What do you think the average IQ of this board is, huh?
What do you think the average IQ of this board is, huh?
was he shooting at these dubs?
I'm just coming for those pics I took of your daughters sleeping Marty
What do you think the average IQ is, huh?
I do this everynight with your daughter. I turn of the light, and disappear into the night.
>I'm just here to grope your wife's fat ass Marty
What did he mean by this?
I'm just coming for my IQ scores, Marty
too high
bout tree fiddy
there's a chart of all Sup Forums boards and the average iq for each board. Sup Forums's average iq is apparently 118
How that is possible, I do not know, considering the retarded shit I see here.
Why did Rusty Mason mow Leuming Shados lawn?
Honestly I would not be surprised by intelligent people being on Sup Forums, this place just has a groupthink way that makes people act stupid like those around them.
I honestly come here for the relative discussion, but also the retardation. I mostly lurk though.
Burnt out after spending a day dealing with more intelligent matters, what better place to come to unwind than this mental wastewhole?
these digits
>Sup Forums: place where smart people go to act like idiots
>redd-it: place where idiots go to act like they're smart
id say like 104 mostly due to positive borderline outliers
gradually declining over time and into the double digits a bit too often at any given moment
iq is a meme tho
The Lebron's!?
as a frequenter of Sup Forums I'd say it's fairly high.
There are some in depth discussions I see here that often get over my head.
I occasionally hang on Sup Forums as well and I feel like a fucking genius. Which is funny considering I'm literally retarted when it comes to sports.
>IQ is a meme tho
low IQ user here, are you basically saying intelligence can be 'taught'
i'm just coming for your wifes iced tea marty
iq is literally a meme. iq is a human invention used to the best of it's own ability to measure intelligence, and it measures only a certain form of intelligence (math and spatial ability). I've known very smart people who are terrible at math and got average iq results, and I've known very stupid people except they're brilliant at math and have a gifted level iq (140+)
>taking middle eastern manscaping board memes seriously
wew lad
there actually be some good troll jobs on reddit. Must be 4channers infiltrating
>Retarded shit i see here
It's all ironic dude, learn the difference.
I'm pretty certain Sup Forums's average IQ is a lot higher that sites like Facebook or Twitter. Although that's not saying much, Sup Forums isn't just the "outcasts cave" a lot of people seem to think.
no, but that is also true, what im mostly saying is the "scale" and criteria are arbitrary and kinda dumb, very incomplete attempts at quantifying a badly weighted idea that is not true to its implications at all. blowing through a pattern recognition aggregator that only even measures a subset of the mediums in which pattern recognition is applicable is a laughably embarrassing way of judging "intelligence".
some tests are better than others, but the very existence of variety reveals part of the flaw. and none i have taken feel anywhere close to acceptable in regards to doing justice to the idea.
it is usually pretty close to accurate in the low-mid range. unfortunately.
I'm just coming for these DUBS
Inteligence is a subjective and multi-facted concept. To me it can be improved through training and experience, education plays a big role in developing someone's inteligence
Intelligence is mostly innate. The ability to think critically and draw conclusions and the ability to problem solve is something that you're born with. Of course, it can be improved and maximized in terms of potential, but that's it.
If you're talking about becoming "book-smart", then anyone can do that. All you have to do is read a bunch of textbooks where actually smart people came up with solutions and memorize their solutions and then repeat them when you want to look smart. Of course you won't naturally have critical thinking skills, but you'll create the illusion that you do.
>but that's it
>"natural" (implying)
literally 115 iq starter pack: the post
t. booksmart retard
You must be very very delusional to think that is true.
>There are some in depth discussions I see here that often get over my head.
Nope, never happened. Not once.
I used to think that my intelligence was average at best until I started working in a warehouse. Now I feel like a genius compared to my peers.
well because of POL and le REDDIT we are probably down in the single digits
a bunch of racists being here aren't helping us
>its a "he's ambivalent about potential because he's an underachiever" episode
the cognitive dissonance goes away if you stop trying to lie to yourself. this is a near universal truth, btw. or at least it probably is at your level.
watch closely as the above average guy continues to suggest im a booksmart retard, unknowingly far from the truth
Marty outclassed the fuck outta Rust in that fight.