Any movies like this?
Any movies like this?
Did they arrest that cunt?
Looks like Fallout armor 2bh
Boyz n the Hood
i'd hogtie that beautiful negress and carry her home for questioning
>Fat cop.
plz don't be america
I want to lick her back
That is like the most powerful moving image I have ever seen. It literally makes you think.
desu she was probably counting on someone to take her picture it almost looks staged.
"OMG@! i'm gonna be like that chinaman with the tanks! LOL"
ps protesting is retarded and nobody cares about dins.
>plz don't be america
Where else would that picture be from?
Those would have made killer 80's era future cop/robot/solider/assassin costumes.
>need 2 highly armored cops to subdue a skinny niggress in a dress
if they're gonna crack down at least go for the ones smashing cars
>people are unironically comparing this picture of some presumptuous bitch getting cuffed to the tiananmen square photo
She's quite hot for an ape
You have good taste for a retard.
>Tiananmen square has always been my "cry in the shower" meme thought.
>Just see this.
There wasn't anyone smashing cars at that time
The cops were out in full force and said that anyone on the street would be immediately arrested
She walks out onto the street
>gets arrested
>Tiananmen square
>guy most definitely taken away and shot in the back of the head immediatelyat some secret prison
>This pic
>they just cuff her and let her go later
Fucking pathetic
they're actually backing away from her nasty stench
Sounds like a typical attention seeker whore
Was getting caught part of her plan?
Damn, that's one powerful Queen.
nice staged photo
really made me think
of courshe!
>people are surprised about brexit
Look at the mess that is usa. Thats the goal of eu
Why do our cops look like they're about to have to fight an alien menace?
Stay over your side of the street, nigger.
Not only that, the tank photo came from a point in the protest/massacre when tanks had already been used to run over and kill protesters. The man stood there with full knowledge that he was probably going to die a horrible death, yet he stood there nonetheless.
>Implying that the PLA literally let the guy go
>Implying that Tienanmen protestors weren't a bunch of violent rioters who burned innocent PLA soldiers alive
Fucking brainwashed pigskin NEET
in the video he gets away. not to say he wasnt rounded up and shot soon after
>fucking pathetic, she wasn't shot in the back so I could mention her decades later while dismissing the same kind of protester
How is the wi-fi in Chinese government buildings, Chan?
>breaking curfew now gets you arrested in america
whoa............. land of the free......................
>Soldiers burned alive
[Citation Needed]
>same kind of protester
Do we have a name? Want to look her up and fap to her pics.
fuck off Sup Forums
>peaceful black woman minding her own business
>violent white pig cops violently arresting her
Hmmmm..... really makes you think huh?
staged as fuck
Is this just an excuse to talk about race on a television forum?
Yo, the government's own estimates place the civilian death toll at like 300, with 20 being cops and soldiers. Sounds like a massacre to everyone else in the world except PRC gents paid to shill on an imageboard
>causing public disturbance and disobeying authorities
>not the same kind of protester
What, every single protester needs a shot or else they don't count? You call those rioters.
Epic bait.
>inb4 lele how am i wrong doe xD?
all these protesters seem more interesting in themselves than any cause, the cause is just a tool for self promotion. "Gonna go protest better wear my best dress and make up"
can someone shoop her into some TDKR scenes
this is just too epic. very Nolan-esque
How am I wrong, though?
>Have a feeling we are getting a glimpse of what will be in future history books
>Look at her posture! She is balanced, powerful, upright and well grounded with both feet firmly planted on the earth
>All that armour and weapons and they still look like they’re more afraid of her than she is of them
I am literally in tears from this beautiful and powerful image.
Kino shot 2bh lads
What a time to be alive.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums = Butblasted Coppers or their long suffering kids.
Tienemann Square guy was prob tortured shot and buried in a ditch with the million other victems of communism.
She prob was let go and will go on Tv and get free gifts like clockmed for this forced pic.
>Tienanmen square guy protested a communist regime that literally murdered millions of its own citizens
>This girl is protesting two deaths, one of a criminal, where the investigations of the Copa are still on going
>Oh and 5 innocent cops were hunted since them in the same night
What a brave woman, risking being escorted a couple feet away and mildly scolded
>and nobody cares about dins
clearly people care if it's popular enough for you to bitch about
Wasting my life here for garbage memes
SUCH a beautiful name. PREACH IT KWEEN
If you can't deal with corruption in your own ranks don't be surprised when the people you hold power over take action against you.
