Well RT and critics confirmed finally that they are complete shills nail in the coffin we absolutely can't trust these guys for valid opinions.
Well RT and critics confirmed finally that they are complete shills nail in the coffin we absolutely can't trust these...
Be quiet Snyderfag. You just can't accept true kino
It was obvious when TFA got so much love granted how poor it was.
No shit, Sherlock.
I think most of us have known this for a long time now. The scores on marvel capeshit versus non-marvel capeshit are a dead giveaway.
see that "top critics" link? Click it.
This is the first time I've posted on this subreddit despite lurking since it's beginning, but I just can't hold it in any longer.
What the actual fuck is wrong with people anymore? From what I've seen, this movie is so incredibly offensive and poorly done it looks like something one would expect from a pretentious art house flick, not a major film studio with a pedigree. Big names from across the industry and even further are piling onto this pile of shit defending it and saying it's the best thing ever while insulting every naysayer with ad hominem and strawman attacks. Just look at what they did to James Rolfe for just saying he wasn't going to review it. I'll have to watch it myself before I can legitimately criticize it, but I have zero expectations.
This isn't a movie at all, but a thinly veiled man-bashing political statement in a poorly made disguise. It's a disgrace to the original, which looks like Citizen Kane in comparison. It'll probably make The Room look like a masterpiece.
All I know is that I'm fucking offended by this shitty movement as a multi-ethnic intellectual gay man who has actually experienced actual prejudice and racism in the real world. It's fucking cancer, infecting every bit of media that I cherish, filling the minds of some of my friends with its sickness, and tainting the creative gene-pool. We need a strong dose of Chemo to rid ourselves of this regressive bullshit before it's too late. And let me tell you, it really feels like the end is fucking nigh.
Let it all burn.
And now, my body is ready for all those subreddit bans. Bring it the fuck on.
I wouldn't call it love
Having actually read a lot of the reviews the general consensus seems to be that it's just alright. Its not spectacular or increadible, just alright. The amount of reviews saying it's the best thing ever are equal to the ones saying it's trash
But Sup Forums can't accept middle ground opinions so ya know
>make movie with mostly female cast
>automatically get +70%
brb off to con some studio with a female fight club/oceans 11
To be fair, the over use of CGI in the start for scenes that should have been just normal sets, and some of the anime shit that they never bothered to explain (the family has a monkey they treat as another son) are kinda off putting on the first viewing. I still really like it though.
That and Jurassic World have BS amounts of good reviews
>female fight club
Jesus christ
> the critics are shills because I KNOW the movie is bad even though I haven't seen it
Yeah, get fucked idiot
the problem is that it is total trash, but thats "sexist" to write
I'm sure you'll trust them just fine when your favorite movie in the next year gets a good score. When you have no other way to articulate your confusion about why other people's opinions front align with your own but to claim its some kind of a mass conspiracy of culture-twisting leftists working alongside corporate media to pay off dozens of Internet movie critics you're not better off than flat earthers.
>i dunno if its a woman thing or a race thing....
>say hello to my little friend
proof is here
>antifa posting on Sup Forums
Why are you extremely retarded cuckholds even here?
There are negative reviews that were written by women user
forgot pic
>Average rating 7.2 out of ten
Don't be fooled by percentages
Sup Forumstard tears are delicious
>broad and progessive
>that pic
Looks like a typical reaction to black person smell.
unavailable for me.
1/4 richard roeper
Yeah, and they're going to be dogpiled by sjw bitches, foaming at the mouth with buzz sentences like "she's an internalized misogynist following the patriarchy!" and demanding they edit their reviews or face being defamed by the media.
... i really don't understand how that could be possible
The people saying that aren't professionals payed for their opinions so I doubt the reviewers will give a fuck about what others think (like most reviewers)
>neglected to develop a coherent storyline
ad blockers n shit
This scene is more powerful than the tank one, pol btfo.
Not when the consensus is that the film's not great
>female fight club
They ought to make a film about women working on Wall Street. In order to blow off steam, they rape and murder manchilds NEETs on autism bucks.
Female james bond is my favorite.
>basically a C+
metacritic should be the norm
basically a white boi's A-
I agree
Based metacritic blown the fuck out of Sup Forumsedditors and their videogame sensibility
spotted the nigger
Maybe the movie is actually good? The reviews make it sound very fun
they pretty much only use top critics
Funny... I could shop in Obama for Trump, and swap the MAGA hats for 'Hope N' Change' and the comic would be even more accurate.
lol not gonna read that
this is your face right now
Review by drunks
https:// youtu.be/x1W3N8bPrGM
So I guess that's all modern film critics care about anymore right?
The profession needs to either have a re-birth, or die out. It is entirely useless and any skill there once was has died with the internet.
>image.jpg redditor is here again
Don't you have a city to be rioting in?
What are you top 10 films of all time you fucking plebeian?
List them if you're going to step up like that you coward redditor
my dick would like that 2bh
Let's see, in no particular order:
>The Dark Knight
>The Emigrants
>How to Train Your Dragon
>Fanny and Alexander
>Song of the Sea
>Sunset Boulevard
>Interstellar (its divisive...still, I don't give a fuck)
Perhaps not the 'patrician' list you think I need to have to make my point, but that's that.
P.S. I'm not a film critic -- I expect more from people who judge movies for a living. Films can be fun, but if that's all it has going for it then it isn't a good movie imho.
Critics who nitpick movies with legitimate effort put into it while giving stupid films a pass because they are "fun" disgust me and only hasten the demise of the industry as we slip further down the slide of unoriginality and blandness.
Not with the hags/hambeasts they'd cast.
Ok you're literally a reddiтor. I think you can fuck off now, nobody wants to read that shit anyway.
It's shit like this I really just want to rage quit and call that person an "it."
If it can even be called a person.
So it's "Reddit" to expect more from film critics than "dude, so much fun lol?"
Strange, judging a movie on levels of fun sounds much more in line with what Reddit would do.
Good pasta
It's a pretty reddit to legitimize the demands of retards who want to drag discussions away from coherent points about the topic being discussed and towards ad hom shit flinging, desu.
what the fuck does that even mean?
Refine your tastes past a seventh grade level before you try and chastise the whole "funxD" taste when you're just as low and entry level as them.
I watched this because Statham was in it.
I couldn't get over what a qt McCarthy ended up being, but the dialogue was awful.
Too many 'YOU'RE LIKE A x DURING A x' jokes.
I just checked and this was the score?
Dumb frog poster.
>handicapped is a gender identity
pretty much
This thread was right
If it pails in comparison to the originals, then what the fuck is the point of doing them to begin with?
>pails in comparison
Modern education.
This might actually be the best option. Let it get mediocre-ish reviews. Not fantastic, and not so horrible that people would be writing articles about it. Let it die quick and hopefully we won't hear anymore about it.
Nice tabs, user.