!!

Appreciated, although remember not to like people just because they agree with you

If you don't then grand

This. And OP is al fag.

That guy who got his mom to blow him is a hero among heroes.
> had the guts to ask her for it
> convinced her to do it
> actually got it up for her (not easy fantasy vs reality)
> actually busted a nut from it (not as easy as it sounds)
> posted the audio for us all

listen on m-less. 02B9856