How will play her in the guaranteed to win best picture bioptic-kino of 2017.
>communist regime
Also Tank Man was most likely killed, or at least he knew that he could have been.
This young woman maybe spent a few hours in a comfy cell.
they should color her in. Kinda racist picture tbqh
What are you implying?
>beautiful negress
>quite hot
Damn, the resistance looks like THAT?
police brutality and corruption is still a thing you know
they have too much immunity with the law if an armed citizen wants to protect themselves against them because they are an organization that knows the ins and outs of the law
Don't get me wrong, having cops around an area really does make an area feel safe from criminal activity, but there are always cases in which they have too much power over your average citizen
Many times events are escalated from bad police training and incompetence
10/10 Would racemix with.
He thinks they're "not real communism"
The face of the resistance. Stand with her!
I'm fucking done. If she held that posture while a couple clubs were coming down, sure. No, she just got shuffled aside and probably didn't even receive a fucking fine
>Many times events are escalated from bad impulse control from dindus
Fixed that for you. No thanks needed; just pay it forward.
What did she mean by this?
An old friend of mine (Before he went batshit insane) staged a protest in college sat in the middle of a busy intersection to protest something about police or some nonsense, and he had the exact same look like "What the fuck, look at how oppressed I am. I'm being ARRESTED for sitting in the middle of the road like what the fuck!?"
I don't understand these people at all.
is it true that most police in the US carry a 'drop piece' for if they accidentally shoot someone and need to make it look like they were under attack?
I recognize some of those clips actually and a few of them are justified and not all of them are cops. At least 2 were security guards and one of them I remember being a cop punching out a guy who was pulling a gun out.
Some of those are bad though and not justified but thats a very misleading video dude
Corrupt ones maybe, not as a standard practice. Sounds like something from the 70s
I got it from /k/
I'm still against the militarization of cops but thanks for telling me why it's misleading
Are you fucking retarded?
If you want to believe that than yes. But mist cops go their entire careers without having to pull their guns. Fuck I hate the media.
> Implying full riot gear doesn't add 50 lbs
Granted it's 50lbs of batter/knife resistance but still 50lbs
one of the biggest threats that cops today talk about is how they are always being filmed with camera phones, some states have even passed laws making it illegal to film LEO. Which is strange since they are public officials that uphold the law and are sworn to defend the lives of others.
because your cops were literally sniped days earlier while trying to make sure black protesters could protest and so white rich kids weren't raped
Yes, there's even cases of them planting drugs, american cops are basically the most disgusting thing that happened to USA
jesus you fucking baby raised on tv, worse than slavery and the poor indian's defeat?
Look at the one on the right. The dude's face on the left is folding over the helmet straps.
>Black peeps are getting shot boyyys
Someday someone's going to get killed doing retarded shit like this, and then the news is going to be a shit storm and the communist media will report that peaceful protests were mowed down like sheep by evil conservatives in their cars
>dumb americans completely miss the point of civil disobedience
Sup Forums had boxxy.
Sup Forums now has this hot cocoa goddess. I never thought we'd find another queen in my lifetime. I can die a happy man.
>Look at her posture! She is balanced, powerful, upright and well grounded with both feet firmly planted on the earth
it just makes me think she's spoiled and entitled like most american nigs. This isn't brave, just stemming from the same place where she thinks it's racist if someone ells her to be quiet when she's loudmouthing in a theater
Enlighten me. What is the point of civil disobedience, especially when the mainstream media 100% agrees with you, and the leader of the country apologizes profusely every time this happens and promises to have stricter regulations and restrictions on police officers every time this happens?
no one misses the point of you tarding out hoping to get attention. they're just amazed that you're so indignant and entitled while doing so
Because they haven't been since papa Mao died? They've very obviously been state capitalist since Xiaoping's reform in '78.
>not all women are born queens
>we're not all equal
niggers are such unending evil
Why are the cops dancing?
What the fuck is going on in this pic?