Hey anons, so where's the full vid of this crazy gurl?

Hey anons, so where's the full vid of this crazy gurl?

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any nudes of her ??

why wasn't enough people telling her how beautiful she was? this could've been so easily avoided.

because she's fucking ugly

try theync if it hasen't been taken down yet.

i watched it out of an abnormal morbid curiosity, why do you want to watch it?

She's twelve moron. Legal and healthy limit for asking that is 14.

No, she was 12.

12...that's a bit old for me

Pic related

Abnormal morbid curiosity. I checked theync. Why the fuck are they taking it down?

kinda feel bad for her, according to her other social media and videos she was living a piss poor life, might have done the same.


And what does the FBI have to do with this?
Its not sex so what are those pieces of shit are complaining about?

well, she is a minor.

try that



>she was living a piss poor life

so does 3/4 of the world and i don't see them hanging from trees

That's murica for you. A 12 year olds nipple is worth a lifetime of jail but one killing herself is just fine to watch

there is nothing in there motherfucker, what are you talking about? >(

it's relative

it's sad, looks at her eyes. she was gorgeous.

As if you'll ever get anyone half as cute as she was

Op here. Ive watched nao. Poor little brave girl.
Piss poor camera work tho.

I would have rescued her =(. Provided her with a decent life, waited until she was 16, and then made her mine.
This is sad. =(

I died a little bit watching this


And what the fuck does it matter that she's a minor?
I thought that fucking retardedness mattered only on sexual stuff.

About the only thing she had going for her was facial symmetry. Otherwise, she looked kinda like a toad. Still waiting for webm of suicide.

not trying to justify it, just stating why it got removed


hete to u DELETEbestgore.com/suicide/young-girl-livestream-suicide-hanging-liveme-app/

$10 says some faggot will include the word 'delete' and complain about it not working

And offered her a bowl of eggs?



I watched her other videos last night. This was really sad. She didn't seem like an attention whore at all, she seemed very nice and incredibly patient with the way-too-many baby siblings her parents had running around that dumpster of a home.

Good kid dealt a horrible hand in life :(

>hete to u DELETEbestgore.com/suicide/young-girl-livestream-suicide-hanging-liveme-app/
doesn't work

She also developed mental problems, well clearly, everyone has a breaking point, why couldn't she just run away I don't know

It's super depressing.

Yeah, there is no way I could have lived in that house without going insane.

looks like she lived in bumfuck Alabama, and when you are 12 that is a scary option.

according to her soundcloud page she was raped by her stepfather, probably scared her off trying to seek help with other people.

the only option left is suicide.

He's trying to bypass the spam filter you tard, although it doesn't really catch it



If we were allowed to sell young girls into slavery and own them as property she never would have killed herself and had a home/life.

Fuck sake, the Islamic state has the right idea. The west is moribund.

Polock, or however you spell it, county Georgia mom was a pill popper step-father deserves death, she did have an aunt who is trying to take away her siblings now.

:( too precious for this world

camera work is cinematic, tragicaly beautiful

Jesus fuck. I have been on Sup Forums since it beginning and this is honestly the first thing that has ever bothered me. That poor girl wasn't given a fair or fighting chance.

>implying this is all true

not all true sure, but it fits

brother you ain't kidding. the pain in her voice. the way she just went and hung herself from a frigging tree.

if the Taliban wanted us dead the way this poor girl wanted herself dead, North America would've been a smouldering crater 10 years ago.

she looks like a young Kelly Bundy

yeah, kinda does.
she could've looked just like her when she got older.
It's just sad when this happens, I mean it's one thing for them to flip out and kill people, but to kill themselves is just totally sad.

I often wonder in instances like this, if they think they'll just simply pass out and wake up in a hospital room with everyone around them?

totally agree with that. seen a lot but this has actually disturbed me. Too smart for her own age i feel.


i think the explanation that makes the most sense to me comes from David Foster Wallace. Paraphrasing: people who jump out of windows of burning buildings don't want to die so much as they want to stop suffering from being cooked alive. although emotional pain is less obvious than being trapped alongside a fire, the decision-making process, at that point, is similar.

from the way her voice sounded before she died she certainly sounded in pain. i wish it wasn't the case but i don't think anybody could've saved her at that point.

Not exactly the same thing.

CP is suppressed because allowing it creates demand which hurts kids.

Nobody is clamoring to see depressed girls kill themselves.

yeah, that makes sense too.

rip sweet girl