FemiNAZI Agenda #Ghostbusters protest

#Ghostbusters hashtag on Twitter really needs more feedback from 4Channers. The Sup Forums community is really letting itself down by letting Fatcats in Hollywood dictate the FemiNazi agenda for the next generation. 4Channers should do what is in their self-interest and let these misogynistic social justice warrioirs and FemiNAZI's in Hollywood know what they really think of this at #Ghostbusters on Twitter.

Other urls found in this thread:


Smells like a falseflag


Just annoyed more isn't being done when the FemiNAZI's and Social Justices get everything there own way and nothing gets done to swing the pendulum the other way.

Pick another term then. They all mean the same thing.

Laughing at the insecure manchild who can't accept the fact that this movie might actually be good


Pick another term then. They all mean the same thing.g

>mfw the new Ghostbusters ended up being better than Interstellar

RWM btfo

mods mods mods


I don't know if this is an edgy teenager or a false flag post, but either way OP is a faggot.

fuck off twitter kike

0/10 post, but we can save this thread by posting gold like this from the ghostbusters hashtag

So now that we all know that it's not terrible but not great either, does it have potential for schlock-kino?

fuck waiting for their review is gonna drag


Do you try to be this much of a faggot or did you just start sucking dick one day and never stop?


Your whole post reeks of false-flagging from tumblr, everything from your verbiage to your syntax.

just let it go

you lost

I'm just going to not see it, since I couldn't care less about Ghostbusters to begin with.


Why, greetings fellow 4channian! You certainly have your finger on the pulse of the young male generation. I just had to stop playing World of Warcraft to post a resounding YES to your post. I sincerely hope that we all get hyped and stick it to the City Hall as it is! Keep up the good work.

This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans. Bring it the fuck on.

fuck off deviant

if you want to protest, protest with your wallet

No literally. Find an outdoor hobby. You need some fresh air.

>IGN moderating comments
how the mighty have fallen

Fuck off no 4chanster is obligated to do anything to advance your agenda


IGN has been shit since like pre-9/11, pleb.

Hemsworth will make some of the scenes kino no doubt

Can you fucking stop repeating yourself. Ive read this post 3 times today from you.

Fuck off

I saw it. Its not terrible, but it is certainly not a good movie.
The best way to describe it is that it felt like those Scooby Doo live action movies, where the acting is kindof lame and the CGI is just so obnoxious to the point where only children can get anything from this and EVERYTHING that is important in the movie is CGI, the jokes are very drawn out and on the nose, its not much of a joke if you know the punchline as soon as they start talking its "If I shout really loud or say it in a deadpan manner thats funny" and "you go first, no YOU go first!" comedy, theres no set up and pay-off, every line IS the punchline, maybe I just dont find that kind of comedy funny but there it is, also brace for a sequel, its happening.

I have no desire to ever see it again despite laughing a few times, its very dry and artificial feeling. Remember the Hobbit movies and how you just couldnt get into what was happening? I got that feeling here, theres just way too much CGI and a story revolving around characters who are almost completely undeveloped past their first few scenes, then its punchline, punchline, punchline. Its just so sterile and lacks any character as a movie standing on its own legs and not a brand name.

go away reddit

reminder to report and sage

>she thinks this will work
Get your victimbux elsewhere ho


Go falseflag somewhere else you fucking nigger.


Shitredditsays you are so fucking embarrassing.

These threads are so fucking obvious.

Just kill yourself already.

>raw cock

Someone turn this into a copypasta, I'm on my phone.

I find it hard to believe that the reviews from people who had turned the movie into some bizarre political litmus test or used it as an opportunity to soapbox about "misogynist haters" are primarily based on the quality of the movie itself. It seems pretty predictable that someone who blames negativity towards the movie on misogynistic "ghostbros" or who already wrote articles supporting the movie months ago is unlikely to be negative.

For example, quickly looking at positive reviews and the other activity from the authors:

[Stephanie Zacharek (TIME)](archive.is/ugEXd)

The same author wrote this a month ago:

[Why Ghostbusters Is the Must-See Movie of the Summer Season](archive.is/VtCm2)

>The misogynist outrage over the Ghostbusters remake has made it essential viewing

How likely was someone who wrote that to give the movie a negative review?

[Barry Hertz (Globe and Mail)](archive.is/RqgzR)
>This reboot is a revelation – and it ain’t afraid of no misogynists

>Well, maybe not so much a mystery as just a dispiriting reminder that misogyny is alive and well on the Internet, where it can metastasize to gross extremes with zero justification. And for anyone eager to stand atop a pedestal to righteously proclaim that objections to a new Ghostbusters simply stem from a frustration with Hollywood exploiting adolescent nostalgia, well, where are all the virulent Internet campaigns against, say, the new Ninja Turtles series?


>No, it is easy to see what the Ghostbusters furor is really about: angry, bored, women-hating men expending otherwise untapped energy mining their own feelings of social inadequacy in a toxic bid for attention.

[Nigel M. Smith (Guardian)](archive.is/fnImI)

>Ghostbusters review: call off the trolls – Paul Feig's female reboot is a blast

Shockingly the guy that's been complaining about "haters" for months before seeing the movie thinks the haters were wrong.

>Can't wait - and screw the haters: New Ghostbusters trailer nods to controversy over race and gender

>F*ck the haters - this new #Ghostbusters trailer has me psyched:

>It doesn't need to - women & gays will make it a hit: #Ghostbusters targets male viewers w/ new NBA ads

[Manohla Dargis (New York Times)](archive.is/HxVdi)
>Girls rule, women are funny, get over it.

[Joshua Rothkopf (Time Out)](archive.is/RQMl8)

>I actually think the #Ghostbusters concept works better as "nerd girls vs mansplainers" instead of "blue-collar schlubs vs the EPA."

[Alison Willmore (Buzzfeed News)](archive.is/ZGY5E)
>Remaking this beloved film with women as leads is an act revolutionary enough to attract the ire of legions of Ghostbros insisting that the very concept will warp time and space to retroactively ruin their childhoods.

[Robbie Collin (Daily Telegraph](archive.is/H4seo)

[Previous article:](archive.is/SNrRP)
>Forget the sexist naysayers, says Robbie Collin - if the first trailer is anything to go by, this all-female reboot will be every bit as fun as the 1984 original

>Yes yes but when is it MALE Ghostbusters Day?

[Devin Faraci (Birth.Movies.Death)](archive.is/yxZAH)

One of his previous articles on it:

[The Soft Sexism Of Hating On The New GHOSTBUSTERS](archive.is/nHCgQ)

On twitter:

>@devincf If it's good, that's awesome. But this opinion that if anyone says the movie looks bad they are automatically sexist is crazy

>@BoustanuA it's not crazy. It's true.

>@devincf why?

>@BoustanuA I don't know why you're sexist. Probably because girls don't like you.

absolutely destroyed!!

Is this real?

>when reddit tries to fit in

This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans. Bring it the fuck on.


>professional critics

This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans. Bring it the fuck on.

You probably won't be able to force it. Too much of a pain to read.

This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans. Bring it the fuck on.

This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree.
Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks.
Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it.
I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise.
It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison.
It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world.
It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool.
We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans.
Bring it the fuck on.

capped for post-release shitstorm threads